November 21st, 2014 … One Shot Per Shoot … (Gerry Suchy)






Here you go. I have been by this shoe shine stand in Union Station, Washington, DC dozens of times during the week and it’s always very busy and almost impossible to frame up a clean shot. This was on a early Saturday morning. Very little traffic and only one customer and one shoe shine man who was able to educate his customer about the art of the shine. The expressions on their face did it for me as well as the subtle light streaming through the skylights on the roof.
Focal Length 27mm
Shutter Speed 1/60 s
Aperture f/3.6
ISO/Film 1600
The other shot is from a trip to Brooklyn, NY over the Summer. This is the Brooklyn Heights Promenade that overlooks lower Manhattan. Everybody and their brother is after the post card shot of the skyline. I spotted this mom and her young daughter dressed up in this fairy princess outfit. I had no idea what this conversation was about but I captioned it. “Discussing the option of becoming an investment banker on Wall Street if the fairy princess thing doesn’t work out.”
Focal Length35mm
Shutter Speed1/400 s
Take care of yourself and thanks again.

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