Tag Archives: Photography

Dreamcatcher Is On Flickr Explore

Photography has so many special ways of drawing out our inner thoughts and feelings. For me, it’s always been about a dream. No, not photography but life. Making photos has allowed me to explore many inner thoughts and feelings. At times I just work the street or do portraits or the garden or whatever my lens is looking at.





I sometimes feel that I’m seeing visions from a place that is not of this earth only. It doesn’t scare me in the least. It actually excites my creative juices. Maybe I’m just having a LightRoom breakdown. I mean after all, I am influencing the final image with presets and or adjustments. Surely that helps to create the dream like effect that happens on the photo.




I agree with that but why would I make photos like this in the first place?


More questions and photos tomorrow……

Just some photos from the day.

It’s Easter Sunday here in Philly. I hear it’s the same all over but I can’t confirm that.  Anyway, I took a Nam Vet friend to the VA Hospital this morning. Last November the Docs cut his legs off just above the knee. So his wheel chair is his only means of transportation outside.

One of us vets takes him when he needs to get there for meetings or treatments. Oh no…don’t get this wrong. See, Joe flirts with woman all the time. Yeah, he don’t care where or who but sometimes the woman’s partner doesn’t appreciate Joe’s humor. So I took him and brought him back to the transportation terminal. He left with his daughter and I was stuck there with just my camera. What to do? Just me and the camera. I wasn’t sure so I figured I’d make a few photos.








There’s others but I like these.

Happy Easter and Passover everyone.

Personal Work For Many Is Still Personal.



Personal work for me is just that, NOT! Really, on Flickr the last few days a few of my photos went to Explore and kinda viral. The one above and the one below. I love the photos, that’s why I made them. That’s why I will continue making them. What I didn’t know it that YOU like them too.



This comes at a very special time for me. We are a few days away from launching the Inspired Eye Magazine and Website that includes a FORUM. The energy it took and will continue to take is a heavy load. Just as I was almost depleted, remember I’m chasing 64 in a few months, has been replenished above and beyond thanks to my friends and Flickr.




It’s nice to know that my energy has been feeding youse because youse have been feeding me too.

I’ll post links to the Magazine, Forum, Presets shortly. Till then, go in peace but go with a camera in your hand.


It’s What I See When I Feel The Image.

Photography for me has always been a visual escape from literal reality. It’s more then visual but I can only think in visual terms for this post. I’m walking around, camera at the ready and suddenly I start to feel an image. What happens is that the reality in front of me is starting to present a new surreal view of what I see.




Let’s face it. There exist no literal translation of reality in a photograph anyway, so why not find your own vision along the way and just do it.




Inspired Eye Magazine will be published soon. Please like us on the  Street Presets Page on Facebook to make sure you get your notification for your copy. It’s free and a real treat for the eye, heart and mind. Yeah, yeah…that’s the link over there on the right….

Uh oh…we’re reflecting again.



Reflections have been a part of my life and work since forever. I remember back around 1974, Paul Cava was trying to get me to loosen up. I told him I had all my photos grouped neatly in categories. Paul told me to forget that and just work and not try to organize things so much. I took what he said to heart for about…..well…a year. I thought that I wanted to do things my own way. I guess the fact that he had a Masters in Fine Arts carried weight with me as I had nada. I had 13 months in Viet-Nam as a grunt.



I just felt that maybe I could be right. Maybe, just maybe the future would prove that I did the right thing. I kept the organizational thing going all my photographic life and still do. I still have series that I work on that are 40+ years strong. I have a filing system that I still follow to this day. I can find any photo I ever made in less then a minute, whether it be film or digital.

What does this mean? Well, I gotta say….it means that one should follow ones own path and stick to it. Maybe some mistakes will come up. They will be your mistakes and you will learn from them. You will learn to improve.




We are shooters. We are the visual recorders of  life in our time. No one lives our life for us. We do it alone, we do it because we have to. Not many understand that  nor do they even care enough to understand. We have a new means of communication for all of us to share and use. It’s places like forums, Flickr and a gazillion other places. We become a part of a community and we feel great being around like minded shooters. That’s all nice and fine and dandy…..just remember who you are.

