Tag Archives: LCD Screen

April 8th, 2014 … The Un-named Fuji X20 is a Friend on the Street and gets NAMED…DAIDO!

04-14-0130-EditSo Andre’ the Fuji XP1 and Garry the Fuji XP1 were very tired and wanted to nap. I didn’t have much time today as Tanya had other plans for me besides being on the street. So, what to do, what to do? I thought about taking the Un-named Fuji x20 but geeze, I don’t even know it’s name. It has not even given me a clue and it’s been a good while.

How the heck am I supposed to go out and be serious about my photography and the camera is like a …a….a…tool! The HORROR of it all! This can not be, this will not be this is being resolved right now. Well, not actually right now because theres a time lag between you and me and writing everything and processing in LR5.4..(new update….) and a cup of Green Tea and watching CNN for a spell to get my news fix but you get the point.


So here we are and I took everyones name into consideration. The Fuji X20 which is Black with the hood and filter and stuff that John from Washington sent me is named…..the name that Tommi suggested is the one I’ll use for no other reason than it’s the right name but don’t sweat because if you submitted a name and didn;t win the grand prize, you win anyway because if you send me an email with your address and only if you LR because the presets don’t work in LR unless Olivier the wizard from Florida waves his magic wand and then all things in the digital world are fine…..well, the camera is now named Daido. This was a hard choice because I try to name a camera after a photographer that has knowingly influenced me. Daido influenced me without trying.

04-14-0117-EditSo just send an email or post your email address in the comments box and I’ll send you a set of presets. They only work in LR. I said that but for disclosure of the highest order, I must repeat. Well, not now because I already repeated it and I’m not a complete idiot, not even friends!

The thing with the X20 is that is really is an all around camera. Daido can do tele shots, normal shots, wide angle shots and even 2 ways to do macro. He’s even got this little flash hiding inside the top plate and if ya don’t know it’s there, it will never bother you. Where the heck is the on/off switch? He ain’t got one….turn the lens barrel and eureka…it’s a freakin’ miracle I tell ya.

The ISO is very good to ISO 800. Many shoot higher than that and it’s cool but noise and funky artifacts start growing and….imagine..me the image transposer worrying about noise. Yeah, I actually do. I like to control the look of my photos and not have the camera mandate what will be the result.  High ISO is good if your prepared to get that look and can work with it. I can but I want to choose when and how.

Daido does Manual Focus like he owns it and no one else can come close. It’s true, it’s true. Andre and Garry the Fuji XP1’s get angry and tell me to forget about Daido and his fancy schmancy ISO tricks. check this put…I have to post this so the XP1’s don’t get to read it or the camera shelf will be a war zone.

here’s the Hyperfocal Distances for the Fuji X20.
2.0     10.1′
2.8       7.1′
4.0     5.0′
5.6     3.5′
8.0    2.5′
11.0   1.8′

The left column, such as it is, is the f/stop on the camera. The right column is the Focus Distance, in this case the Hyperfocal Distance. If you go to any f/stop and set that on the camera, then focus the camera to the corresponding distance, it’s easy to see why Daido claims to be King of the Hyperfocal Distance. Divide that focus distance in half and you see your DOF is very nice.

So, let’s say we are at f/5.6. Then if we focus the camera to 3.5′  we see that we have from 1.75′ to infinity in focus. Amazing!


I think another reason that the un-named Fuji X20 was given the name Daido is because he works the way I like in destroying the preconceptions I try to do with my Dreamcatcher Series. Of course we both fail because trying to destroy preconceptions just creates new preconceptions but…..BUTT! The files from Daido lend themselves to crazy processing that i like to do.

Anyway, tomorrow is another day and I’ll go to the streets with Andre’ because I miss him.  Please contact me for your free presets…..

shooter out………………..out of mind but out!…………………………

April 7th, 2014 … Andre’ the Fuji XP1 & I Share a Dream on the Street

04-14-0105-EditWe left the house early this morning around 0830 to do a nice 4 mile walk. Andre’, Garry and myself. The weather called for cloudy conditions….ISO 400  1/125   f/11 to give you an idea. Then it was supposed to start raining around 1300. I figured to be home before that happened. Well, as things go, it started raining by 0930. I had just a short time to try and find a few photos. Well, that’s exactly what I found, a few photos.

