February 12th, 2017 … Ricoh GRII

There are times that one, well me, or you must fight off the energy that tries to slow us down or even detract us from the reality of our work. I’m not talking about the internal stuff that we all have to address or even cameras and such. The thing is, even if people don’t chat about things, those things are alive anyway. Maybe we don’t address it but that does not negate the energy. So, the web is a blessing but also a monster in non-disguise. Now I’m not gonna talk about any of youse cause I know that youse all have it together, certainly more then me and I just need to air out my sane insanity.

So just think of this as entertainment and not like I’m passing on some learning’s. I can’t really pass on learning’s cause I forgot everything and can’t remember what I forgot so I don’t wanna bother my shrink so he can jar me poor brain and give it a restart. The hard drive is to old and don’t care anyway. Ok….

So instead of youse trying to learn or teach what I forgot or you forgot, I’ll keep this light, not light light but light light like weight but not really weight kinda thoughts weight. Sometimes, well alot lately when I make photos, I get excited as always but then I get into LR and start to select and work, things seem different then usual. I guess what I mean is that maybe I have stored preferences for photos. Well, don’t laff, we all do it’s just that I don’t know yours and I’m re-evaluating mine.  I kinda think these things become presets. On the shooting end, they are trigger mechanisms. Don’t get smug over there, every one has these. Oh yeah… for real. Then what happens is that when we get into post processing…. hold on. Whats pre processing? How can there be a post process without a pre-process. Where does the pre-process start and the post process start. If it’s post process, in my mind, that means after process. If it’s after process, when did I process.

All these things would drive normal people crazy. Luckily, for me, it’s all natural. I would like to chat with the pre, post process inventors so i have a clear understanding what cell they are in and make sure they don’t get out. Maybe this stuff doesn’t mean much to most and to the many, less then nothing. Well, I stand guilty about being a life long disciple of the entire photographic process.

To me, photography is not something I practice or aspire to do. Photography is life. Life is photography. I’m not judgemental about things. I just totally dismiss all those that are not serious and dedicated. Is that being judgemental? Don’t know, don’t care.

So, all these things and much more are living in my heart, soul and mind. These thoughts shed light on scenes and events that I want to make photos of. Some call this baggage and maybe, just maybe that’s correct. If that’s what you feel, I’m happy for you. It’s mot what I feel. I believe that photos come from inside and we seek to find them outside. Sure, maybe you go out and seek photos and look for inspiration out there, good… work on. The thing is, and I wrote something like this a while ago, that your work germinates inside and you look for it outside. Then you cultivate it it and reap the harvest.

The soil for your work is your eye, heart and mind. The energy for that soil is the life you have lived and how you wear that life. How you wear life is how you apply it to your existence. Your existence and all that ye shall be on ye planet Earth, will be summed up in your photos. Don’t believe me, I’m a crazy old shooter? Well, look at books, go to museums, study all that is in the past history. Those photos are what makes us believe that there is more to our life then living. What matters in the end is how others, yes those that follow your tracks, how they look back to what you planted for them.

Then, when it’s time…… Rest in peace my friends…. but not yet……………………………………………


4 thoughts on “February 12th, 2017 … Ricoh GRII”

  1. “The soil for your work is your eye, heart and mind. The energy for that soil is the life you have lived and how you wear that life. How you wear life is how you apply it to your existence. Your existence and all that ye shall be on ye planet Earth, will be summed up in your photos.”

    So true……..

  2. Love your thought on how the Pre-process and the Post-process tie in together. I know there are times when I am about to take a shot and in my mind I’m already seeing the post-processing that I am going to do to complete the image. I ran across a quote the other day – author unknown – but I thought I’d share it here. “We take photos as a return ticket to a moment otherwise gone” I know you have expressed this thought in one way or another in some of your blogs. Take care out there.

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