Tag Archives: Street

Streets of Philadelphia … A Visual Diary … Page 58 … Olympus Pen F… Life Lessons


With all the shot going on around the world, there is a growing distance between countries and it’s peoples. The thing is, I don’t give a shit about the politicians. They have been robbing and fucking over the people for far too long. My concerns lay with people. You know the human being type. The citizens of the EARTH. Fuck no, I’m not naive at all. I’m just awake and aware of life going on around me. There is a growing distance between people and it’s not racial, religious, political or any of the obvious things. The distance seems to be the essence of the heart. Looks like people, including me, as hard as that is to believe, are losing touch with their heart.

So, if in fact, that is true and it is and you will believe it, then how is someone to relate to anyone else if they can’t relate to themselves?  Shooters try to find photos and things of interest that translate well to the medium of photography.

One of the things I get ticked about is the reality of the subject vrs the reality of the print. This brings into play, the concept of Intent. If we address the idea of being a photographer, an observer and recorder of life, then we have to accept the resonsibility of what our photos are and what they do or at least what we would like them to do. Maybe this means that our photos have an inherit intent that maybe we implant in them.


I think and this is subject to change at a moments notice, that it’s about the Purpose of Reality and the Reality of Purpose. That interprets to the idea of Intent. I know, I’m fixated on intent and rightly so. I have lived my life the best I could being aware that I am alive in a certain place in a certain time, called the Here and Now. The beautiful part of this has been that I usually have a camera with me. Many times when this awareness overcomes me, I make a photo. When I see the image in LR, I start to anyalize it and try to define what the moment was and is for me. I make the visual adjustments to get what I feel or felt or both into the image so that othrs can see what and how I was feeling.

This brings into play the idea of straight photography and that’s a bunch of pure shit. If people can’t see the photograph as it’s own reality, move on and away from me.

Faces & Spaces


I’m exhausted and will continue this shortly. These are just things I learned as a human being with a camera. Mayne you are interested and maybe not. That’s your decision. I will lay it on the line here and youse decide to take it of leave it. I tell you this, I will continue and hopefully you will too.

I am open for comments and suggestions and even conversations if ya have the mind to get into this.

Have a blessed journey and may all good things come your way. May you never have to sneak a camera in the house again.

Streets of Philadelphia … A Visual Diary … Page 57 … Ricoh GR II… “Faces & Spaces”


I was watching TV. Yeah, yeah… I like CNN because everything they say is truth. Yup, truth to some but not all and certainly not me either. I do like the crew and that’s why I watch it. So I’m watching as they show how the world is melting from global warming and how many countries are killing their civilians and how soldiers go and fight and die for Presidents that don’t give a fuck about them. All good stuff.

The phone rings. I recognize the voice on the other end as ***** the collector and gallery owner in NYC. She tells me that she has a group of collectors that are interested in doing a project. Anyway, to cut to the chase, I was awarded a commission to produce 50 prints that I feel represent me in the subject defined.

The subject is titled, “Faces & Spaces”. I’m told there are 2 other shooters doing the same project. At the end, we will meet to discuss the exhibition. So, I’m excited but nervous as all heck.


What would you do? I mean I’m walking down Market Street and then I hear, “Yo Don”…..I turn and there in the window is Roz. I know she is Roz cause we talk some times. I’m a gentleman and when I see a lady I like to smile and/or say hello. Roz heard about the project and wanted in on the action.

Then she asked me if I would take her to the opeing reception. I would be proud to take her, I mean she’s sweet and beautiful. I think if I walk in the opening with her on my arms, people will look and hmmmm. That might be ok even but if I hand her a glass of champaign, definately will have a problem. Well, ya know, maybe not. Afterall, it would be in NYC so, …….?