Remember that no one knows better then you about what camera you should use, what lens you need, what subject matter you should work with.



The next time you see one of those cat photos, just remember….that cat cares more about it’s owner then most people do. Just remember, you are your own guide thru life and thru your photographic journey. Yeah, sure….you may meet a few along the way that care but in the end….it’s you, your camera and your subject matter that makes your photos….


Now get your butt out there and work…..



When I Was Young………

When I Was Young………

I could eat 3 hot dogs and some baked beans for dinner…….now I get indigestion…..

I could drink a six pack of Bud and drive my car……..now I get drunk and fall asleep…..

I could eat 2 boxes of Mike and Ikes…..now I get the shakes and want to puke…….



When I Was Young………

I used to hate color photos….now I still hate color photos but don’t care if someone else makes them….

I always wanted the most details in a photo I could get. I use Leica M’s and even the R’s for a spell. I used View Cameras and always processed my own film to get DETAILS.


Now I don’t give a shit……I just want to feel the content……



When I Was Young……… I used to dream about photos like this….now I think my photos are dreaming me…….

When I Was Young………I would be worried about this stuff….now I don’t give a shit because my Flickr friends like the photos……

It’s Not What Your Work Does For You, It’s How It Inspires Others.

Today is a marked day for me. Since 2004 I have been saving emails from web friends that I have helped in some way. Today in my Email I received #1000.

Look, I seriously live for photography. I love my work and feel blessed in a way I don’t feel I deserve. But there has always been 1 thing that excited me as much if not more sometimes……when I get to help someone and create inspiration. This recent note was from a female shooter, very good shooter that has amassed a beautiful body of work. She can’t see where the work is taking her and she can’t see the path she has traveled to get here.

We did a Skype thing and after a hour, she had a completely new look at her work. I’m not saying I’m a miracle worker, a teacher or anything other then a dead serious shooter that works from the eye, heart and mind.

The feeling I have now for helping her see the light is a feeling that I wish many could experience but won’t.


I made 2 photos for her to show how I think on the run….






You either get these or you don’t but the important thing to me is….she gets them and can now see the light….

I feel blessed for a minute………..

Thanksgiving Anti-Parade

My grand daughter wanted to see the photos I made at the Philadelphia Thanksgiving Day Parade. Come on, cut me a break….I live here and I’m not letting an event like this pass me by. So I load the GRD4 attach a strap, put a few batteries in my pocket and hit the street. See, that’s the word that gets me every time…”Street”. I’m a streetshooter. What could be easier then doing a parade? Well, if the parade wasn’t on the street…I’d be ok.

Unfortunately, when I hit the street, I go into work mode. I’m just waiting for an image to pop up and call to me. This may or may not be a good thing. I guess it depends on what part of the parade you want to see.

So I walk around making photos and try to keep from feeling like I don’t belong. I try to find what makes me feel like I fit in.

I never find that tho’ and just keep looking and making photos.

I guess it’s just that I’m a streetshooter…..

Hipshot, Chestshot, The GRD4 It Still Smells of Street **** or **** How The 21mm Adapter Showed Me The Way Home.

Well the GRD4 once again proves to be a very worthy camera. It’s that I feel that any camera provides me the energy or inspiration to work, it’s just that the Ricoh lets me work and thing without intruding on me.

I went out today and used the 21mm adapter. It’s normally to wide for me but I need photos for an upcoming workshop on freeing the self and also editing. The camera is on a neck strap hanging as low as I can get it. I don’t use a finder even tho I have the Leica. I hate putting the camera to my face and covering life in front of me. There’s a magic in working this way without a finder and using your internal eye.

I think the beauty is in the discovery of a shared vision. The camera and I work together to make the images. Yes, it’s always like that but working this way is more of a conscious effort in the collaboration between the two of us.  I can’t make claim to 100 percent of the result. The camera gets it’s say as much as I do. This being the way I think and actually the way it is, is liberating and visually exciting.

With the camera hanging in front of your chest, theres a very cool non intrusive presence to the subject. I let it hang and when getting ready for an exposure, I place my hand on the camera and my thumb gets the duty the finger usually has.

