When I Was Young………

When I Was Young………

I could eat 3 hot dogs and some baked beans for dinner…….now I get indigestion…..

I could drink a six pack of Bud and drive my car……..now I get drunk and fall asleep…..

I could eat 2 boxes of Mike and Ikes…..now I get the shakes and want to puke…….



When I Was Young………

I used to hate color photos….now I still hate color photos but don’t care if someone else makes them….

I always wanted the most details in a photo I could get. I use Leica M’s and even the R’s for a spell. I used View Cameras and always processed my own film to get DETAILS.


Now I don’t give a shit……I just want to feel the content……



When I Was Young……… I used to dream about photos like this….now I think my photos are dreaming me…….

When I Was Young………I would be worried about this stuff….now I don’t give a shit because my Flickr friends like the photos……

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