Category Archives: Street

Streets Of Philadelphia … A Visual Diary … Page 65 … Fuji X100T … Explaining Making A Photo



………. well, I don’t think that’s the case all the time. I mean….ohhh, scuse me, folks didn’t realize you were here, hang on a min plz….. Doc, I gotta go, my friends are here and I have to pay attention to them.

Sorry all youse fine people, I was chatting with my Doc about my trigger mechanisms. Yeah, you know, those things inside you that are activated by the things out there when youin’s are making photos. Well, Doc wanted me to explore these trigger mechanisms and show him visual examples of what they are.

I mean, look at the photo above. I kinda think that it’s related to Depression. It’s true, it’s true but that’s not the trigger, that’s the subject. See, I saw this guy at the terminal and didn’t want to bother him by asking to make a photo of him cause I rarely ever did that and still rarely don’t do that. For me, it’s about elements and the way they fall together either in Harmony or Disharmony. Sometimes it can be both together. No set rules in Shooter world except seeing and feeling and responding.

Anyway, I looked at this guy and I was on my way to see my Shrink at the VA Hospital. It was the start of an interesting image and I guess maybe many would click on sight but I kinda wanted something more. So, I made a call to my mind and asked it what it thought about this. Well, there was a meeting between the eye, heart and mind about said subject matter and then called me and said….”wait for the juxtaposition”. Big friggin help guys, WTF does that mean.

“wait for the juxtaposition shooter, see the light”. Big friggin help guys, WTF does that mean.

Big friggin help guys, WTF does that mean.

Turns out, Central CommandCenter, commonly known as Shooters essence and brain decided to bypass ME and send the message to Andre’ the Fuji X100T. So, I’m in the middle of all this shit going on….the meeting between, eye, heart and mind, the camera, known as, Andre’ the Fuji X100T and the subject and waiting for WHAT? WTF am I waiting for…. 47 million shooters would have made the photo already,….WTF am I waiting for…..

……….then, very softly in me poor brain…a few words……. wait for the trigger mechanism……

well, all this above happened in about…..  1/1000 of a sec. then, then with theGrace of Mother Light, then when all was just about in place, then I saw and felt the darkness get darker and the depression grow for my guy in the photo and for me and all the sudden,

the most magnificent thing in all the world, MOTHERLIGHT shined her beacon of  brightness and hope and made the separation between hope and despair and her light, with royalty and love and compassion shined so bright and showed me the way to the photo finish.

I got a kick in the brain as the eye, heart and mind said MAKE THE FRIGGIN PHOTO STUPID………CLICK!




Now that was an exercise….

I walked a little while downtown and saw this and Click!

Streets Of Philadelphia … A Visual Diary … Page 64 … In Search Of…..?



Word on the street is, that I ain’t the only one in search of….something. Oh yeah, youse don’t get off that easy. I hear tell that each and every one of youse is searching for….something. Now this might just be a Philly phenomenon but I don’t think so and I don’t believe it no matter what anyone says or doesn’t say or implies or not. It’s human nature to be searching for something and we all as humans do that.

This does not apply to politicians as they lost the humanness when the were elected to office and forgot about being a compassionate human and just became a money hungry greedy piece of shit that robs from all Americans and doesn’t do anything but rob more and more. Enuff of politics. So the political types are searching for money and power but they don’t know that the DEVIL is searching for them to…well, it ain’t gonna be a pretty picture.

So, back to the brighter side of depression that we all have and don’t need to search for……. The point is, that all this stuff inside you gets activated when you work and make photos. No matter how good your Mind’s filing system is, it can’t help but let out some shit it has stored when you work. So, this stuff will and can influence what you see and do out there. It’s the basis of the struggle of ART. Yes, photography is an art form just like painting or anything else.



So, it works kinda like this. We have input and out put. The mind sorts thru the stuff it has filied and is adding to the junk bin and sends signals down to the heart and eye. The eye and heart try to decipher all the crap that the mind is sending and also, all thestuff that is being brought to the mix from what they see outside the mind. I call it “Instant Recognition” See, we get stuff in that interest us and we need to process the stuff in our mind and find a middle ground so that we are free to make photos.

