Well, it happened. I so wanted to be a regular normal photographer. I wanted to make those real picturesque photos splashed in color and so pleasing to the eye. I wanted people to get google-eyed looking at them and ooh’s and ahh’s in abundance. How nice would it be to have people like the photos because they were a real reality of what I saw?
I planned for a long time how I would make photos at the parade.Oh yeah, don’t think that I didn’t really have a game plan. I damn sure did. I changed my name to John Doe Tourist and was into the swing of things. I would look at everything without a jaded mind and just snap away and make those photos that everyone would love and I’d be content at last.
I’d have a scrapbook with many nice pretty photos of the mummers and maybe some of the looker-oners.
How nice it would be to just take pictures and be one of the guys. I mean I’d fit into groups and clubs and all kinds of things. I’d be a real photographer. I love real photographers and I love to look at the pictures they make. I love seeing how they selected their subject matter and how they made the frame.
I love to know what camera they used and what lens, don’t forget the all-important ISO. It’s so interesting to discuss all these things. The right camera bag, soooo important. I learn so much from these photographers. I’m not being cynical. I really do love the real photographers.
I was almost awake on the New Year. I had a dream that I was becoming a real photographer and I could make color pictures on the street and be happy as a real photographer. I failed miserably. The friggin guy is out of focus. WTF. I ain’t no real photographer.
I lowered my camera, looked to the street, took a deep breath of the fumes from the buses and cars and homeless people. I coughed, and looked all around me and saw the beauty of life and the beauty of the struggle to maintain it.
ahhhhhh…… it’s friggin 2016 and I’m still standing…….I’m a streetshooter, ain’t that the best thing to be…….
How ’bout you?…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Love it! Happy New Year Sir.
Dan, same to you. I know the sourse of your energy and I bow to that sourse.
You as the messenger, Happy New Years.
Agree Don…”A Standing Streetshooter” … a great thing/place to be! You’re off to a great start for 2016!
Thanks Dave, It’s off and running for sure. i see your doing well also…
cheers my friend, don
awesome post, thanks for sharing
Thanks very much and have a blessed year.
Standing AND breathing!
Exactly Keith. No doubt your standing and breathing. I was standing but forgot about the breathing part. No wonder I felt dizzy.
Great photos and writing…
And I agree with everything you wrote…No kidding 🙂
Happy New Year, Don!! The new year definitely has me looking at my photography in a new light. Art is subjective. What one person thinks is amazing, someone else will be sure to pronounce as cr@p. As long as you like your own work that’s what really matters.
Happy New Year Tina.
Yes it is all important to love your work. It is also important to have some response on it. The feedback instills confidence and wonder in us and that is also important.
Constructive criticism is definitely helpful. Without it, I’d still be putting all of the people I photograph in the dead center. 😀 I just feel that you should try to please yourself first. (haha. Not like that!)
You’re right Tina. Not about criticism but about pleasing yourself first….hey, hey…. not like that.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that…….