I finished the new preset packs and submitted them to Olivier. Ok, so he’s the elected digital plumber and handles the digital thingys. Anywayz, he sent them back to me and of course, I can pat myself on the back cause they are simply magic. Now that Olivier fella has a good sense of humor and he likes to play with my old tired brain. See, if I name a preset “GR-1″….I use that name as a marker so that I can find my way in LR5. Allrighty then…along comes that Olivier and he renames all the nice presets to hipster names and send them all back to me.
I don’t mind him changing things like names etc but it’s hard for me to get a grip on things when the same preset has 2 names.
So the Nex6 saga continues. I really can’t say how much I enjoy this cameras…cameras. As you know I got the 24mm 1.8 from Olivier and it converts to my natural field of view, 35mm. It’s a great combination and I shall spend some time getting used to it.
The 2 B&W photos above are with the 24mm and the new presets. It’s a nice lens and I could get comfortably numb just using that and not using my MF lenses. Of course that wont happen. My friend John is sending me the Sony 35mm 1.8 to try out. I gotta raise some extra cash because I already know it’s a keeper for me. John knows that also.
With all this going on, I miss Tanya and want the month to go by fast so she can come home.
I’ll post some stuff tomorrow and until then, go find a Nex6…..