The point is that we are saturated with input so then how to get clean output? That is a problem huh? Don’t look to me for the answers cause I’m as lost as you are. I know this, I work and make photos without too many preconceptions getting in the way. (or so I think)



The thing for me is to recognize trigger mechanisms. The things that make us see and shoot. Missing these and your out there in never never land and you might as well be a politician. Why, because without trigger mechanisms and the recognition of them FOR YOU, means you ain’t connected to your self. If that’s the case, decide if your a Democrat or Republician and want to be in office, cause you lost your humanity anywy.

Trigger mechanisme are the fruit of being on the street. Of course that means all of photography, not just street. I think it’s a beautiful thing to be out in LIFE and make photos. I love feeling awake and aware and when I release the camera, I feel connected to my work. It’s why I name my cameras. Today Andre’ the Fuji X100T and I will go out and see what we can find…..we will search together…….

What are youse searching for…..?


Streets of Philadelphia … A Visual Diary … Page 61 … Observations of Lost Innocence


Tacony Flea Market, Phila. 2005

We are a product of our environment and our work is a product of us. Now that may seem like a generalization and maybe it is but it’s true nonetheless. I was looking at Amira Issmail’s work again and I thought how innocent she is and her work. Now obviously, she’s an adult and a beautiful lady but she presents her work in a way that is pure joy.

What I mean is, Amira has a way of working that is void of attitude and jaded from the environment of the human condition. I find it interesting in this day and age that someone could be almost clean of attitude and their presence in their work. You can see her work on the Inspired Eye FB page and others places. Just look and see what I’m talking about.

So I was wondering when and where I lost my photographic innocence and I realized, I can’t lose what I never had.  Muddy said that and he’s right. I’m kinda envious becaue everything I do is , I guess jaded for lack of a better word and this effects what and how and why I do it.

I never got to see the world with starry eyes and glitter all arround. I’m not saying Amira does either. What I’m saying is, Amira and I’m sure many others have the ability to work in any environment and see the joy of living. The simple but delicious things around and that others don’t even think or feel or even care about. This is a very precise meaning for making images.

To share with others how and why  you see what you see.

Anyway, Serendipity comes home tomorrow and the guys on the camera shelf are excited and so am I.

Have a blessed weekend……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Streets of Philadelphia … A Visual Diary … Page 60 … Observations with the Fuji X100T


Ok, ok….maybe I’m sentimental and maybe I just know a good thing when I have it but know it even more, when I don’t have it. I know youse remember that Olivier grabbed my Andre’ the Fuji X100s. To be honest, I was sick taking him to the airport and watching him make photos with it. So, I used my photo mojo and extracted Andre’s soul out of the camera and then Olivier has an X100s that is just that. . Andre’s soul was safe and sound in my Ricoh GRII and just waiting. To make a long story short and not as interesting, I picked up a Fuji X100T and transported Andre’s soul into the updated version.

I will explain something right now and clearly as I can. Life is about living. Living is where you have choices. I see it this way. I could go to a camera store and buy a camera and take it out and make photos. I could look for places that interest me and decide when and where to work and go home and watch CNN and sip tea and pay the electric bill.

For me, I choose to believe in magic. The magic of photography is born from the magic of love….for me. I see the light and the anti-light. People walking thru time as if they were liquid. I see the world vibrating from 3 dimensions to 2 dimensions. I see things in Color and flash, in Black & White.

I see things right up close and then something far away.


I walk around with my friend in my hand and I feel my heart beating against the skin of the camera. Sometimes my friend hangs around my neck and we both feel my heart beat with excitement because we are bonded and enjoying our time. I feel like I’m in another world and seeing talking Windmills and I know my friend will record the vision for me.

Some may say I’m nuts. some might say that being like this is out of the ordinary. Ya know, maybe I am crazy but I say this. Photography is my life’s work. I’d rather be thought of as crazy and prove it every time I call to Andre’ of Walker etc. I can’t fathom the idea of having a camera with no use but to make photos. I can’t imagine living a life so boring without the magic of LOVE.

Pick up your camera. When no one is around, kiss it and smile. You’re not kissing a camera friends, you’re kissing the magic of love and the reason to live. It’s your process of photography.

Anything short of that….”THE HORROR'”.


Streets of Philadelphia … A Visual Diary … Page 59 … Olympus TG-4 … The Bars That Bind



To start, I have not been able to shake the sick feeling inside me of not Having Andre’ the Fuji X100s in my life. Olivier fell in love with him when he was here a few weeks ago and I didn’t pay attention cause I had Serendipity the Olympus Pen F.

