With all the shot going on around the world, there is a growing distance between countries and it’s peoples. The thing is, I don’t give a shit about the politicians. They have been robbing and fucking over the people for far too long. My concerns lay with people. You know the human being type. The citizens of the EARTH. Fuck no, I’m not naive at all. I’m just awake and aware of life going on around me. There is a growing distance between people and it’s not racial, religious, political or any of the obvious things. The distance seems to be the essence of the heart. Looks like people, including me, as hard as that is to believe, are losing touch with their heart.
So, if in fact, that is true and it is and you will believe it, then how is someone to relate to anyone else if they can’t relate to themselves? Shooters try to find photos and things of interest that translate well to the medium of photography.
One of the things I get ticked about is the reality of the subject vrs the reality of the print. This brings into play, the concept of Intent. If we address the idea of being a photographer, an observer and recorder of life, then we have to accept the resonsibility of what our photos are and what they do or at least what we would like them to do. Maybe this means that our photos have an inherit intent that maybe we implant in them.
I think and this is subject to change at a moments notice, that it’s about the Purpose of Reality and the Reality of Purpose. That interprets to the idea of Intent. I know, I’m fixated on intent and rightly so. I have lived my life the best I could being aware that I am alive in a certain place in a certain time, called the Here and Now. The beautiful part of this has been that I usually have a camera with me. Many times when this awareness overcomes me, I make a photo. When I see the image in LR, I start to anyalize it and try to define what the moment was and is for me. I make the visual adjustments to get what I feel or felt or both into the image so that othrs can see what and how I was feeling.
This brings into play the idea of straight photography and that’s a bunch of pure shit. If people can’t see the photograph as it’s own reality, move on and away from me.
I’m exhausted and will continue this shortly. These are just things I learned as a human being with a camera. Mayne you are interested and maybe not. That’s your decision. I will lay it on the line here and youse decide to take it of leave it. I tell you this, I will continue and hopefully you will too.
I am open for comments and suggestions and even conversations if ya have the mind to get into this.
Have a blessed journey and may all good things come your way. May you never have to sneak a camera in the house again.