There is a new intent for me. I mean, INTENT is the sourse of energy and focus for all a photographer does. I don’t mean subscribing to a preconceived idea of the photos. I mean there is an INTENT behind everything we do as shooters. Paying attention to this, allows creative freedom that on the outside, seems as rigid guidelines. Not true. The real truth is, we are not butterflys with a camera going from photo to photo. When we go out to work, we have ideas that we want to persue. These ideas are born from INTENT.


Why am I writing about this? Well, my intent on writing this, is to hopefully let someone reading grasp the ideas and try to discover the intent inside them. This is what I been doing about 50 years and maybe I’m wrong on some stuff. Well, shit happens but I teell you all this. My intent on my death is to go and lay on that slab and see THE LORD and just say, I lived a good life and made a lot of photos. I would like more time but if nit, I am ready to let it all go. I followed my heart every hour of my life. That is what I mean about having the balls to do what we do and not get discouraged by others attention or lack of.

In the end, we all go naked and take with us our worth as a human being.



Enjoy my friends and be kind to each other. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Streets of Philadelphia … A Visual Diary … Page 55 … Olympus Pen F … Street Life



The temperature dropped and the wind picked up and it felt cool but not too cold. It’s the kind of weather that I wear a sweatshirt and a jacket. I’m cruising around Market street and I go thru the tunnel and look to my left, I see this guy sitting there in the dark. It’s very low light. I walked thru into the light. I stopped. I wondered if this guy even knew where he was. I wondered if I knew where I was. Was he wondering if he knew when he or I was? Is it my concern or business? Fucking A-Diddly.

So, Serendipity  tugged at my hand and insisted I go back to make a photo. The thing is, sometimes I get a gut reaction instantly, looking at something/someone. If I continue to walk away from this scene, what happens is that I get a sick feeling in my stomach. Kinda like eating sour kraut and drinking milk. Yeah, you too huh. Well, I got this feeling many times in the past and when I made the photo, it was always one I want to remember. Isn’t that the beauty of photography? Well, sure nuff…. that feeling came to me quick and now, oh yeah….. now I be smart enough not to drink milk and eat sour kraut together. I think I am smart enuff to recognize that feeling and go back and I did.

I wondered how in this age with all the millions and millions being spent on election bullshit and everything else, how could a man, a human being be so alone, so forgotten to be sitting in his own urine in a dark corner? I don’t have an answer and most don’t want one anyway.


So, Adobe was kind enough to release an ACR update for LightRoom.  Well, I been shooting jpegs and at first they are awesome. Then in a little bit of time, they are ok. Then just before I was going to abandon the Olympus Pen F, I can now do RAW. Well, I gotta say that the RAW files are specrtacular. It is really very nice indeed. The photo above was RAW and the tones and detail are incredible. Hard to see on the web but on my screen, sure as heck glad I didn’t sell Serendipity.

Have a blessed journey and hepp your eye, heart and mind awake……

……………………………………………..shooter out………………………………………………………..

Streets of Philadelphia … A Visual Diary … Page 56 … Olympus Pen F … Romance your Work


Ya know, Serendipity the Olympus Pen F is a fine young lady and she knows how to slow and calm down the Ole’ shooter. So I’m walking down Market Street and I see this guy sitting under the cover for the buses and he’s lost in his world like I’m lost in mine. I have Serendipity in my hand and her neck strap is wrapped around my wrist. So she’s sees the guy right away and starts sending vibrations up my arm to wake me and get ready.

Ok, a few things here …

First … my intent is a double sided intent with the camera strap. I use a neck strap and I can have the camera around my neck or just hold it and wrap the strap around my wrist. I know I should be more focused on the strap procedures but really, I like to stretch out sometimes.

Second … Maybe when I feel Serendipity vibrating my arm to get me ready to see a photo, maybe that’s really a tremor from my essential tremors. Maybe it’s not my camera at all and maybe my camera is just that, a friggin camera, a tool like my hammers that insist on smashing my thumb sometimes. I could say my hammers have a sense of humor but see, youse think this is all bullshit and humor me and really thing that being close to a camera and talking about intent is nonsense. I mean, lets be real, lets keep things in perspective.