It’s about your Natural Field of View, well, mine in this case but you get the idear. My NFoV is 35mm. Of course I can see any FOV but whenI’m on a walk-a-bout and see something that interest my eye, heart and mind, I am seeing the frame in my mind as 35mm. This has been happening since way back in the last century.

So, I got the Fuji X100 then the X100s and now, well, Serendipity and all her lenses are sold off. I don’t miss her. I bought a new Silver Fuji X100T and will name it Andre’.

I love the Olympus Pen F and it’s an amazing camera but for me, too many options. Those options are of course the lenses or FOV. I don’t want that option, never did. I have my stance in the world. I’m content with that stance. The Oly and lenses are not politically correct for me. Now with the Fuji X100T and the Ricoh GR II, I’m all good to go.

Sometimes in life, we need constraints and have them impose themselves on us even if we are unaware that we have or need them. I need them. My vision and thoughts run rampid and go all over the place because I have to decide what lens I want t use.

So, It’s a done deal and by tomorrow at 10:00am, all the lenses will be sold off. I will continue my journey and love my vision again because I’m not clouded any more. The photo above kinda tells the story in my mond. I mean it’s a photo but I made it from the thoughts and feeligs inside me.

Tomorrow, Andre’ and I start our life together, again. I’m excited and he’s on the shelf flirting with Penelope the GRD4.

Seeya all tomowwor and till then, be blessed on your journey.

………. shooter out ……….

Streets of Philadelphia … A Visual Diary … Page 58 … Olympus Pen F… Life Lessons


With all the shot going on around the world, there is a growing distance between countries and it’s peoples. The thing is, I don’t give a shit about the politicians. They have been robbing and fucking over the people for far too long. My concerns lay with people. You know the human being type. The citizens of the EARTH. Fuck no, I’m not naive at all. I’m just awake and aware of life going on around me. There is a growing distance between people and it’s not racial, religious, political or any of the obvious things. The distance seems to be the essence of the heart. Looks like people, including me, as hard as that is to believe, are losing touch with their heart.

So, if in fact, that is true and it is and you will believe it, then how is someone to relate to anyone else if they can’t relate to themselves?  Shooters try to find photos and things of interest that translate well to the medium of photography.

One of the things I get ticked about is the reality of the subject vrs the reality of the print. This brings into play, the concept of Intent. If we address the idea of being a photographer, an observer and recorder of life, then we have to accept the resonsibility of what our photos are and what they do or at least what we would like them to do. Maybe this means that our photos have an inherit intent that maybe we implant in them.


I think and this is subject to change at a moments notice, that it’s about the Purpose of Reality and the Reality of Purpose. That interprets to the idea of Intent. I know, I’m fixated on intent and rightly so. I have lived my life the best I could being aware that I am alive in a certain place in a certain time, called the Here and Now. The beautiful part of this has been that I usually have a camera with me. Many times when this awareness overcomes me, I make a photo. When I see the image in LR, I start to anyalize it and try to define what the moment was and is for me. I make the visual adjustments to get what I feel or felt or both into the image so that othrs can see what and how I was feeling.

This brings into play the idea of straight photography and that’s a bunch of pure shit. If people can’t see the photograph as it’s own reality, move on and away from me.

Faces & Spaces


I’m exhausted and will continue this shortly. These are just things I learned as a human being with a camera. Mayne you are interested and maybe not. That’s your decision. I will lay it on the line here and youse decide to take it of leave it. I tell you this, I will continue and hopefully you will too.

I am open for comments and suggestions and even conversations if ya have the mind to get into this.

Have a blessed journey and may all good things come your way. May you never have to sneak a camera in the house again.

Streets of Philadelphia … A Visual Diary … Page 55 … Olympus Pen F … Street Life



The temperature dropped and the wind picked up and it felt cool but not too cold. It’s the kind of weather that I wear a sweatshirt and a jacket. I’m cruising around Market street and I go thru the tunnel and look to my left, I see this guy sitting there in the dark. It’s very low light. I walked thru into the light. I stopped. I wondered if this guy even knew where he was. I wondered if I knew where I was. Was he wondering if he knew when he or I was? Is it my concern or business? Fucking A-Diddly.