Ya know, when that wind gets going and there’s a dampness in the air…it’s anti street shooting. What, How and Why are you saying that shooter? Well, when I use a camera bag to haul gear and rest the uncamera holding arm on the bag, one must pay attention to weather conditions. Here’s why. I use a Luigi’s wrist strap on my cameras when I’m using a bag. So, the camera is now in my hand with a thumb grip and the strap. What happens is that, wind etc will blow against your hand and it will get either tired, cramped, agitated etc. It ain’t a  pretty feeling I tell ya.

Well, I started walking into the National Historic Park area. It was just about empty. I am not used to seeing it so bare except in the coldest days of winter. I started walking to the glass houses that protect the diggings that no one was ever supposed to find because it proved that President George Washington had slaves.

So these two guys are standing right at the glass and the glass is sweating from the humidity and Andre’, oh yeah…Andre’ is seeing something I really didn’t. He does his twitch thing and I respond like Pavlov’s Dogs and get him up to the face and ready. See, I’m trained to respond to the subject matter and the camera. Sheeeesh…how else could ya got photos if ya aren’t trained to respond right away? So I raised Andre’ the Fuji XP1 with his 23mm lens that acts like a 35mm lens and together we framed the OVF finder that many people say can’t frame correctly because they haven’t learned how to see the way the camera sees and that means the camera ain’t any good but we don’t care because we gotz dem brains and we be a figgurin’ out howta see right.

I open the aperture like I said already and framed. Funny thing, in all seriousness, I am using the OVF because it’s just a manly thing to do and I frame and after I got up from the ground from when the guy bopped me on the head that I made the picture of, I checked the photo on the screen and it was perfect to what I remember from before getting knocked down.


We walked up the path towards Chestnut Street and this is where looking right, is the Liberty Bell. Just before that window, as I’m on the outside with Andre’ the XP1 and the 23mm lens that acts like a 35mm…I looked into one of the exhibition chambers. This National Park Service Guard is standing there and looking at the light. Click..yup that fast as I trusted Andre’ to get the exposure right. I didn’t have time to set aperture and or shutter speed. Andre’ whispered, “I got this, don’t sweat it”. Sure enough, he set the ISO to meet my exposure. I had to do a little work on these photos in LR and NIK because I wanted to discover what was in my head and sure enough….it happened.

Tomorrow the weather promises to be better and I can walk more that 2 miles. Maybe I can hit 6 miles and just find photos out there….till then, I wish all of you the peace and happiness I never found….

………………………………………………………………..shooter ouy!

April 6th, 2014 … Fuji X-Pro 1 … Andre’ & Garry hit the Streets

04-14-0076-EditWell, at the last minute I switched bags from the TurnStyle 5 to the Retrospective 5. It just is a little easier to swap cameras from the Retrospective 5. I don’t need any Enter & Exit Bag Procedure Intrusions. On the street I adjusted the dividers a little and now everything just works great. So, Andre’ has the 23mm on and Garry has the 50mm on and the extra pocket holds the EF-X20 Flash & the 18mm. I’ll never use all this stuff out on the street but….if I don’t use both cameras, one will go and I know it. So, I need to learn again to depend on using 2 cameras. Besides, what better way to change lenses eh? It was very convenient to swap cameras when I felt like changing Field of Views. It’s not hard to take, that I’ll say.

So I’m in Independence Historical Park and there’s already a growing swell of tourist. I couldn’t be happier. Actually I will be happier when the weather is tourist time. 75f +, sunny. That’s as good as it gets around here. This guy is looking at me like I’m from Mars. He’s at first looking at my hat. I’m wearing the OD Green VietNam Veteran Hat. I raised the camera as I drew closer and then he walked over to his friend.  They had a map because they didn’t know where they were. Then the guy looks dead at me and ….CLIICK!

He says to me, “Thank You For Your Service”.  Now I won’t repeat this and you darn sure didn’t get it from me but, every time someone says that to me, I get a tear in my heart. Hey, hey…I’m a man guy and we doin’ let tears come from the eyes….well, except if my cat Barsik licks my face when I’m sleeping.

04-14-0068-EditAt this time I’m starting my Observing mode. I’m not seeking the photos that I feel define me but rather the photos that define me that I just make naturally.

