Tag Archives: Streetshooter

Walker The Sony RX100 3 … Likes The Streets of Philadelphia … So Does Ray Sachs

12-14-0123-Edit                    Ray Sachs, Market Street

As I was getting ready for my trek to center city, I noticed on my phone that Ray sent a text message about meeting up.  Well, I texted back and we made a spot to meet and did.

So Ray and I swapped some camera stories and much to my surprise, he had the Nikon Coolpix A and I had the Sony RX100 3. Now I was prepared for the moment Ray wanted to get coffee. Sure enough in less that 15 minutes, Ray wanted to get a cup. So we headed over to La Columbe on 15th Street. Ray ordered a Double Whammy thing and I asked for a regular coffee with extra cream, no sugar.

See, the thing about caffeine with me is that I am really in love  with it but I am hypersensitive sensitive to it. Ray can drink 400 proof coffee, latte stuff and just go about his business. Me, I had my cup of Kona at 0530 and that’s all I’m allowed to have… hahaha… truth. So we sat and talked about many things as we have a lot in common. I guess about an hour later, we started walking to get Ray to the train. We parted company and I brought Walker the Sony RX100# out to see what we could find.

I have to tell you. When I’m breaking in a new camera, I am not trying for my best efforts. I’m really just learning how to work the camera and get used to how we are together. There are 2 distinct things about this camera that I have to learn. First off is the size. I wanted a camera that would fit into any pocket I have and not play games when I need to get it out of said pocket. The RX1003 does this well. If I lost a few of the pounds I found in the last month, it would work better but that’s me, not the camera. So the camera passes easily on this very important point.

The second very important point I have to learn is the zoomie lens. Yeah, yeah, this is the advantage of this camera. I’t a 24mm 1.8 – 70mm 2.8. That’s actually a very steep learning curve for me. I mean 24mm is sweet and in the range of my natural wide angle fov stuff. The 70mm is sweet but I’m not comfortable out there but I must get comfortable.




For me, anything that rattles my cage is lovely. I don’t like getting complacent with my cameras or worse, my images making. So I stand up ready for the challenge fully aware that things will change. Hey, New Years is fast approaching and it’s good to do new things. Well, I had the first version of this camera and really did like it.  This version put’s the RX1003 into a new orbit untouched by many of it’s competitors.



There are many features that really stand out but I’m more concerned how those features work with me. I’m thinking after I spend a week steady with it using the screen, which is awesome because it tilts all over the place. This camera is made for young woman. hold on, hold on. See, when I’m on public transportation, I like to watch the girls do their makeup using the phones. Well, this camera lets you see like that. So now the girls can make a photo and do a close up and see the frame as they make it. I think Sony calls it the Makeup checking procedures. It’s in certain models of this camera.

I used the name Walker after Walker Evans. I studied his work decades ago at the Museum. What stood out to me, for his time, he was the most versatile photographer around. I mean the man could use anything of anything or anyone and make an amazing photo. Ding would hold the prints and explain to me what he got from them. Then he asked me to explain wht I got. Seriously, I sometimes got tears. Ding would put his hand on my shoulder and say, “Don, it’s ok, your a Human Being too”.

So I named the Sony RX100 3 after Walker Evans and I;m proud to have Walker with me.


I have a lot more learning to do and luckily I have a dear friend Judy that has the same camera. Not only that but she’s been using version 2 for a long time so she can help me when I get stuck. Little does she know but, her and I are going to have a Judy’s camera naming ceremony. So if”n youse want know who she is, well get the next issue of The Inspired Eye and you’ll see she’s in it.

Well tomorrow is another day and I’ll take Walker out for another shoot. I’m heading to the Shore for business to help my friend’s family at their house. So I’ll do some more learning and post again then.

I made a promise to many readers to keep the blog going on a steady basis and I will follow thru on that promise.

