May 8th, 2014 … Fuji X-Pro1 and 23mm May Be as Good as it Gets

05-14-0196-EditIt had been a little while since I used the 23mm, not a long time but enough to separate myself from the 35mm FOV. Well, that’s about as a untruthful statement as I’ve ever made. Here’s why.

Sometimes my brain goes on vacation and I forget many things. At these moments in time, I have to rely on the Eye, Heart and Mind. Well I did and what surfaced was a feeling of  distance and anticipation for the fra,e. With the 18mm I am completely comfortable in the FOV. The issue was this… The shooter brain went on vacation and left me wondering what to do.

My Eye told me to use the 23mm and it was a strong feeling from the Heart that was a pushing and a shoving and a just put the lens on shooter. I said to my innerds and outerds, no brain, no decisions!

The Mind intervened and took control of the situation. So, here’s why the brain went on vacation. Because I wasn’t paying close enough attention to what was going on, the brain took some time off so that I could re-trust the Eye, Heart and Mind to find the INTENT I was seeking in the photo.

I could use the 28mmFOV very easy and adapt the frame to make what was needing to be made. but the…..


….was somewhat different and slightly uncomfortable.


See, stance is extremely important in many ways. Stance is interpreted by others as to your INTENT about what you are doing. Stance also places a POINT of PERSPECTIVE at your feet.

So I noticed that my stance with the 28mm while is excellent, with the 23mm, there is almost never a shift of stance. I see something to make a photo of, I see the frame in my mind…(remember, the brain is on vacation)….and when the camera comes to the EYE…the frame lines are where they are supposed to be. Yes, it’s very easy to adapt the frame to make a photo by moving but it’s more important to be where you are supposed to be and be using what you are supposed to be using because you want what your INTENT wants to be as true to the EYE, HEART and MIND as possible.

There are those amongst us that think that this is rubbish…ain’t that a damn shame about them.

The photo above….I had to bend slightly due to the framing but….everything fell into exact place because I had the right stuff working. The 18mm would have included to much background and the STUFF would have been lost…… He was not aware I made this shot. He is a very high profile Lawyer and Politician and no doubt when he sees this photo…he’ll love it and tell me by writing a letter and sending it to me in Cell Block 18.


I know when things are right or almost because when I look at the photos in LR, I get a recollection of the MOMENT of capture and INTENT. It brings back the experience and it’s a joy to behold these photos before I bugger them all up and down with presets, LR, and all kinds of things to find what’s in them that makes me feel that my process of photography is what I am all about and is working the way I need it to work to keep me sane on this planet.

SANE…hmmmm what an ambiguous term for me.


Anyway, I’m told by Central Nervous Systems that my Brain is due back from vacation sometime late this evening. It wants to be involved in tomorrows shoot but I kinda like being the Streetshooter Scarecrow…”If I Only Had a Brain”…….

Have a good one or more and remember……Share a little joke with the world…..

shooter………………………………………………………..bye….bye…fer now!

18 thoughts on “May 8th, 2014 … Fuji X-Pro1 and 23mm May Be as Good as it Gets”

    1. The warden met Tanya and gave me a full Pardon.He said time with her is more than enough….

    1. ya know Dave…I hope the same thing brother…..thanks and stay safe. I see on CNN the shit might hit the fan in your neck of the woods….

  1. This is one of my favorite blogs. I even started naming my cameras after reading here. Except mine are always girl names, ya know, if I have to stick my face up to their backsides… well I’ve said too much already

    1. Yeah, obviously you’re not married to a Russian woman. My GRD4 is named after Penelope Cruz as you know. My wife thinks it’s named after Walker Evans.
      The face sticking procedures could get me to rethink the camera naming concept. Of course Penelope can do as she pleases….

      Thanks for being here…..

  2. Never thought of putting my face up to the backsides of my “named” cameras in that context…hum…something to think about. Gotta agree with Don though…Penelope can do as she pleases. Damn…none of my cameras are named after a female…I may have to rectify that.

    1. Dave, Brett has rattled the cages of shooters far and wide…name changes are going on at a very fast pace. I hear tell all cameras will be changes by the end of the second 1/4.

    1. Greg, he is a tourist from China and spoke English very well..actually more proper than I.

  3. Similar experience here. For years I’ve avoided “35mm” for whatever reason and convinced myself that 28mm was IT because it happened to come along with the best cameras ever made (hi there Penelope). Then finally I got the Olympus 17mm 1.8 and since then I hardly use anything else, because it shows me what I’m already seeing.

    My E-P3 doesn’t have a name yet. But based on the above I’m reviewing a number of candidates…

    1. David, The EP3 and 17 1.8 is a great combo. I had it myself before I moved away from m43.
      God luck on naming….keep us posted on the outcome…

    1. Really under the weather Dave but tomorrow brings a new light on the subject.
      Thanks for the concerns….

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