FUCK NO! Maybe all that shit is really the truth. Well, if you believe that it’s fine but I am a romantic and I believe that….ohhh wait a sec…. my ride is here to take me to never never land… oh yeah…I can’t keep Don waiting….

Don , you know… Don Quixote. He wants me to make photos of the battle against the windmills attacking the trucks on Market Street……

I’ll be back……

I’m back. So what am I writing about? Well, we go thru life and we have choices to make. As a Human Being with a camera, we do what we do to support our families, our dreams and even our electric bills. It’s noble to be one of the crowd. I’t a duty we all share and have bestowed upon us to support society and to atleasy pay the bills on time.

Many, many people are stuck in a mundane existance and they flirt with life everyonce in a while.

So, when you take you camera out and make photos, the mindset you place on everything is the result you get and actually expect something different. The group I am with in the VA calls that insanity and we earned the right to be and say that.





So, I will continue to call Serendipity to come to work and we will go out and make photos together. She will no doubt vibrate in my hand to get me ready. Life needs romance for us to breathe. No, not just with your loved ones but with the world. We needto be able to breathe images and when we look at people, have enought sensitivity to see the demons and dragons and angels that live with them. No one is immune from these things and if you think I’m crazy, well, hell yeah, I’m crazy enough to see that people are caught by good things and bad. I see them as innocence lost and when I make a photo, I like to think in the photo, I have expelled all that from the existance of the image and it can live free.



If your out there and making photos and just going around looking for things….if your not in a romance with life and photography, what are you then?

Streets of Philadelphia … A Visual Diary … Page 55 … Olympus TG-4 … Justifying Intent


What the hell does, “Justifying Intent mean”? Don’t ask me, I wrote this in hope someone could explain it to me and more importantly, justify my reasons for writing and making photos and damn, even justifying why the hell I’m even here on the planet walking around. Ya know, Intent is a very well described, defined AMBIGUOUS word.

Yes, that’s some sort of an oxymoron. Well, I know I’m stretching out here but I have Doc’s approval. Hold on now. Yes, I have a GOV’T certified Shrink and he helps me with the people in my head. So, I may be kinda crazy but I’m certifiable crazy and that means if you don’t have a shrink dealing with the little people in your head, well…. who’s really crazy? So, if intent is a clearly defined word and it’s meanings are defined, how can it also be ambiguous? Well, the way I see things is like this:


My intent is to make photos. I also like to show them and get comments. So Intent has now expanded to be more open to others than just me. I don’t mean the others in my head, they get their say from time to time.  I mean viewers. They have an intent that is ambiguous to me. Iwould like to think that I understand why they are looking at the photos but I’m crazy granted, but damn, I sure as hell ain’t stupid.

Maybe someone is looking to figure out what camera I use, someone else is interesded in how I processed, presented all kinds of reasons and yet the most important reason is,… no, not WHY I made the photos but they look because they like looking at photos. All the reasons are wrapped up in thier intent. So, what goes on is what I call….Mutual Cooperating Intent Procedures.

Why did I bother to write this? Well my intent is to justify my reasons for being a photographer and a hack writer. The key issue becomes, do I work for me? I mean if I am truely working for me, then my eye, heart and mind are in tact and focused on my intent as a Human Being with a camera. I’ll let the others be photographers. The realization of that intent comes to birth when I look at the photos and then see my stance in the world, visually in those images. If that were the final destination then all would be well. I would be totally content and be able to get on with my life.

Well, unfortunately, that’s just the tip of the melting iceberg. Global warming has an effect on all artist. If viewers are looking at our work? Yes OUR and youse don’t get off that easy here. We are all in this together. “We need a bigger boat chief”. I don’t mind driving the boat here but youse are passengers so get used to it.

The viewer is looking at the photos. Do we let that influence what we do and at what point does that influence start? If we take the stance that the viewer is the end result of satisfaction, are we really working for ourself or are we working for the potential of viewers? It is not the same stance, not at all.