So, Serendipity  tugged at my hand and insisted I go back to make a photo. The thing is, sometimes I get a gut reaction instantly, looking at something/someone. If I continue to walk away from this scene, what happens is that I get a sick feeling in my stomach. Kinda like eating sour kraut and drinking milk. Yeah, you too huh. Well, I got this feeling many times in the past and when I made the photo, it was always one I want to remember. Isn’t that the beauty of photography? Well, sure nuff…. that feeling came to me quick and now, oh yeah….. now I be smart enough not to drink milk and eat sour kraut together. I think I am smart enuff to recognize that feeling and go back and I did.

I wondered how in this age with all the millions and millions being spent on election bullshit and everything else, how could a man, a human being be so alone, so forgotten to be sitting in his own urine in a dark corner? I don’t have an answer and most don’t want one anyway.


So, Adobe was kind enough to release an ACR update for LightRoom.  Well, I been shooting jpegs and at first they are awesome. Then in a little bit of time, they are ok. Then just before I was going to abandon the Olympus Pen F, I can now do RAW. Well, I gotta say that the RAW files are specrtacular. It is really very nice indeed. The photo above was RAW and the tones and detail are incredible. Hard to see on the web but on my screen, sure as heck glad I didn’t sell Serendipity.

Have a blessed journey and hepp your eye, heart and mind awake……

……………………………………………..shooter out………………………………………………………..

Streets of Philadelphia … A Visual Diary … Page 55 … Olympus TG-4 … Justifying Intent


What the hell does, “Justifying Intent mean”? Don’t ask me, I wrote this in hope someone could explain it to me and more importantly, justify my reasons for writing and making photos and damn, even justifying why the hell I’m even here on the planet walking around. Ya know, Intent is a very well described, defined AMBIGUOUS word.

Yes, that’s some sort of an oxymoron. Well, I know I’m stretching out here but I have Doc’s approval. Hold on now. Yes, I have a GOV’T certified Shrink and he helps me with the people in my head. So, I may be kinda crazy but I’m certifiable crazy and that means if you don’t have a shrink dealing with the little people in your head, well…. who’s really crazy? So, if intent is a clearly defined word and it’s meanings are defined, how can it also be ambiguous? Well, the way I see things is like this:


My intent is to make photos. I also like to show them and get comments. So Intent has now expanded to be more open to others than just me. I don’t mean the others in my head, they get their say from time to time.  I mean viewers. They have an intent that is ambiguous to me. Iwould like to think that I understand why they are looking at the photos but I’m crazy granted, but damn, I sure as hell ain’t stupid.

Maybe someone is looking to figure out what camera I use, someone else is interesded in how I processed, presented all kinds of reasons and yet the most important reason is,… no, not WHY I made the photos but they look because they like looking at photos. All the reasons are wrapped up in thier intent. So, what goes on is what I call….Mutual Cooperating Intent Procedures.

Why did I bother to write this? Well my intent is to justify my reasons for being a photographer and a hack writer. The key issue becomes, do I work for me? I mean if I am truely working for me, then my eye, heart and mind are in tact and focused on my intent as a Human Being with a camera. I’ll let the others be photographers. The realization of that intent comes to birth when I look at the photos and then see my stance in the world, visually in those images. If that were the final destination then all would be well. I would be totally content and be able to get on with my life.

Well, unfortunately, that’s just the tip of the melting iceberg. Global warming has an effect on all artist. If viewers are looking at our work? Yes OUR and youse don’t get off that easy here. We are all in this together. “We need a bigger boat chief”. I don’t mind driving the boat here but youse are passengers so get used to it.

The viewer is looking at the photos. Do we let that influence what we do and at what point does that influence start? If we take the stance that the viewer is the end result of satisfaction, are we really working for ourself or are we working for the potential of viewers? It is not the same stance, not at all.

The photos above are ones that I like. I made them and are the sourse of them. I am responsible for what you see as a catylist that stirs your thoughts. I’m sorry to have to say this but for these photos, I don’t really give a dame who sees them and who likes ordislikes them.

Myintent was and is that I make these photos and I comitt to them as my children and love them even if they are not great kids.

I don’t always feel that way or work that way but for these, there’s no doubt that I don’t give a shit! So I suppose that means, for these photos, my intent was and is to make them for me to appreciate and not care about about anything further. Maybe that’s kinda selfish and not doing photography justice because ultimately, photos need to communicate with others.

So, someplace in these thoughts is my intent. If you find it, it’s because you are good at understanding what I’m babbling about. If not, that’s cool too.

The issue isn’t what my intent is for working, but what is yours?




