February 11th, 2014 ….. I Shoulda Carried The Black Fuji X-Pro1

02-14-0324So I was walking home from town. I had to drop off the Fuji X-E2 that the Inspired Eye was doing an observation of. You’ll see it over there after Olivier gets it up. Anyway, I’m freezing….my hands are really cold. Yeah, I have gloves but there are in my pocket. See, I was carrying the Ricoh GRD4 because it blends in with the snow really well because it’s white.

See all the snow in the photo…see the camera…nope, I told ya so. Well, there’s a reason I go to the VA Hospital and get to talk to the nice Doctors there. There’s a reason I have a Russian wife that explains why I’m doing things wrong all the time. It’s ok, I think that mostly they are right. So I thought to my self….“Self, we should use the White GRD4 because there’s a lot of snow around and the camera will blend in and be almost invisible.”  It does sound reasonable. My doctors would be happy that all the time spent updating the firmware in my head was worth it. The would say to all the medical staff…”We got streetshooter thinking and acting like a semi-normal person, look, he’s using a white camera out there with all the snow.”

They could all sip their fancy wine and Single Malt and smoke real nice Cuban cigars that they could get from immigrants trying to get into Florida but can’t afford to pay the graft so they get turned away and are used as Shark Food but dammit…them cigars aren’t wet…lets light em up.

Well with all this going around my head and being proud of my white camera making snaps in the snow I forgot….I’m wearing a BLACK COAT. See a white camera against a black coat….well, you ain’t out boy anymore. Send em’ back to the factory……

See that guy up there…yeah, the one in the photo….it’s 24f out…I’m freezin’ my butt off, everyone thinks I’m nutz cause I think my white camera will be hidden from view against my black coat…..what about that guy……..and you think I’m nutz?



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