September 8th, 2017 … One Shot Per Shoot … Leica M

Andre’ and I set out for a walk-a-bout in town. Now, just bear with me ok. Andre’ and I communicate telepathically and as we are walking around, we have conversations about making photos. See, I used to just walk with Andre’ and talk openly. See, I live in Philly and that behavior is kinda accepted. Now I have a doctor that tells me I can talk to anything just don’t let others and especially him know I’m doing it. So now I just talk with Andre’ telepathically and we get along fine.

I find it interesting how things off camera seem to effect me on camera. We were strolling thru Jeweler’s Row and I’ve seen this corner so many time over the past decades. I don’t really look at jewelry but I like to see people looking at jewelry. I don’t deliberately go and work on any particular theme or series. I like to just be free to make photos. Way back in early 70’s, I had a friend that told me I was good at social commentary. He called me the man on the street, the Philly photographer. Well, I searched in libraries and talked with people cause I hadn’t a clue what social commentary even was.

The point is, that we have things in our head and at times they will activate. When they do, you may or may not be receptive to the input. I learned thru the ages to pay attention to these things growing inside. What you learn is a part of what you are. What you are is a part of what you make photos of.

I’m not explaining the photo above. You either get it or you don’t.

5 thoughts on “September 8th, 2017 … One Shot Per Shoot … Leica M”

  1. Hi Don,
    This I like, what you’ve stated above “… I don’t deliberately go and work on any particular theme or series. I like to just be free to make photos…” and also, this “… you are is a part of what you make photos of …”.

    To me, they are also part of that INTENT you refer to …


  2. Hi don, really awesome photography. I could look at it all day. Would you consider making a post about post-processing? Some vital steps on how you process your images? It would be much appreciated and something all your readers and fans would love to see. Thank you, all the best.

    1. Georgia,
      Thanks for the comment and the suggestion. I will make some kinda post about my process.

      It will be up next week.
      Be blessed, don

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