Cellograph Journal …. Page 4


If your a serious shooter, regardless of what camera you use…you still need to process it the best way to present your intent.

Yeah, yeah I know…Snapseed…bulldinky. The thing is, to process the image you captured on the phone with the phone is a fast lazy way to work. I know that I’ll catch static posting this but , I don’t care anyway.

2013-05-21 09.19.49

Ya got yer snapseeders, ya got yer instagram crowd, then there’s the Facebook groups and many more. I’m dealing with the shooters that want to really get their images and use a phone as the camera.

2013-05-22 07.54.06

I’m doing an article in the Inspired Eye magazine coming up soon. If your a cellshooter and would like to be featured in it, please contact me and we’ll have a chat. Look, I love my cameras, I really do. Fact is the iPhone 5 has the best screen of all of them. Then there’s that color thing….

2013-05-22 07.23.05

It’s Memorial Day Weekend here in the Colony. I’ll be around but I have Cemetery’s and Graves to visit.  Have a safe and productive weekend.



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