I appreciate all you great people reading this and let me say this….. if you send me stuff, I’ll post it….. shooter out…………………………………………………

Goodbye Fuji X30 … Hello Walker The … Sony RX100 3

12-14-0086-EditWell, I shot my Grand Niece’s sweet 16 party. I decided that I would take the camera that does family and events better than my other cameras because it has a zoomie lens thing on it. We it does zoomie nice and it gives the illusion that every-things gonna be ok. Well, the Fuji X30 has a sense of humor and displayed it to me at the most appropriate time. See, i really needed these photos to be special because it’s my family. So I get to the party with My daughter and her hubby, nice guy for a hubby. I’m sitting down and decide to put the Fuji EF-X20 Flash on the camera because this is a flash event. See, here’s the thing. I have many flash units that would work, like Mets and other good units. I want to use the little Fuji because it’s dedicated and small. Really vey cool.

10-14-0171-EditWell, I’m a clicking away, clicking a here and a there and starting to get in the groove and then, than on a single press of the shutter as my beautiful daughter is standing in front of me but at a distance and I want to make this portrait of her cause it’s gonna be nice… I press….and the camera says, .. uh uh, I don’t think so shooter. Well, see, I get a little upset when my cameras don’t work with me and intrude on what I’m doing especially since it’s my daughter I’m making the photo of. This is why I name cameras. So at this point, we can talk about why the camera is not cooperating. It becomes more personal and comfortable for each of us.

I was able to secure 166 photos of which 1 used 140. So far so good. Uh uh, I don’t think so. See, when I used the flash, sometimes it worked so well I could smile.

Then the dew do started. The camera would not lock focus and would not release. White AF box…hmmmm! My Doc at the VA gives me meds so I don’t over react. They work fine but this time, no way.

So im breathing now and figured out that the camera was not at fault. THE FLASH! See the flash is good to about 15′. As long as your in the range it’s a great setup. But see it’s the nature of the beast to use a tele at longer distances.well, the UN NAMED FUJI EF-X20 will not let the camera fire regardless of what I want to do.

12-14-0086-EditSee, I have this problem with a single word in the English language. Trust me, no matter what language is native to you, this single word is in there.

OBEY! I just can’t and I won’t obey especially a camera or flash. Well, the flash told the camera that … we ain’t making no photos over 15′ and that shooter guy.. he will OBEY.

Yes, I did OBEY  because I had to. It’s like when da wifey says, take the garbage out. I just OBEY, I don’t like it but I don’t want her to do it so I OBEY. With da wifey, it’s actually ok to OBEY because we have no choice. If we did have a choice, we wouldn’t have a wifey.

So when I got home and did Lightroom I realized that I was very upset. I did many, many pro shoots of events all over and never once had a problem.



So I thought about things and decided to let the X30 sit for a while until I come to grips with the anger I was experiencing. A few weeks went by and I realized that our time together was over. I hadn’t touched it and didn’t miss it. What a bad feeling, I gotta tell ya. To love a camera and then have it just go sour, well.. not a pretty picture. I know it wasn’t the camera totally and it’s completely my fault. I admit that I hadn’t used the flash the way it was designed. In that range, it’s amazing on the camera. Small very efficient and the battery life was great. 2 small AAA batteries and your good. Lovely.


Well, I realize the the old adage my Uncle Birney told was true. “Poison Your Mind”. That means that for example, people shove crap into you and when you try to do something, your mind in poisoned because there’s crap blocking free thought.

Well, low and behold, sure enough….when I looked at the Fuji X30, I got a feeling of failure and discomfort. It’s a bad feeling and I’m upset about it but at any rate, I sold the camera. I have the flash but will sell it also, in time.

So that’s the legacy of the Fuji X30 and you should notice that I did not call it by name. That alone is a big statement.

I have used the Sony RX100 1 for a while and forgot about it. A deal came to me by way of B&H and I have the Sony RX100 3 and I gotta tell ya….

no, no, no….. ya gotta come back to here the adventures of Walker the Sony RX100 3……………………………………….shooter out…..!

Nov 25th … Fuji X100s … Enlightenment! … Opens My Mind for the Street

Twas the night before the 25th and all thru the house, not a camera was stirring, not even, hey shooter, what the heck are you doing? It’s November silly. sheeeesh XMAS is a month away.


The winter is arriving soon. I’m told that I should expect this to happen soon. Actually, I love the change of seasons. Temperature changes and it gets colder…yeah…yeah… the light, yup the light gets clean and bright. The air is cold and moist and chills my bones all the way thru… yeah… yup. My hands get so cold I can’t feel my camera. Yeah… I love the friggin winter.