Streets of Philadelphia … A Visual Diary … Page 54 … Olympus Pen F … The Dream Catcher


It’s the time of the season for being attuned and focused with vision. It’s also the time for me to get back to my vision of the world. We are all in the same boat and we are all travelling to the same place. That’s a given. The thing is, to appreciate the journey and take the time along the way to make photos of what we see. With all this political garbage going on, I feel that people are lost in the mix and detached from things and each other. So, feeling things like this drives the creative energy and we need to go with it and let it steer us. It’s like a ride on a ship. Someone other then us is in control and we get to enjoy the journey.



Photography lends itself to feelings and things that distract feelings. We see the world and get to translate it into a visual language and make images. There is no truth in photography. There is no honest photograph. There is only the truth of INTENT and the realization of that INTENT.  I remember my friend Joe before he died. We were out and I was pushing him in the wheel chair. He lost vision in one eye and the other was to go soon. We stopped for a break and he looked at me with a heavy heart and said….”Don, for the first time in my life, I can see photographically.” What he meant was that with his one eye, he saw things like a photograph. No depth with one eye. I was quickly saddened because he made photos for over 40 years and for the first time, he could see photographically. What took so long, I wondered. Did he actually have to be blind in one eye to see photos. To understand the language and syntax of photos?


In the photo above, if the guy against the left side, didn’t have his eyes closed, it wouldn’t mean much. The dream state of the scene is magnified by the thought of him actually dreaming this. Just like dreams, they are personal, so are the photos we make and made. They are personal records of time past, of the time we were alive and had our camera with us. For me, it’s the magic of life. My life has been that of a Dream Catcher. When I was in Nam I met a guy named Joe. That wasn’t his real name cause he was Native American Indian. I showed him my photos many times and he called me Dream Catcher. He told me that I didn’t make pictures of the reality in front of me but of the Dream of Life inside me. I never understood that fully. I hope Joe made it home to his reservation. I hope Joe has a good life and lives the way of the Eagle. He told me he was the Eagle Spirit.

I never knew what happened to him but for me, the Eagle Spirit lives in my dreams. The Dream Catcher has a home for the Spirit,

Streets of Philadelphia … A Visual Diary … Page 53 … On the Street …OMG … I’m SeEiNg cOloRs … Olympus Pen F


I arrived in town and was on Market Street when, well…I had a moment. I fell to my knees and thanked Momma Nature for making it 70F. Of course I couldn’t get up to easy but it was worth it. I mean, who wouldn’t want to kneel on the hard concrete sidewalk? I had to pay homage to Mother Nature for making it warm so me poor bones could defrost.

It’s starting to come around for me and Serendipity the Oly Pen F. I think she has me slowing down and finding photos I don’t normally seek. I mean, I am enjoying just the moments without any restrictions or guidelines. Of course, this won’t last but I let her have her way.

There’s a sense of freedom that I am really excited about. I mean, sure, other cameras may have that also but the Pen F kinda reinforces the joy of working. Imagine that. I have some amazing cameras and for sure very desirable. The thing is, I do believe the Pen F will be an amazing camera. How can it not be with a name like Serendipity.


I been using it with the mode dial in the center. I call this Flat. Meaning I want a color image I can mess with in LR. The jpegs out of the camera are excellent but I still need to see my presets and thoughts take shape. So far so good. I haven’t had the need to crop anything and that’s a testament to the finder. It’s of course accurate but it has a nice brightness and contrast to it. I programmed the red record button to SOVF. It’s kinda like an OVF but different. If you let yourself immerse in the camera, then it and other things are magic.


My kit at the moment is the 17mm 1.8, 25mm 1.8 and the 45mm 1.8.  This gives me the Leica Trinity… 35, 50 & 90. I gotta tell ya, it’s nice weather and I’m gonna be working my tail  till it’s tired and then again. Polly and Suzanne got the Pen F and I will go out with them on Friday. That’s always a fun time. They both have become very acclimated to the streets. It makes me happy that they have found their way.







The color from the Pen F is thebest I have seen. The Leica M has wonderful color but for some reason, I prefer this. Maybe it’s not so clinical. I mean, the color seems natural and vibrant before you work on the files. Reminds me of Alex Webb. His color knocks me out. So then maybe, the Pen F is as good as the Leica. Shhhh, did I say that?

………………………… blessed my friends, seeya tomorrow……………………….