I just like to feel present in the Here and Now and these photos do that. That’s all I want from them. They have a chance to be seen for a spell and then I’ll click into high gear and put all the preconceptions that others and myself place upon my work and get back in the rut of working hard. Right now…it’s about innocence of the moment. Innocence of the subject and innocence of me and my pure enjoyment of being a shooter.

The Fuji XP1 OVF

There is much discussion about the OVF and much of it is warranted but then again….? I do not crop my photos. It’s not that I’m a purest or some nutcase that feels that cropping will bring the devil to the photos. Nah, I’m not cropping because I choose not to and besides…..I need to learn to see what Andre’ & Garry see. I know one thing. They will always get the last word.

I find the OVF to be as good as any Leica M I’ve used and thats many. I have both cameras set to do the OVF only. Of course in an emergency like if say, Penelope Cruz asked me to do a photo of her, well…I’d use the EVF just to be safe. Of course I’d stumble a little just to get the session to last longer but you get the idea. Other than that, the OVF is as good as it needs to be, for me. It’s the frame lines and parallax that are the achilles heel of any OVF camera. Ya know, who would want things to be that easy that all ya had to do was point and shoot?

04-14-0077-EditSee how terrible the AF compensation works on the XP1. Yeah, trash this camera and the stupid finder because the parallax doesn’t work the way I think it should. Get a LIFE! Go learn how to use the camera and stop complaining about it and do something about it.

The Camera is deadly accurate. I think I maybe have 2 frames that i missed the focus on. No, not 2 today, 2 from maybe 8 months. So focus check procedures passed with both cameras. It’s gonna be a great season here in Philly. I’m primed and ready. One of the things I need to be attentive of is the decision of changing lenses. Of course that means changing from Andre’ to Garry. This will no doubt be a very interesting experience this season and the lesson learned will stay with me until my time on the planet is finished.

04-14-0078-EditThere’s an innocence on the street now. It’s a thing that happens when tourist come in droves. I mean the folks that live here are weather worn and maybe bored with it all. But the Tourist, they bring new life to the city. I always felt that the City Government brought all the tourist here so that I could make photos of them and about them. Then I found out years ago that only some come to get photos made by me. It’s cool because I adore the tourist because I am a tourist. Besides, I’m not that good that I could catch them all and do a portrait of them. I’d love to get the commission for that project tho’.

Listen, many shooters hate looking like a tourist because they think it’s almost degrading. Hogwash…Rubbish I tell ya!  We are all tourist in life, no one gets a permanent visa.  So that’s like a valuable lesson from the streets. When you travel, do you feel kinda paranoid that someone will try to rob you, steal your camera, kids etc? Of course, it’s a natural state of awareness. So as a shooter, we have to act like a tourist so that tourist don’t feel that we are different from them. I act like a tourist for decades and I can get as close as I want to anyone without sneaking because I am totally into people that are into exactly what I’m into.

Tourist come to Philly to see the sites, appreciate the History of The United States and see all the different people from all over the world and make pictures of everything and everyone. ….. yep, you got it. I just described myself also…..!


I made this photo and then this man looked up at me and asked where I was from. I told him from Northeast Philly. He said, get the f…out, I thought you were a freakin’ tourist.

I haven’t gotten a compliment like that in a while. I walked away smiling but after I slipped him a few bucks.  He made my day.

04-14-0097-EditThis is at the Municipal Services Building. That’s where people go to get licenses for all kinds of things like sleeping on statues and being totally drunk. It’s cool, it’s Philly and it’s life.

This guy is dressed pretty good and ya can see he’s not homeless, just drunk and tired. I knew he was drunk because there was a Vodka bottle behind his back. I used to party like that but now I just make photos of people that party like that.


All in all, Andre’, Garry and I had a productive day. They were both happy to get out and I was to.

…………………………….end transmission……………………………………………………………………………

March 31st, 2014 … Andre’ the Fuji XP1 and I are At One.



So the time was running out in my mind to get really settled in with Andre’ the Fuji XP1 and his 23mm that acts like a 35mm. See, as much as I like the camera and lens, if it doesn’t respond to me in the manner I want and need….it can go to eBay and find someone else to work with. Fortunately for us, that is an impossibility. See, when I’m working…I don’t want a camera to disappear or be numb. I don’t want it poking my hand either or making stupid choices or worse, force me to make choices at the wrong time. Well, that’s called intrusions.