The photos above are ones that I like. I made them and are the sourse of them. I am responsible for what you see as a catylist that stirs your thoughts. I’m sorry to have to say this but for these photos, I don’t really give a dame who sees them and who likes ordislikes them.

Myintent was and is that I make these photos and I comitt to them as my children and love them even if they are not great kids.

I don’t always feel that way or work that way but for these, there’s no doubt that I don’t give a shit! So I suppose that means, for these photos, my intent was and is to make them for me to appreciate and not care about about anything further. Maybe that’s kinda selfish and not doing photography justice because ultimately, photos need to communicate with others.

So, someplace in these thoughts is my intent. If you find it, it’s because you are good at understanding what I’m babbling about. If not, that’s cool too.

The issue isn’t what my intent is for working, but what is yours?




Streets of Philadelphia … A Visual Diary … Page 54 … Olympus Pen F … The Dream Catcher


It’s the time of the season for being attuned and focused with vision. It’s also the time for me to get back to my vision of the world. We are all in the same boat and we are all travelling to the same place. That’s a given. The thing is, to appreciate the journey and take the time along the way to make photos of what we see. With all this political garbage going on, I feel that people are lost in the mix and detached from things and each other. So, feeling things like this drives the creative energy and we need to go with it and let it steer us. It’s like a ride on a ship. Someone other then us is in control and we get to enjoy the journey.



Photography lends itself to feelings and things that distract feelings. We see the world and get to translate it into a visual language and make images. There is no truth in photography. There is no honest photograph. There is only the truth of INTENT and the realization of that INTENT.  I remember my friend Joe before he died. We were out and I was pushing him in the wheel chair. He lost vision in one eye and the other was to go soon. We stopped for a break and he looked at me with a heavy heart and said….”Don, for the first time in my life, I can see photographically.” What he meant was that with his one eye, he saw things like a photograph. No depth with one eye. I was quickly saddened because he made photos for over 40 years and for the first time, he could see photographically. What took so long, I wondered. Did he actually have to be blind in one eye to see photos. To understand the language and syntax of photos?


In the photo above, if the guy against the left side, didn’t have his eyes closed, it wouldn’t mean much. The dream state of the scene is magnified by the thought of him actually dreaming this. Just like dreams, they are personal, so are the photos we make and made. They are personal records of time past, of the time we were alive and had our camera with us. For me, it’s the magic of life. My life has been that of a Dream Catcher. When I was in Nam I met a guy named Joe. That wasn’t his real name cause he was Native American Indian. I showed him my photos many times and he called me Dream Catcher. He told me that I didn’t make pictures of the reality in front of me but of the Dream of Life inside me. I never understood that fully. I hope Joe made it home to his reservation. I hope Joe has a good life and lives the way of the Eagle. He told me he was the Eagle Spirit.

I never knew what happened to him but for me, the Eagle Spirit lives in my dreams. The Dream Catcher has a home for the Spirit,

Streets of Philadelphia … A Visual Diary … Page 53 … On the Street …OMG … I’m SeEiNg cOloRs … Olympus Pen F


I arrived in town and was on Market Street when, well…I had a moment. I fell to my knees and thanked Momma Nature for making it 70F. Of course I couldn’t get up to easy but it was worth it. I mean, who wouldn’t want to kneel on the hard concrete sidewalk? I had to pay homage to Mother Nature for making it warm so me poor bones could defrost.

It’s starting to come around for me and Serendipity the Oly Pen F. I think she has me slowing down and finding photos I don’t normally seek. I mean, I am enjoying just the moments without any restrictions or guidelines. Of course, this won’t last but I let her have her way.

There’s a sense of freedom that I am really excited about. I mean, sure, other cameras may have that also but the Pen F kinda reinforces the joy of working. Imagine that. I have some amazing cameras and for sure very desirable. The thing is, I do believe the Pen F will be an amazing camera. How can it not be with a name like Serendipity.


