October 17th, 2013 Tis a Sad Day in Shooter’s Bag …. A Day Of Reflection

10-13-0124I found myself in a situation that demanded the immediate decision of what camera system I was going to commit to. The choices are the Sony Nex 6 and the Fuji X-E1.

I have to say that there was one deciding factor that made me make the move…..not yet, soon but not yet…then you’ll know. The Nex 6 is probably the finest camera for using M lenses, bar none. The focus peaking is way beyond what any other camera can do. The screen and EVF…about as good as it gets. The interface is very good and even the menu system is manageable.

The Fuji X-E1 has a certain Retro look about that I couldn’t care less but it’s nice. The peaking is so so but one gets used to it after a spell. As my Grandfather would say…well, he wouldn’t say it now cause he’s on the other side but when he was here physically he would say….“Ya get used to hanging if ya hang long enough”. The screen and EVF are very good and the refresh rate being a little slow doesn’t bother me in the least.

The Sony lenses, Zeiss 24mm, Sony 35mm 1.8 and even the 50mm 1.8 are actually way better than I ever expected. The Fuji lenses are very good but on par with the Sony. Truth is what one sees and then believes. This is my truth, don’t like it….go find your own.

10-13-0114So what do you think could be the deciding factor? It’s as simple as it always is with any camera I try and end up either keeping or moving away fro me.\

There is one feature that I will not tolerate in any camera for more than a few weeks. That’s when I get serious about keeping a camera and investing money, energy, time and my vision. If I want to shoot at 1/250 f/5.6 ….I don’t give a hill of doggie do do…I want the camera to say…we got that, here’s the ISO I will use with that…and how high should I limit the ISO? On the X-E1 I can do just that. I will never use a camera that can’t offer that feature. The Nex 6 will do that with a M Mount lens and using S Mode. (Shutter speed I can select, the aperture I can select, the camera meters the light and sets the ISO to keep the exposure proper. The Nex 6 can’t do that with it’s own lenses.

Bye, and I truly will miss you.

That was the deciding factor and it also killed the wonderful Ricoh GR. Crazy, the GRD4 does it easily. I guess Pentax got into the Ricoh coffee machine and the Ricoh engineers lost their minds…..I will really miss that Nex 6 because it’s an amazing camera.I would be forced to use something like A mode and that’s unacceptable do to no control over shutter speed. At any rate, The Fuji X system is up at bat. So far so good. http://www.amazon.com/Mastering-Fujifilm-X-E1-X-Pro1-Pfirstinger/dp/1937538311/ref=sr_1_1_title_0_main?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1381494821&sr=1-1&keywords=Fujifilm+XE-1

Rico’s book is a real nice read and I learned a lot about the Fuji Cameras. I don’t know if the link above works but you can figure out where to go.

I’ll be shooting the Fuji’s for a spell and I’ll post how things are getting along.

P.S. For Dan. I had to make a choice between the 2 systems due to financial needs. I am not dumping on the Nex 6, just so you know….if I could afford both, I wouldn’t be writing this.




6 thoughts on “October 17th, 2013 Tis a Sad Day in Shooter’s Bag …. A Day Of Reflection”

  1. Thanks for the PS, Don. Actually I am moving away from the NEX 6 as well in favor of the 7. But I am waiting to see how the new A7s will perform.

    1. Dan, I was interested in the FF Sony also but the form they used isn’t for me . The hump and center eye position killed it for me .

      Good luck … I hope it works for you

      1. I can’t say I am fond of the hump either, but it is not a deal killer for me. We shall see. I will not pre-order but wait for more reviews.

        1. The thing for me is the center eye position like the SLR’s. I hate that. You can only use one eye to frame and that sucks. If it was a true NEX, I’d go for it but truthfully, I’m very happy with the Fuji XE-1 with the Fuji glass and even better, my M Mount stuff…..I feel no need to move away or upgrade.

  2. Hey Don: Maybe I’ve missed something, and if so, i really want to better understand, as I’m very actively considering a GR. Doesn’t the TAv mode work the way you require? You can set aperture and shutter speed, and the camera provides the proper ISO. I believe that you can also stipulate the maximum ISO and even have the ND filter kick in automatically. I’ve just started playing with a loaner GR, and these are the features (along with pocket ability and ergonomics) that I’m most excited about! Thanks for your time and awesome work on this site

    1. Douglas, in all fairness…I have not tried the GR since the new firmware update. All I know is that I could set Aperture and Shutter and the camera would set the ISO BUT!…..it had no top end on ISO.

      I also found that it had erratic metering but I didn’t publish due to love for Ricoh cameras.
      I’m on the Fuji’s at this time and very content. There’s talk about firmware updates but I don’t care as the cameras are working fine as is. I might have to try the GR once again to see if I can get along with it……

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