What’s an intrusion? Your sitting on the toilet, reading your ipod, iphone etc and no one is home. Then when it’s time and really important, you realize that there is no paper around. That my friends is an intrusion.

So Andre’ and I were walking for a few hours and covered the terrain we both know oh so well. The 23mm has now found it’s home on Andre’ and with me. We are at one. We are complete and we are content to forge ahead in the new world of seasons and find the hidden photos that we will bring to life together.

Andre’ was relaxing in my right hand with the Luigi Strap making him and I feel secure about not being separated. I felt a vibration start and I saw the light that Mother Nature provided to help us on our journey. I leaned over the railing of the lower courtyard of the Municipal Services Plaza and saw a shadow that looked like us. I thought…geeze, that’s odd. That shadow looks like us Andre’, what do you think about that?

See, here’s the thing. The Fujifilm X-PRO 1 is a camera that will either make or break a shooter. I am dead serious. I use Andre’ in AI mode of Manual. AI is a robot that is somewhere in time. Ok..OK….    Andre’ looked at the shadow and made me move a little so that the 23mm 35mmFOV lens could accommodate the scene. I was looking at them shadows I tell ya. I saw the making of a photo and kept looking at the shadow wondering how they looked like us.

Andre’ had enough and said..”Look at the man STUPID……that’s the shot. Of course he was right and  the 3 of us framed it and came home to our counterpart…the PC with Light Room …but that my friends is another story.

March 27th, 2014 … Fuji X-Pro1 … Tales From The Streets

03-14-0524-EditSee what happens when your blood levels shoot to the sky and your Doctor tells you that you must walk about 2-5 miles a day to lower the Triglycerides and eat right to lower your Cholesterol and you live in the Northeast Section of Philly where the absence of culture prevents you from having an enjoyable walk and your wife is Russian and tells you that you simply must take the bus etc downtown to do your walk so that you will do it every day. Geeze, must I. Maybe I should take Andre’ the Fuji XP1 just incase. hmmmmmmmmm

Well, Andre’ was let’s say,,,more than happy to oblige. It looks as if I’ll be stuck everyday having to walk around town and maybe, just maybe find some photos. hmmmmmmm

Sometimes Mother Light and that Bluebird of happiness just drops a load on ya and ya just smile.  So Andre’ the Fuji XP1 had his 23mm that acts like a 35mm on and I headed to the streets. I shot 33 frames and that’s way more than a days shoot for me. Some stuff I can’t show because I just can’t and other stuff I won’t show just because I won’t but here’s a few that I like for some reason or another.

I’m really at the point of being 100% happy with my process. Well, I’m 100% sure that I’m about 50% happy with my process. But I am 14million 750thousand 496 give or take a few that I love my camera and the way it works. I feel that I at last have a symbiotic relationship with the XP1. This to me is crucial. I’ll bet it is to youse all too but some of youins don’t know that yet.

03-14-0529-EditWe were walking and just groovin’ with the vibe and music of the street. Car horns, sirens, loud talking, cursing, buses, trucks and everything else that Philly could muster up. So andre’ the Fuji XP1and his 23mm that acts like a 35mm told me to pay attention to the glass elements because it could get dirty and smudgy. I always carry a LenPen ad a micro fibre cloth just to be safe. See, Andre’ the Fuji XP1 doesn’t like his 23mm that acts like a 35mm lens to have a hood on.

03-14-0536-EditSee, there’s a thing called Parallax and the blocked finder screen and image from lenshoods. In my Leica M daze…I almost never used a hood with any lens. The Summilux has a tendency to flare slightly but I never sweat that because I would use Benzotriazole in my soup to cut back on flare but Andre’ the Fuji XP1 just likes the look of no lens hood on because it’s just a guy thing and he feels macho. For me, I just let him have his way.

03-14-0537-EditWe have the new issue of the Inspired Eye magazine just about ready to publish. That’s a time consuming job in itself and we are taking on even more work for our friends and community.  I’ll probably write almost on a daily basis because my Doctor insist that I get out and walk…..he he he

From Northeast Philly, shooter out…………………………….

