I will be soooo glad when Spring arrives in town. Well, today is March 20th, 2019 and here in Philly, it’s the first day of Springer…oppps, Spring.
The Ricoh GR III arrives by USPS today. I am excited as Ricoh makes a camera the way I think and feel. Anyway, I’m not writing too much cause I need to save the words for posting about the GR III.
If Tanya sees that photo above, all bets are off and I’ll be homeless like people I help on the streets I guess tomorrow starts the GR III posting.
Be blessed
Mister Don, you love your Ticohs, huh? I´d love to love mine. They´re great but invite far too much dust and smudge on the sensor, and no Hoovering helps. Hm. Good luck with yours and all the best!
Tommi, I have many Ricoh’s and by far they are my favorite camera. Not just for street and pedestrian but everything. I have the GR III and charging the battery.
Thanks, my friend…… don
You make me want to pull one of mine from the shelf, I think the GRD 4. And one can always erase the dust spots later. Looking forward on your photos.
Looking forward to your thoughts, Don. I am a GR (v.1) user too, with some 8000 clicks on the counter. Love it love love it. I’m curious to hear from you if an upgrade makes now sense (certainly it did not for the v.2). I hope low-light performance will have seriously improved, it was the real weak point of V.1. I’m not big on flash, so I’d not miss it (but many will!). And it’s fun to get close from time to time, and 6cm is far closer than 10!
Giovanni, I have more Ricoh’s than family or friends. I also had the GR and loved but there was a new way for me with the GRII. The GR III just arrived and the battery is charging.
Thank, much… more on the way.
Well, that was a teaser of a post. Look forward to seeing your first shots with the III and your thoughts.
Dave, thanks for the interest. I’ll post over the weekend.
So far, once I am past the hiccups, a fine camera.