I been using it with the mode dial in the center. I call this Flat. Meaning I want a color image I can mess with in LR. The jpegs out of the camera are excellent but I still need to see my presets and thoughts take shape. So far so good. I haven’t had the need to crop anything and that’s a testament to the finder. It’s of course accurate but it has a nice brightness and contrast to it. I programmed the red record button to SOVF. It’s kinda like an OVF but different. If you let yourself immerse in the camera, then it and other things are magic.


My kit at the moment is the 17mm 1.8, 25mm 1.8 and the 45mm 1.8.  This gives me the Leica Trinity… 35, 50 & 90. I gotta tell ya, it’s nice weather and I’m gonna be working my tail  till it’s tired and then again. Polly and Suzanne got the Pen F and I will go out with them on Friday. That’s always a fun time. They both have become very acclimated to the streets. It makes me happy that they have found their way.







The color from the Pen F is thebest I have seen. The Leica M has wonderful color but for some reason, I prefer this. Maybe it’s not so clinical. I mean, the color seems natural and vibrant before you work on the files. Reminds me of Alex Webb. His color knocks me out. So then maybe, the Pen F is as good as the Leica. Shhhh, did I say that?

…………………………..be blessed my friends, seeya tomorrow……………………….

Streets of Philadelphia … A Visual Diary … Page 52 … Olivier Duong … Observations …Farewell Andre’


Well, thet time has arisen for Olivier and I to meet at our NE Philly Offices, formally known as my rear bedroom. First off the git-go, Olivier, here-after known as”The Kid”, has a voracious appetite for Photo Books and Cameras. Oh yeah, he consumed years and years of photography knowledge hidden in the volumes of books here in our international office and digested a lot of info. We decided to trade info but our brain links were off line and not working properly. Imagine the horror of having to openly chat and openly see what each is looking at. Then, then we decided to have an analog visit and just do work digitally.



There is a certain safety in beingjust digital and here’s what I mean. Olivier was sitting on a chair close to the Camera and Len’s Cabinet. He heard a voice call out to him….”Olivier”, take me home. Shooter doesn’t pay attention to me anymore. I heard the voice too and was very upset. See, ever since Serendipity came to the cabinet, I haven’t used anyone else for my walk-a-bouts. So I reached in and took Andre’ the Fuji X100s and placed him on the desk. Oliver’s eyes lit up and Andre’ seemed to be feeling alive again. Olivier picked Andre’ up and in a few minutes both him and Andre’ told me they had something to say.

Andre’ said to me, “Shooter, I’m not jealous of the Oly Pen F named Serendipity but I feel kinda unloved and just sitting here on the shelf is counter productive to my essence. I need to go to work and your not going to do that with me again.” It was with a heavy hand and heart that I handed Andre’ the Fuji X100s to Olivier and said, “Take care of my friend, friend.” He smiled and graciously  accepted the task of working with and caring for Andre’.


Olivier was like a kid in the candy store with all my books and stuff all around. Then, as the air calmed and the stars settled into the evening sky, as the ships out on the sea harboured it’s sailors to keep them safe in the night breeze and from the waves of uncertainity…..there, there was the words all digital shooters long to hear…..out of the fog of the past I said… Let’s go see the darkroom. Now a digital shooter without a firm grasp on all reality may have succombed to the fears of a dark room. There, deep in the shallows of my basement, nestled away from the living present, lives my darkroom. I opened the door and the black curtain and we enteren the room. I flipped on the white light and I could hear all the things in there yell out, yes, yes…. we are alive. Let there be light!

My Leica enlarger looked at tme with a tear in her eye…. you have foresaken me for the digital process. Olivier lookedallaround and asked me what things were and their purpose. I explained proudly about the processes and procedures. I showed him my chemical collection dating back 150 years. I showed him my bottles of Gennert’s Amidol and explained how Cole Weston had the same.