So what does happen is that the complacency of seeing the same things all the time really wakes up the mind. Andre’ the Fuji X100s is the perfect companion all the time because he allows me to work the way I choose and yet he opens my mind to other possibilities also. Gently but he does. See, cameras have the ability to intrude on your vision. What I mean is you decide to make a photo and the camera either supports that or it doesn’t. Sometimes with Andre’ I find myself needing the EVF and when that happens, and it happens fast, it makes me feel that the camera is helping me make the photo. Beings a really big advocate for the screen, Andre’ has that too.

What this means is not megapixel, screen brightness, grip, anything like that at all. It’s about opening your mind and having a camera that can assist in that process.



Making photos should be about what YOU see and feel in life, not what others put upon you. So maybe we should be more selfish making photos because we only need to satisfy ourselves. Sometimes we satisfy others too and that’s very nice but should not be the motivator or goal of your intent. So it’s good to make photos of things you normally don’t make photos of. It helps to remove the guilt of doing something you fell is not up to your standards. It also helps to reshape your preconceptions and alter your mind and vision. This gets you to see things differently and helps to stop getting complacent.


There’s a beauty in the ugliness of the world. Then there is an ugliness in the beauty of the world. If we approach everything as if it’s the last time we’ll see it, maybe it’s possible to live with both.  What’s important is to not pre-judge yourself or anything around you.  Pre-judging is kinda like being really close minded as you seek your images. It’s ok because it’s another way of being selective. This may or may not be good. You have to decide. This pre-judging happens before exposure because it’s a process of selection of subject matter.

The danger of course, is that one gets kinda boxed in the frame and can’t see outside of ones self’s frame. Probably many photos are lost at this point.

Preconceptions are pre-judgements that have anchored into our images after exposure and that have a direct impact on the viewer of the images. An example is a title. Many but not all titles can limit what your viewer gets from the image because you may have anchored a preconception to the entrance to the image. The same is true with cameras and lenses.

I could very easily say the Andre’ the Fuji X100s can’t do many things on the street or anywhere’s for that matter because he limits me to 35mm FOV. I could say that and it may be true but I won’t say that because it’s not true but it is sometimes but it’s just how I look at things and not always how I thinks about things si it maybe true and maybe not.

There was a Doctor named, Dr Murray Banks. He was a shrink. He told a story about 2 kids. One was an optimist and the other was a pessimist. Each was placed in a room filled with horse manure. The pessimist started complaining like.. get me out of here, there’s manure everywhere.

The optimist was digging around the manure and said, where’s theres manure, there’s gotta be a horse.

I’m gonna ride that horse and take Andre’ the Fuji X100s with me and hopefully I may find some things to look at that I never paid attention to before. If not, I’ll try to make photos of things that I may never see again.

shooter out……………………………………………………………………………………………….



Andre’ The Fuji X100s … Rises To The Call


Life has been providing me with many things to occupy my time. Even Mother Light has given me cameras to test and decide the fate of the beloved camera shelf.

Well, I was sitting at my desk and looking at my shelf where some cameras are sleeping and then, then without warning, without any warning at all, I had a total Momentary Lapse of Reason.  What the hell youse thinking huh? sheeeesh…. I had Pink Floyd playing on the Mac. Well, things were going good and I was feeling chipper ’cause the music had me just being relaxed and then,,,, OMG.. a voice. I heard a “Click” sound that was kinda familiar but long ago forgotten. It was in my memory but I can’t remember what I forgot. So I closed my eyes and listened to Pink Floyd and then, very quietly I could hear a gentle faint voice.

I thought to myself, self… we know that voice don’t we? I answered myself and said, yeah, we know that voice.

See, my VA Dr likes this kinda thing. It’s not that there is i voice, see that’s normal in un-normal situations. Nah… that’s not it…. it’s the We thing that gets ya. I mean if I’m talking to my self, who the hell is the other guy that makes us a we? And why the hell is he bothering me and invading my conversation. The I had a Momentary unLapse of Reason. See, if I’m having a conversation with my self, I need another me so that I can talk and answer me other wise I might be seen as nutz. Imagine that.

