April 4th, 2014 … Andre’ the X-Pro 1 * Meets * Garry the X-Pro 1 in the Think Tank TurnStyle 5

04-14-0004Olivier and his family are all sick. He’s down in the dumps and I am tied up with the VA and an Afghanistan Combat Vet that is having major PTSD issues. This requires a lot of back and forth traveling so I can pull my shift. So, between Olivier and I, not much is getting done on the Inspired Eye Homefront. We’ll be ok but we are falling behind. My interviews are slow, blog is slow, workshops on hold etc. What did happen is that I sent Olivier my XE1 and he’s in love with it. I could love it too but I noticed that when I used it, a lot of time passed before I picked up my XP1.

So, I’m glad Olivier digs the XE1 even tho he has yet to rename it. He sent me his XP1 because he doesn’t like the OVF as much as the EVF. This is common except for guys like me. I love the OVF and never use anything else on the camera but the OVF. I had the camera in my hand for about 30 seconds and it told me it’s name was Garry but only I could know that because for it’s entire life, no owner has asked it’s name.

04-14-0014-EditSo what the heck do I do with 2 XP1’s? Easy, Andre’ of course uses the 23mm that acts like a 35mm. Garry is a little more versatile because he will use the 35mm that acts like 50mm something and the 18mm that thinks it’s a 28mm. What better way to change lenses? I picked up a Think Tank TurnStyle 5. I used this with an X-Pro 1 with the 23mm on, the 35mm and 18mm in separate dividers. I can fit 4 batteries, EF-X20 flash, a few batteries for that, Lenspen, micro fibre cloth, Acam 25 strap on the XP1. It converts from a sling to a waist pack very easy and it’s compact.

Well, I wanted to synchronize the 2 cameras. So I pulled Andre’ out and got both cameras thinking and acting the same. Then, the most wonderful surprise. I moved the dividers around and guess what? Andre’ has the 23mm, Garry has the 35mm, the 18mm sits on the flash and everything fits perfect. I do not use lenshoods. I only use them on Paid event shoots with flash or outdoors.

I gotta tell ya. This is an amazing outfit.


The way everything fits is beyond my scope of imagination. I never thought it possible.

Anyway, no excuse for not getting things done. Tomorrow I am off duty and the rain will keep me home bound. That means I have time to get caught up and do the dishes.

04-14-0036-EditThese are all just shots I made in travels around the city. Of course when I made them, sometimes my mind was not on the intent of the photo or moment but on the intent of keeping this soldier alive and in somewhat good spirits. He takes priority for the guys pulling watch duty and myself. So, if you don’t get these, no issues, I might not either but I think I do.

04-14-0041-EditThe streets are starting to come alive as the cold air warms, the sun gets warmer and stays out longer and the air smells of traffic, cigs, cheap perfume. Man, that’s life I tell ya and it damn sure makes a pretty picture! I can feel the juices flow in my veins. Nah, not from images but from stuff the VA pumps in me.

I think now that Spring has finally Sprung, I am actually ready for the task of finding photos and teaching others how to find theirs. Yeah, yeah…. Polly and Suzanne my Japanese Doctors are already booking spots. There’s others but I haven’t made any dates yet because I need to find my way with a camera bag with 2 cameras in it. I’m not used to that but something tells me, it ain’t gonna be hard to get used to it.

Tsk, Tsk, the HORROR….2 XP1’s! 04-14-0038-EditI am getting so used to the 23mm that it is almost my found Natural FOV. Yeah, I lost it years ago but now, I think it’s starting to embed itself in my firmware called the Brain. This of course also brings back decades of torment about using one camera. one lens. I did that since I was a kid. I only used 2 cameras on special occasions. Now that I’m older, I can fight with two cameras and if there’s any issues, I can blame it on old age.




8 thoughts on “April 4th, 2014 … Andre’ the X-Pro 1 * Meets * Garry the X-Pro 1 in the Think Tank TurnStyle 5”

  1. Good to see a post from you this morning. Missed em the last few days. Like the shot with the blue-green-orange decal in the window…mysterious mood about it. If you don’t use hoods do you use lens caps or filters? Good to hear spring has sprung in Philly. Woke up to about 7 inches of the white stuff here in Minneapolis this AM. But 60 is forecast for Tue or Wed. I’m itching to get out on the streets. Take care.

    1. Dave, Thanks. I used to use hoods with all my Leica glass many decades ago. Then one day a shooter from the Nations Capitol found me on the streets. He asked who I was shooting for. I asked him why he asked me that question. He stated, all Pros use hoods. At that very second I felt dirty and that money was the motive for working. I took the hoods off all my lenses and many decades later I had an epiphany.

      If I had used hoods all these years I’d feel like a pro and be rich and famous. By not using the hoods, I wasn’t like a pro and Mrs Shooter always complains about spending money on photography.

      Now that that’s off my chest, the best reason I can find for not using them is “Lenshood Blocking of the Parallax Procedures”. With the OVF on the XP1, I gotta fight for every inch of vision. Mrs Shooter has an issue about the every inch thing but that’s another story…….

  2. Sometimes we make images that we don’t “get” at first. There is truth to what Winogrand said about letting your images “cook” for awhile. Sometimes we espond too readily, or connect too personally with some images at first, and others get forgotten. Maybe we just had a great lunch and “Oh that red balloon over there looks great”, but we also photographed the crumpled donut in the hand of a person we just passed to get to the balloon. We get home and process the balloon image, because that lunch was oh so damn good. Weeks later we come across the donut image and realize, “What the heck was I thinking about that balloon?”.

    These are wonderful images Don. Part of your journey into spring. If one camera can get you there, great. If you need two, there is nothing wrong in that!

    Be well!

    1. Keith, thanks for your strong words and advice. I also believe that 2 cameras are great. (enter) the Russian wifey. She is not as understanding as you. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. So, instead of me arguing the case in the Shooter and Mrs Shooter household….I will direct her to you and state clearly that you are my advocate, supporter and camera acquiring mentor.

      Thanks Brother….great way to start the Spring rush.

        1. Keith, truth is…my wife doesn’t care anything about what I do. But it’s a better story to write about her like I do.

          It’s a good thing your wife feels similar.

          It’s said here in Philly that winter has passed and Spring has sprung…. but I ain’t buying that ……yet.

  3. I love the two flag shots, Don. One big and bold, the other dusty and dinky. I was reading a very good new novel lately by Willy Vlautin called ‘The Free’ about an Afghanistan veteran with PTSD, and the people around him. He attempts suicide and is stuck in a coma, where he lives out this dream of living in a dystopian America where people who aren’t fit to be soldiers are hunted down. The story mixes this with the lives of his carer and nurse just managing to scrape a living. It’s not exactly a cheerful read but it is quite moving in its sparse, matter of fact way.

    I have much respect for those who work with vets with PTSD. It needs to be understood more by the public.

    Hope Olivier and family gets well soon, I’ve also got a blinding cold! And don’t fret about Inspired Eye falling behind a touch, quality not quantity!

    1. Thanks Peter. I’ll seek and find the book. The reason I get called in on some missions like this is because I myself have PTSD. It’s not easy to cope with when your alone. It’s harder when your around family and others that don’t or can’t understand. Being around other Vets can mean one has a chance of getting diagnosed and treated. Of course there is no cure, just management.

      Thanks for your understanding from all…..

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