So now the time is here for Olivier to head back to his family. He will take with him some books and my beloved Andre’. Go to the light my friend…but get the hell out of my darkroom……

…………………………………………………………end transmission………………………………………………………

Streets of Philadelphia … A Visual Diary … Page 51 … Investigating the Olympus Pen F … Observations


Some say I’m weird naming my cameras. I suppose to those whose heart is buried up their poop shoot, I may seem that way. Naming my camera is a metaphor for my love of photography. My love of photography is a metaphor for my love of life. So in fact then who’s the weird one in the end? Not I says Shooter. I name my cameras. I get excited being in the here and now on the street. I LIVE photography. It defines who I am as a Human Being. What defines you is not what you leave behind. Friends, Family etc. they do not define you and they do not exit stage left when you do. What defines you is what you are while you are here on the planet.




Photographers are lucky if they are tuned into their life and life on the planet. We as photographers have the gift, of showing what the planet looked like while we were on it, above ground. So does that negate all reasons for making photos except for memories? Don’t look at me, I’m asking you. I ain’t about to have a one-way conversation here. Youse don’t get off that easy. Ok we make a deal.Youse read and think and I’ll write what I’m thinking and feeling. If youin’s feel the need to add to the conversation, see down there that little box that says,….”Comments”…well use it.



Ok, now that that’s out of the way, may we continue. No, not youse, me and the others inside my head. They are going nuts up there. At least I don’t have racing thought too much anymore. Oh, don’t get it wrong. I got many thoughts cooking up there but now that I’m older, they all take their time and no racing crap anymore.

So, Serendipity and I went out for a walk-a-bout and it was kinda cold. I kept her warm against my chest and we just got into a groove. Now, getting into a groove requires the shooter to be aware that they are in the here and now and aware of their intent. If there exist any intrusions, well… go paint the garage. That will be more productive and won’t leave you in a bad state of disappointment.


I’m told by one of those restless voices up top that I have to chat about Serendipity for a bit. It’s true, it’s true. Sometimes I wish I was a normal shooter and thought about my cameras as tools. It would be so easy to be detached and just use it when needed and not give much thought to the emotional stance of the camera.

Problem for me is, my cameras are not tools. They are my friends. I do feel them that way and I do care about what emotional state they are in. Serendipity is the case in point. She represents all that I am and all that MOTHER LIGHT is and all that photography is every second of my life. How dare I not have a fitting name?!


The Pen F for sure has Mojo instilled in it. Maybe I’m just infactuated because it’s the first camera in decades that makes me want to use a finder. It’s true.

I am a screen shooter because of the placement of the image on the screen in time and space. There is nothing as accurate or stimulating as using a screen. It’s like seeing your print forming in 3D reality. You have both eyes open and you have a sense of DEPTH and the flatness of the 2D image on the screen. There is nothing more accurate. NOTHING.  Serendipity has me using the finder and it’s not like I never used one before. I used many and many different styles. 45 years on the Leica M and I’d still be there if I could focus the damn camera. I can’t. Tremors and vision and screen time.

The EVF is very sharp and very bright and even has an adjustment to change the brightness of the finder. It’s left side mounted and that’s crucial for eyes wide open. I always hated center mounted finders. First time I used one was in Nam. I made friends with a chap from OZ. His name was Jock and we got real close.He was a gret shooter, with a camera. One day Jock came to me and asked me to watch his Nikon F. He had a 105mm 2.5 on it and a few lenses. All in a combat carry satchel. Anyway, I looked at the camera and cot kinda shook up. I mean as I looked thru, it was evident to me that the image I was looking AT was a 2-dimensional image.  I hated that. My Leica gave me an image I could look THRU not AT. So I hated the SLR and all of it’s offspring forever. I still do. Jock didn’t make it and I was extremely saddened. So, I took his camera home with me. Just 3 years ago, I got in touch with one of his daughters and I sent the camera to her.