March 26th, 2014 ….. Andre’ The Fuji XP1 Takes A Break, No-name Fuji X20 Called To Duty

03-14-0507-EditYeah, it’s true, it’s very true. The Fuji still has not found a name. Anyway, the weather is crappy so I left Andre’ the XP1 at home to rest and took my Noname Fuji X20 out to work. See, there comes a time in every cameras life that the call to duty comes and the camera must be prepared to rise to the occasion. Of course this means that your cameras must be selected and training must be finished so that you and your camera can work together to find the images that define you.

The X20 has a few things to pay attention to but the most important thing is the ZOOMIE lens. Now I ain’t a zoomie kinda guy. I’m more monogamous and like just one focal length. What the X20 does for me that’s most important is: it allows me to teach Natural Field Of View to those that take a workshop with me. It’s also about the best macro camera around. It focuses so close and the detail it captures is amazing and most beautiful. I love it for my garden and off-street work.

I was sitting on the Elevated train and decided I would add a shot to the Selfie series. Yeah, that’s me in the reflection….yup the guy with the POW/MIA hat. Imagine that!

03-14-0499This was done for the Dreamcatcher Series but it won’t be used. I don’t like it too much but I have to post it because sometimes I just do things like that. I just love my photos even when I don’t like them.

03-14-0485-EditThere is sometimes a moment that calls to us as a shooter but we are not always there or present. Oh, that has nothing to do with the shot above, I just wanted to state that. Obviously I am working on some presets and this is a sample of one in development. Almost, almost……The FOV issue popped up with the X20. See, I’ve used 28mm as a favorite FOV for years all the time knowing that my natural FOV is 35mm. So the X20 I use at 28mm but I have been using the 23mm, (35mm) FOV with Andre’ the Fuji XP1. I am getting almost comfortable with the 35mm FOV so of course like the idiot that I can be sometimes….I used the X20 at 28mm. I mean why do things the easy way when there are so many hard ways to do something?

But….the lesson learned to me is that I am almost back to my Natural FOV 35mm on the XP1 because if I cropped this image (THE HORROR!)…then I would see that I shot at 28mm but the 35mm FOV is tighter and stronger. Hey, I have faith and I take my own workshops I’ll have you know. I don’t offer myself any discounts either.

03-14-0484-EditAnother pre-preset. I’m working hard on these and when they are released well……something’s gonna happen.

My Fuji XE1, 27mm Voigtlander 15mm Heliar have found a new home in Sunny Florida. Olivier adopted them and that leaves me working with only the Native Fujifilm Lenses. It was a tough decision but the right one. For me, it’s never gonna get better than the Xp1, 18mm, 23mm, 35mm. That’s the trinity. I have never stayed in the world of just Manufacturers products…… NEVER!   First time digitally. It’s a big major step but I just want to work and right now, there’s no better way on the planet.

I’m not actually pushing the XP1 am I….darn right I am. I think for a REAL streetshooter, it’s the best way to go. The XP1 offers things no other camera can offer. Can it be improved upon, not mine. I use it just like it is and can go indefinitely this way. Why do I post this and this way? Well, I know many fine shooters that have the XP1 and they are considering the Dark Side. I won’t name the camera but it’s made by the same guys that made Andre’. The main point is that….GEAR is extremely important but only to the extent that you get comfortable with it and can find your photos out there with it.

03-14-0479So I use the XP1 and Olivier, well….he’s not impressed but he sure loves the camera once named Ding, XE1. Different things for different uh…how’d that go? hmmmm anyway…If ya can’t be with the camera ya love, love the one your with. betcha that could be a good hook in a hit song…………..nah!

shooter out…………………………………

March 24th, 2014 … Fuji X-Pro1 … Tales From The Streets

I am at the point of no return. Well, of course there is always an escape clause but I choose to commit to the path that lay ahead and not deter from it. I go with open Eye, Heart and Mind and seek the images that reflect all three and my INTENT. What I’m talking about is the work that lay in front of me and being focused to follow the path. I plan on Andre’ the XP1 and the 23mm that acts like a 35mm to be the friends that walk hand in hand for the long haul.

So the photos I find and make and the stories that come about will be posted on this blog as a record of what I’m doing and how the camera and lens are working on a daily basis. I’m going into serious photography mode and my image rate will drop considerably. For the time being, it’s nice just to shoot and see how things are working.