The strange this is, the photos show eye contact but yet the camera is hanging down low. If in fact it was true eye contact, then the eye would not meet the viewer right on. This means that the subject looks at the camera but mostly never sees the thumb release the shutter.

I find it interesting that so many people walk around with their head in a low position. Of course the camera loves this kind of positioning.

So, even for straight street, this is a great setup. In all the photos, I never looked at the screen. I just feel the frame and then move my body slightly to make the frame the way I want.

It should be noted that the GRD4 has a sense of humor and proves itself in some photos that I won’t publish.

More tomorrow as the 21mm adventure continues…….        It’s tomorrow…strange how that works….hmmmm

This is more mainstream for me but it was because I met a shooter downtown from a forum we both belong to. She asked me to show her how to feel the frame. A good question I thought to meself.

I said, self…we need to help this lady out. Her issue was that she didn’t understand how to relate the subject to the background. I explained that, that is the entire thing about photography, painting etc. What lives in the fram must relate to everything in it good or bad.

Taking the elements of the frame and putting them together makes the image. Just as important is the presentation of the image.

All photos processed in http://www.streetpresets.com/  my presets for Light Room 4 & Nik Silver Efex.

Saturday Morning…. I had an appointment at the VA Hosp for more treatments. I’m not excited about that but it gives me a reason to get on the street and work.

I’m still doing the chestshot with the GRD4/21. It’s interesting. I can just about see full frame now and that’s neither good nor bad, not sure. I don’t like being predictable but I love consistency. Beings a Libra, balance is always my goal. The above photo was made on the spur as this new work is. I saw the image come together in my head in a fraction of a second. I knew how to process it to get my result. and new the framing about as good as I could get it.

I get these images sometimes that are more like dreams to me. I mean I am conscious when I make them but when I get them finished….it’s just a dream….. There was this kid named Jasper at the bus stop with his dad and sister. Jasper was about 10 years old. He liked my white camera and asked if I had a white camera because I was white. I asked him if he had a black camera because he was black. He smiled and said his dad did but he was allowed to use it at partys. Then he used my camera to make a portrait of me…..hmmmm

The Ricoh GRD4

This is not a review but an ongoing journey with this camera at my side. I’m not interested in comparing this to the GRD3 or anything else. What I am interested in, is the way the GRD4 works with my vision.

There is a new found sense of freedom for me. I’m not saying that the GXR doesn’t set me free, I’m simply stating that the GRD4 fits in my pocket. Doing that creates a sense of freedom because it’s always there and at the ready. What that means is….the camera remembers the last settings before being powered off or going to sleep. I can’t do that!

We all know that Ricoh has the finest most intelligent User Interface of any camera. So as shooters, we now have a camera that won’t intrude on the process of making images. I have a white camera because I look more like a tourist then with a black one. I find that getting close is easier then before because the white camera has a very innocent look to it. Besides that I just wanted the white version because it was more sexi. Ok, hey….hey….it’s a sexi litte thing dammit!

I’m pretty close to this guy and he didn’t wake as I moved thru his space. Of course that’s not in the Ricoh Firmware, the silent approach, but it is important because I didn’t have to look at my camera at all to make the photo. I can change anything on the GRD4 without looking at the screen. It’s a great interface.

I use snap focus most times. If I’m at f5.6, I’m good for about 1.6′ to infinity. I use M mode because I can set the camera to Auto ISO Hi 1600 and then…. I can do something like this… 1/125 f5.6. The camera will set the ISO to get proper exposure and that lets me choose the f stop and the shutter speed. This is a dream setup. I’ll usually maintain f8 or f5.6 to hold my Hyper Focal distance and I choose a shutter speed so that I won’t get too much blur unless I want it.

The macro mode is very useful and just requires a simple press on the dial. The lens is corrected beautifully and of course is a GR lens.

This is macro mode. The lens was very close to the flower. LIke really close. I handheld the camera and it’s ok.

The point is that, I saw this image in my head. It was of course the flower giving me the energy but it all came together very easy and the camera just did what it was supposed to do. 5 seconds later I made a photo of my cat Barsik about 20′ away. Just a click and that was all that was required.

Some call this camera a P&S. I guess for photography buffs as we called them in the 60’s and 70’s, it is. For shooters, it’s about as serious a camera as one would ever need.