Olivier will arrive at my place tomorrow morning for about 5 days to do some work we need to get done. Friday morning we are going to Bill’s house to hang out. Who’s Bill? If you get the magazines, you’ll know in a few issues.If you don’t well… borrow an issue cause Bill will be a most interesting read.

Be blessed my friends…………………………………………….. end transmission…………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Streets of Philadelphia … A Visual Diary … Page 50 … Investigating the Olympus Pen F



Amazing, truly amazing! No, hell no, not the camera… the WEATHER. Bright harsh sun, beautiful rich shadows,  mid tones to blow apart….the temp was 61F today. Well, I ain’t no Spring chicken but I damn sure can still get around. So Serendipity the Olympus Pen F wanted to go out and see the sites. We got an extra battery and a lens Pen and hit the streets. She was sporting her 17mm lens. Then, of course, she had her Black Leather Italian neck strap. Then she kinda upset me. She said, “Shooter, it’s very bright out and I need my lens hood.” Ohhhh, I don’t use hoods but she insisted. So, after making a small fuss I mounted the hood on her. She’s very cute I have to admit.



We decided to hit town and do some final testing about contrast and stuff like that. I have to do JPEGs because Adobe hasn’t released the profiles for the Pen F. So I want to really know what will give me the best files so that I can destroy them like a gentleman. So far the 20mg files, even tho they be JPEGs develop very nice in LR. Here’s the thing. I do raw all the time but now will for sure do Raw and LF.  I am always an idiot about this isse because the end produst is more than likely, JPEG anyway. Another thing is, these files work nice. I mean I am a maniac when it comes to images. I distort tones, grain etc all the time.



I met Polly and Suzanne today at their place. They live together now so it’s convenient for a meet up. They are both Japanese and doctors. So obviously, we have a lot in common….NOT! Well as far as photography goes, we do. Polly calls me the teacher and Suzanne calls me the Mentor. I call them my friends. Anyway. I’m in their Living Room and it’s Leica Village. Yea about 6 bodies, more lenses than I can count on two hands and yet Polly takes my  Pen F. She says ” Mr Don,  this is new camera”? Yes Polly and you need not worry about it. I’ll let you use this for a while and you can check it out. Suzanne looks at thePen F and I hear from the other room… Mr Don, what lenses I need. 17mm, 25mm…. ok.

03-16-0029                                              OOC

5 minutes later and she tells me she ordered 2 bodies and 2 sets of lenses. Well, I’m glad for them. They are hard working Docs and dedicated shooters, thanks to my Mentoring them. I do take credit for that. So on Thursday they will have the cameras and I’ll no doubt be teaching them how to use them. I love those girls. So sweet and sooo dedicated to photography.



The streets are getting busy with shoppers, hustlers, junkies, drunks, it’s like old home for me. As the temperature warms, many start to crawl out of their holes and from the undergrounds. Fo me, it’s the tourist.I love the heavy tourist season. It won’t be long and I’ll be hitting again. Perfect time for me to breakin a new camera. I know, I know…. what’s the big deal? Well, for me it damn sure is a big deal. If you know me and maybe ya do, ya know I’m a screen shooter. Well, now I have to get used to a EVF. Funny thing. I been using Andre’ the Fuji X100s for almost 2 years and always used the OVF. The last 4 months I been heavy on the EVF. Maybe Andre’ knew I’d cheat on him and have a love affair with Serendipity the Pen F. At any rate, I am doing ok with the finder and it changes the way I think and that’s always a welcome thing.



So as Spring moves closer in time, I look forward to breathing the cheap perfume, exhaust from the cars and buses, seeing all the people making their way thru the city, the sounds of the trucks, cars buses, Harleys, babies crying, junkies, begging for money, guys fighting with their woman, Cops trying to stay safe but laying it on the line getting unappreciated, sirens trying to cut thru traffic jams, tourist asking for directions from native Philadelphians that have no idea where the Beloved Liberty Bell lives.

ahhhhhh hot town, summer in the city……………..