03-14-0431-EditWhat interest me here was that this girl is against the wall, in more ways than one, and her parents are making pictures like for a fashion shoot. Maybe they want the memory of their daughter as they try to remember what they lost in the past. I’m not sure but I like to thinks about things like this after I make the photo. Sometimes, even before I make the photo. Maybe mom and dad’s little girl will grow up to be a famous model or a movie star. Maybe she’ll grow up to be a waitress in a diner or just maybe gat married and have 3 kids that she wants’s to be models and movie stars. I hope that regardless of what life throws at them, they can maintain LOVE for each other and just except each other for who they are.

I know one thing. They will have no recollection of me making a photo of them.

03-14-0437-EditI’m getting very used to the frame line parallax of the XP1. It doesn’t work the way my Leica’s do but then again I don’t need it to. The accuracy that I need from the camera is the accuracy I find the camera gives me.

I had a conversation with Andre’ the XP1. Of course this was right before I went to the VA Hospital. Anyway, Andre’ explained the XP1 law of OVF Physics. See, it works like this. If you look thru the OVE and see the frame lines move, that’s great but….remember that the frame lines always move the same way with the same lens attached ate any given focus distance.

So, there exist Parallax but there is 2 types of Parallax to deal with. First is the Parallax between the framelines and the lens. This means that you actually have a constant as a point of reference to work with. The framelines will move but never be exact as the lens sees. This is the single most important point tolook at between the Rangefinder vs the SLR cameras.

We all know this and those that decide to work either way, don’t miss the other system. Easy nuff! Now comes the second type of Parallax. This type is placing the blame on the shooter because the camera does things as a constant so the shooter must learn how to interact with the frameline Parallax. Luckily enough Fuji has made the learning chore much easier because they put the EVF in the camera also. So one could just flip the lever and see the difference between both finders and eventually learn to see what the camera is seeing, with more accuracy.

03-14-0468-Edit-EditI put this part of the post up because a few have asked why I use the XP1 over any other camera. For me it’s about the process that I wrote about the other day. The XP1 is the kind of camera that works with you regardless of the situation. It will get the image if you know what and how to do your end. That’s a big reason why I named the camera Andre’. See, Kertesz was not loved by many rich and famous types for decades. Even later, he was never as famous or loved as he wanted to be or DESERVED to be.

What’s most interesting is that most famous photographers are known for the 1930’s and later work. Andre’ made DROP DEAD KILLER IMAGES at the turn of the last century. 30 years or so before that famous French fella. So I named my XP1 after Andre’ because it’s my way of paying respect for the ART that he passed on to us all.

I’m getting off or maybe not……. More stuff coming and it’s always about my XP1 that’s named Andre; and sometimes from my unnamed Fuji X20.

………………end transmission…………………………………………………….


March 22nd, 2014 ….. Fuji XP1 & 23mm … Definition Of Success!

03-14-0409As the weather warms and the Crocus’s start to pop up, I get into the light load mode. Ok, ok…ain’t nothing to light with the XP1 & 23mm. It’s ok because it does the job as one could expect it to. So what is happening is that I am leaving things at home when I go out. Truthfully, I need Andre’ the XP1, a few batteries, lens pen, 23mm that has the vented hood on it. Did I forget anything….I think not. That’s it and hopefully till the fall sets in, unless there’s an assignment that requires a different lens.

This keeps me light, really light. Today on the way back from the VA Hospital, I walked 6.5 miles and stopped just once for a 5 minute break. I wasn’t tired but I have a Think Tank Turn Style 5 that was on the sling mode and my left shoulder started hurting. So I changed it to a waist pack and was off and walking again. The shot above was made on Chestnut Street and Broad Street. I did a few nudes on that lion a few years ago…yo…no! That lady starring me down was not the model.

Once I picked myself up from the ground after she whacked me with her cane, I continued on my way.

03-14-0413-Edit I had to tie my bootlace and I knelt down. After a few seconds. Andre’ started acting up and as I looked up at what he was excited about, I made the exposure. I’m not crazy about the shot but Andre’ is proud that he saw it before me. So I put it in the post. I should state that I am not in full working mode yet as it’s too darn cold. I need to warm my blood and get sunshine burning into my eyes. Most of what I’ve been doing is really preparing for the Spring-Summer-Fall work.

