Old Dog … New Tricks


Well, after weeks of aggravation and grief, I called the plumber to fix the blog.  There’s a knock at the cyber door and when I open it, this Olivier guy says whats the problem dude? I explain to him what is going on and he brings out a cyber toolkit and says, dude, go make photos, ya bother me and your old and ask too many questions.

So the he says, dude, I am supposed to be doing the Pokemon hunt and now I gotta fix pipes and unclog the blogs cyber drain from all the uh….uh…stuff you put in it. So, I went out and made some photos.

When I get back, this Olivier fella says, “it’s all good now, so get to work, there are millions and millions of shooters need your daily bread.



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So there’s a new look and a new way of working the blog. It ain’t gonna be easy for me but if all youse come to read, I’ll do my part. Maybe, just maybe we can figure this out together.

seeya’s soon… peace and sure nuff, we all need that.

17 thoughts on “Old Dog … New Tricks”

  1. First off I like your new layout. Secondly I like how you wrote this.. made me chuckle.. Third and most important your photos inspire me. Now just need to get out and about with my camera.. but first I have to test my “newly” purchased “oldish” 35mm film camera as I want to learn the skill of shooting film. The first roll of film I took one shot then accidentally rewound the film before firing off another.. roll of film ruined.. lesson learned. Now I have shot with film in the past but mostly point and shoot stuff of family moments captured.

    1. Sharon, thanks. There is a product we used to call a flipper back in the newspaper days. It’s a thin flexible piece of metal. You put it in the gate of the film cartridge and then turn the spool. The film will go on the flipper inside and the the leader will come out. Works 100% of the time. I have one but not know where it is. I will search around tho.

      Good luck and stay focused…..

    1. Thanks Dave, I’m out there but only my Doc knows where.

      Hope things are going well for you. I C your making some interesting photos……

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