June 23rd, 2014 … Fuji X100s … My Camera Partner Has Soul

06-14-0220-EditI wonder how my Fuji X100s has  soul and how it effects my soul. I wonder if the camera is making the photos and if I am along for the ride. Sometimes I wonder if I need a camera at all.

Than I feel in my hand a camera that just might be thinking what I’m thinking. So I try to resolve the situation and ask Andre’ the Fuji X100s his opinion. Andre said we should get a cup of coffee. We drink Kona and he uses sugar and I don’t.

After an intense conversation we decided that we are an inseparable pair. He agrees that he can’t walk the streets without me cause he doesn’t have legs or arms. I agree cause without him, I would be making photos with my iPhone. THE HORROR!

06-14-0226-EditSo Andre’ and I are committed to each other for the long haul. He doesn’t give me a hard time about anything except one thing.

I put a thumb grip on Andre’ and it’s great for horizontal work but Vertical is not so great. How do I know Andre’ doesn’t like  the thumb grip, Easy. See when I put Andre’ in my right front pocket.. well after a few minutes I feel the thumb grip attacking my leg.

Yes attacking and in a fierce way. I have not decided what to do yet but the war with the thumb grip will be over soon.


06-14-0218-EditThe thing is I usually test a camera for a 3 month minimum. That seems like a long time to most but if you think in terms of me being a serious shooter for over 45 years.. it’s no time at all.

The Fuji X100s has me making photos that I consider general because I just enjoy making them. I get that with other cameras, don’t get me wrong but with this… every second is a joy.

The thing that is most important is that you stay true to yourself, your vision and have an open mind and heart for seeing the same things differently. Maybe it’s not the camera that actually does this but the camera can and will help you change the way you look at things and the things you look at I am experimenting and find myself  just enjoying SEEING again even the same things I see on almost every walk. I can’t say that the X100s is responsible but I can’t say it’s not either.



Hopefully we all find our way thru the struggle in life as http://casinoscapital.com/ a photographer. We as photographers have the responsibility to leave behind the images of what we saw while we were here.

For me in the here and now, this and the next few moments, the Fuji X100s is my partner and he helps me make the photo that will prove that I was here and I felt and I saw.


17 thoughts on “June 23rd, 2014 … Fuji X100s … My Camera Partner Has Soul”

  1. Great to see your results from today. We traveled the same streets and saw different pictures. That’s the beauty of it.

    1. Dan, thanks, it was great and thank you for towering over me and shading me from the sun…….
      I wanted to post a shot of you but wouldn’t without you seeing it first….Peace brother, don

  2. Hi Shooter, I’m no expert but (this) Andre’ really seems to click with you. IMO, your recent images are wonderful!

    1. Steve, with a post like this, you are an expert, so much so that I should hire you to do it every day….lol

    1. Thanks, I’m a Soul Man………we used to play that in the band.. No I just have a camera with soul…..

    1. VC, great question. I actually use AF most times. I usually use Hyper-focal Distance with all my cameras but the AF on here is so nice that’s home base.
      The other thing I enjoy is, because I use the OVF 99% of the time, using AF slows me down a fraction of a second….. very nice….
      Great to see you friend….. don

        1. Well, it works fine for Hyper-focal Distance. Fuji puts the right distance on the scale for different f/stops. I use AF all the time because it’s such a great camera.

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