03-14-0393-EditThere’s something really comforting when I work in my Natural Field Of View, 35mm. I mean I used to be able to see an image, move around, raise the camera and frame…it was all very natural. I am not there yet with the 23mm (35mm FOV) but I will be in a few more outings. What turns me on with Andre’ the XP1 is that there’s a feeling of confidence and quality that oozes from him that just keeps me working with him. It’s like he sets the mood for very serious work. I want that, I need that…sheeesh. I must have that!

I don’t play with my cameras, I don’t go out to play around. I go out to work and I do it with my friend Andre’. I suggest that if you don’t know me or what I’m about……stop reading right here. Look at your camera and if it has a name, continue reading this post, if it doesn’t and it’s a tool like a drill or hammer….we need to have a chat.

03-14-0389-EditI have been using LCD screens since the start of them, way back. It’s a pleasure to have a finder like in the XP1. Yeah sure, the M cameras are perfect but here in Philly, all the junkies think so too. I’ve already had a few cameras and a iPhone ripped off on public transportation. Let me tell ya. If some stupid idiot tries to get Andre’ away from me….well, see…The XP1 is all metal as is the 23mm. I guess that takes care of that…..!

I’ve noticed that lately I’m doing selfies again. This is a sign that I’m finding my way and getting ready for real work. Besides, selfies are great to figure out the Parallax of the OVF. I don’t really have much of a problem with the parallax and I don’t use the screen, turned off and I don’t use the EVF too much either. There’s nothing wrong with either it’s just that I like to see THRU my subject and not look AT my subject.

03-14-0397-Edit-EditSo the whole time I’m adapting to my natural FOV and the workings of the camera and how we work together…well, I am also designing presets. This is a task and I spent 2 months working on a set and last week, I trashed the entire set. So I’ll start over and get what I want or trash them and start over and …….

I have a thing for images that are alive by them self. What I mean is this. I learned many moons ago that the process of photography has many aspects to it. We all know that, even Olivier. So, when I decide to make a photograph, my intent is to find the true meaning from inside me and inside the image. Ok, confused…here we go.

A few things to establish. The groundwork you could say. A photograph is a 2 dimensional representation of the subject you captured. As soon as you release the shutter, (actually on first sight) that subject no longer exist. What remains is the image you have on the card, in the computer etc. If you look at that image as a representation of the subject and not see the image as it’s own reality, you miss the truth and value of the photograph.

Now lets get something straight. What I say is for me as how I work. It’s not really the truth of a documentary shooter but yet it is. The realist shooter makes photos to represent a truth that must meet a demand for a purpose. Not always but a lot. When I photographed the war in Nam, did I make a real representation of the reality in front of me? Maybe I tried but I’m sure I failed as everyone else does.

The real dedicated shooters know that a photograph is only a truth of itself and not a truth of what was photographed.  So……when we process the image, do we try to find the truth of the image or the truth of what was photographed?  We of course seek the truth of the image and the truth of what we are in that image.

Burn a corner, raise the contrast, lower the DR, sharpen etc. The point is not to make yourself trapped in any conventions that are holding you back from self realization.

Find your photos out there, by the way..very easy with the Fuji XP1 and bring them home and process them as only you can. Find yourself in what you do and others will too. Hopefully at some point in the near future you can sit back and say, “I am very satisfied with what I’m doing and getting and I will continue to improve and carry on.”

Do not be one of those that say, I am not satisfied with what I’m doing…….

03-14-0418-EditEverything I just wrote has all and everything to do with the XP1. Why? Well, it’s about process, from start to finish. All these thoughts and many more are shared by Andre’ and myself as we venture out on the streets to find the Magical, Mystical Ever Eluding Photographs.

I hope you enjoy what your doing as much as I am. It’s work but what the heck. You could be painting the bathroom.


March 14th, 2014 ….. Finding Myself with the Fuji XPRO-1 and the 23mm 1.4

03-14-0286-EditWhat a long strange trip it’s been. That 35mm FOV took hold of me sooo long ago, I can’t remember not seeing that way. Of course I can use any camera and lens combo and find my photos but there’s something about 35mm that locks in my Eye, Heart and Mind. My intent shines clear to these weary old eyes. I am at one with everything and everyplace, even Tanya. Imagine that!

03-14-0287So the neighbor cop gave me the 23mm in trade for peace of mind for him with his wife. She knows I was a contractor for decades and always maintained an artistic esthetic about my work. So she will let him redo the kitchen knowing that I have his back.

