Category Archives: Inspired Eye

On The Future Of Inspired Eye Magazine

First off, thanks to everyone for the emails, pm’s, phone calls etc. From Flickr alone I have over 147 mails telling me how nice the mag is and how much it’s needed. You see, I believe that photographers want and need something like this magazine. It, not really about cameras, about Aperture and Lightroom. It’s not about forums, websites camera bags, tripods etc.

I know this will sound crazy but it’s about YOU. Sure it’s about us but us is also YOU. This magazine is about photography. It’s about images. It’s about your fellow photographers and then that makes it about you. Some of  YOU will be in the next issue. Maybe an interview, maybe a photoessay or something else, who knows. Who knows, is the problem.

When we first got the idea to do this, we posted a thread in the now dead Street Photography Forum. The question was this.

Would you like to see the magazine supported by paid subscriptions and minimal advertising or by advertising alone or by a mix of both? Out of 240 people polled, the majority of votes went to paid subscription.

Now most of youse know me and also know that I’m a stand up guy and I help when I can. So here’s the thing that YOU must decide. We have well over 800 copies in circulation and I’m pushing for 2000 by next weeks end. Now that’s a great figure but the paid subscriptions are way, way under what I thought they would be.

I’m not forcing anyone to do anything but this much I will say. In order to be in the magazine in any fashion, YOU must be a paid subscriber. It’s only fair to those that paid a subscription fee because they will be in the list for an interview etc. If $20.00 for the year is a burden for you, please let me know and I’ll donate the subscription in your name.

Thanks for all your support and please try to find the way to support us because supporting us is also supporting YOU.

Go in peace but go with a camera in your hand…..don


Dreamcatcher Is On Flickr Explore

Photography has so many special ways of drawing out our inner thoughts and feelings. For me, it’s always been about a dream. No, not photography but life. Making photos has allowed me to explore many inner thoughts and feelings. At times I just work the street or do portraits or the garden or whatever my lens is looking at.





I sometimes feel that I’m seeing visions from a place that is not of this earth only. It doesn’t scare me in the least. It actually excites my creative juices. Maybe I’m just having a LightRoom breakdown. I mean after all, I am influencing the final image with presets and or adjustments. Surely that helps to create the dream like effect that happens on the photo.




I agree with that but why would I make photos like this in the first place?


More questions and photos tomorrow……

Just some photos from the day.

It’s Easter Sunday here in Philly. I hear it’s the same all over but I can’t confirm that.  Anyway, I took a Nam Vet friend to the VA Hospital this morning. Last November the Docs cut his legs off just above the knee. So his wheel chair is his only means of transportation outside.

One of us vets takes him when he needs to get there for meetings or treatments. Oh no…don’t get this wrong. See, Joe flirts with woman all the time. Yeah, he don’t care where or who but sometimes the woman’s partner doesn’t appreciate Joe’s humor. So I took him and brought him back to the transportation terminal. He left with his daughter and I was stuck there with just my camera. What to do? Just me and the camera. I wasn’t sure so I figured I’d make a few photos.








There’s others but I like these.

Happy Easter and Passover everyone.

Latvia, One Year Ago

My wife and I went to her nephew’s wedding in Latvia last March. Aside from photographing the wedding and parties etc, I of course found the STREET. I was amazed at what Latvia offered. The wedding stuff was in Riga and I did the entire event with a dedicated passion.

Ok, ok…so what? Yeah, I hit the streets as much as I could. Now Latvia thinks different then Philadelphia. They have their own definition of cold. I don’t like it. The definition or the cold. I won’t complain about that issue back here for a long time. We stayed in an apartment in Riga that was an Aunt to my sister-in-laws friend. The apartment was a 5th floor walkup. To be honest, I didn’t care. Ya see…the building has not been repaired or painted since the start of  World War 2.


Above is my niece Dasha. She’s Russian and came to the wedding and also to meet me. She had been here before and wanted to take me for a walk to see Old Riga. Actually, it was the Ghetto region but it’s called Old Riga. As I was making photos, I could see bullet holes on the walls. They were still there. Unreal! We came to a section and Dasha was nervous because it was a rough region. I told her that this place looked highly improved in comparison to the ghetto in Philadelphia. Being the protective guy that I am, I agreed to take her to safer quarters.

When we got back to the rest of the family, I insisted that we go for a walk to the other side of Riga.



We went to the shopping district and of course the women wanted to do just that. My wife told me that I’ll be very bored in the stores because I don’t speak Latvian or Russian. What to do I asked. Would you mind just walking around for an hour or two? I pouted and said….sure. Oh yeah….I took off like a bat out of…of… know where. Man, I got lost in the streets and the crowds. I had a reference point so I wasn’t worried about getting lost.

I made many photos and here are two more from the trip. Above was entering the Underpass and below is inside the same place.




I posted these on Flickr last year but these are part of a collection of prints I just sold. The collector asked me to post them so he can show them to some friends

More fresh things tomorrow………Peace my friends…..don

PS….don’t forget the magazine is available on Monday. Go to the Facebook link over there on the right….

Personal Work For Many Is Still Personal.



Personal work for me is just that, NOT! Really, on Flickr the last few days a few of my photos went to Explore and kinda viral. The one above and the one below. I love the photos, that’s why I made them. That’s why I will continue making them. What I didn’t know it that YOU like them too.



This comes at a very special time for me. We are a few days away from launching the Inspired Eye Magazine and Website that includes a FORUM. The energy it took and will continue to take is a heavy load. Just as I was almost depleted, remember I’m chasing 64 in a few months, has been replenished above and beyond thanks to my friends and Flickr.




It’s nice to know that my energy has been feeding youse because youse have been feeding me too.

I’ll post links to the Magazine, Forum, Presets shortly. Till then, go in peace but go with a camera in your hand.


It’s What I See When I Feel The Image.

Photography for me has always been a visual escape from literal reality. It’s more then visual but I can only think in visual terms for this post. I’m walking around, camera at the ready and suddenly I start to feel an image. What happens is that the reality in front of me is starting to present a new surreal view of what I see.




Let’s face it. There exist no literal translation of reality in a photograph anyway, so why not find your own vision along the way and just do it.




Inspired Eye Magazine will be published soon. Please like us on the  Street Presets Page on Facebook to make sure you get your notification for your copy. It’s free and a real treat for the eye, heart and mind. Yeah, yeah…that’s the link over there on the right….