I gotta say, the XP1 with the 23mm is ideal for me. There exist in my mind and heart a memory of days gone past of using my beloved M4 and other M’s but the M4 was it. I had many lenses and I used them all for different things but when it came to the street, my work, my very existence, I used the 35mm Cron and had the 35mm Lux incase I needed an extra stop.

I would set hyperfocal or a zone that I wanted and just walk and tune into the sounds and movements of the street. If something called out to me, I raised the camera, looked thru the finder, framed and……Click. Things are now starting to work in a similar way with some updates. The XP1 works in a way that brings me back to the M4. With the 23mm, I am now connecting to my Eye, Heart and Mind to fulfill my Intent. 


03-14-0292A camera needs to allow you to work in a manner that brings the Subject, the Camera, You and the Viewer into the same reality. That reality is the Print or image. One part of the equation that fails and everything tumbles down to failure. It ain’t a pretty picture.


03-14-0284I’m excited. I’m learning to SEE again with my trusty friend, Andre’. Between you and me, I would really like to just use Andre’ and the 23mm for a long, well, maybe even forever. I’ll give it a long run and just try to learn how the camera sees with me looking thru the finder. Isn’t it crazy, a 64 year old shooter re-falling in love with the camera and process all over again. Eh, I don’t care and I’m going to do what must be done. I have to find the photos waiting for me because no one else can find them because they are on their own journey.




March 13th, 2014 ….. Fuji XP1 and 23mm 1.4 … Shine The Light To Home

03-14-0221I was in Kosmin’s Camera Exchange and it was 1968. Herman asked me what the problem was. I told him something was wrong with my eyes. “What the heck are you talking about?”

I explained that no matter what I do I can’t get that 50mm to work for me, it’s always too long. He smiled at the young streetshooter and said…”Take this camera home and try it out. You’ll find your FOV very fast.” The camera was a Nikon F and I had 3 lenses with it, 28mm, 35mm and a 50mm. So I did as he suggested and in no time flat, I realized that 35mm was it for me. I told him I learned a valuable lesson and he smiled and asked what I learned. He of course wanted to hear about my FOV issue being solved. Well, he almost hit the floor when I told him the lesson I learned was that I hated SLR cameras and also that 35mm was my vision.

03-14-0213All thru the years I felt at home with the 35mm FOV. The thing was, that most shooters used a 50 more than anything else. 50 was natural for them and the 35 was considered wide, I was actually upset because I felt I didn’t fit in. ——-> time warp about 35 years ahead………..Then the digital revolution came and hit me on the head and all the cameras I liked or used had 28mm FOV. This was most upsetting. Many even had the dreaded zoomie lens where I could really get lost in Multiple FOV Personality Camera Land. All right enough of the issues, finding resolution.

03-14-0222I fully adapted to 28mm to the point that is is as natural as could be. I even have to 18mm (27mm) for the XP1 and it works great. Enter my neighbor the cop and his Fuji camera and lens fiasco. As it turns out I made a trade for kitchen layout and design work that will save him around $6,500.00 on his new project. He bought the XT1 and sent it back, his XP1 will arrive today and I’ll give him help on use and setup. What did I get? Glad you asked…I got the brand new 23mm (35mm) lens. Nah, I’m not happy….sheeeeeesh!

So yesterday I took Andre’, the Fuji XP1 with his new eye out for a walk. I just wanted to see how I would do with my old friend, the 35mm FOV. I gotta tell ya, it’s gonna be work to get that back but Andre’ and the 35mm is up to the task and they are starting to Shine The Light To Home for me. The above photos are just FOV test for me. I don’t claim to be after the real stuff yet, I just have to get it together. I will say one thing. Andre’ and this lens are just about encroaching on the rather large size movement of cameras that have found their way to ebay. There is some heft to him but not yet a real problem. The use and photos that he is capable of finding is way above anything I could hope for. The good thing is, if anyone ever tried to steal him, well…..beings all metal and having some size and weight….it wouldn’t be a pretty picture of the person that got hit with Andre’. This is a key issue for being a street shooter, defense!

03-14-0237So the adventures will continue and the re-training of the 35mm FOV is underway….With Andre’ and the 23mm, we are off to a real good start.

………………………….end transmission……………………………………………..