Look, it’s ok to talk to yourself. It’s even ok to answer yourself. As long as you know who is doing the talking and the answering, your ok. If you think it;s someone else, well, my doctor had=s a very comfortable couch.

Why did I write this? Well, see I heard this faint voice and it was Andre’ the Fuji X100s and he was saying he wanted off of the shelf and wanted to make photos.



Well, after I realized the voice was Andre’, I took him in my hand and we walked around the house looking for some photos. As it turned out, the bathroom was the most interesting. Barsik thought so too and he was doing something in the toilet that I used to do when I was young and got pissed. But Barsik was drinking water and I was uh…uh…working on un-processed food removal procedures, accompanied by alcohol ignition ejection systems.

The light has shined on me once again and I made these two photos because I am blessed with sight and love the process of photography.

The thing is, I am madly in love with perhaps the finest camera ever designed and produced, The Fuji X100s. Tomorrow… tales from the street.

Be blessed my friends………………………………………………….

November 20th, 2014 … Connection: You and Your Work

06-14-0157-EditIt is said that a photo speaks 1000 words. Perhaps that’s true and perhaps photos speak more than 1000 words. It’s a futile task to describe a photo in words because it is a different language altogether that defies descriptions. It is best just to accept the photo as it’s own reality and let it seep into us and answer the questions we have of it and even the questions we haven’t thought of to ask.

For me, some photos or images as I prefer to call them , mark a distinct period of time. I mean when I’m making images there sometimes happens a moment of revelation. It’s like a Deja Vu kinda thing. I am feeling completely aware and conscious of the here and now and of having my camera at hand.

When I say camera at hand, that means I am aware of the total process of my photography being present in the here and now. So, when I frame and release there is a sleeping excitement about the experience that I long to see. I’m not saying that this occurs all the time, just that I am aware that it does occur. When I get to LightRoom  and look at what images found me, I sometimes suddenly feel this anticipation about seeing which photos bring back the experience.

This is not to say that it’s the only way to work and that other images aren’t worthy of coming to life, just that these images are my Observations and I feel completely connected to them. I feel connected to other photos also but they don’t talk to me the same way.


The interesting thing is that many of my Observation photos become popular all over the place except home because I’m supposed to be washing the dishes and not playing with my computer. That’s another kind of observation we need not get to deep into.

I have more to say and I’d love to hear from all youse so I’ll do more today and continue in the coming daze.

End transmission………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

October 21st, 2014 … Thoughts, Findings and Observations on the Fuji X30 … (Pt 2)


I almost forgot a most important item on the Fuji X30. The GRIP. This camera has the best grip I have ever used from any OEM. When you hold it in your hand, it has a very secure feeling Shooting a horizontal is very comfortable and when you switch to a vertical, the camera pivots very smoothly. This is critical and many cameras including Andre’ the Fuji X100s fails with grip holding procedures. When I test a camera, I put a wrist strap on it. WHOA! Not one of those cheapies I use a real strap made by the Master Himself, Luigi. So, with the X100s, the camera has a terrible grip and when using a wrist strap, it will slip out of the hand many times during a shoot. The Luigi’s wrist strap keeps the camera from getting airborne and falling to the ground. This will never happen with the X30. The grip is amazing and I wish, every camera ever made or that will ever be made had this grip on it.


Then we are faced with the issue of the Thumb Grip. Ya don’t need it on the X30. Ya do need it on the X100s but….! The X100s with a thumb grip will make the camera safe and stable but will be an irritant in your pocket. I talked about this with Andre’ the Fuji X100s and he told me that with the thumb grip installed, he pushes himself against my leg because it’s a reminder that he belongs out of pocket and working. His firmware is more advanced than mine and I need an update.

The other method of course is a strap. You guessed it, I use a few different Luigi’s straps. My issue is that I am no longer allowed to wear a camera around my neck. I actually do wear Daido the Fuji X30 around my neck on a strap because he’s smaller and lighter and so far it’s ok and my Doc doesn’t know otherwise I would get sent back to the factory. So the camera really likes a wrist strap and you never have to worry about the grip.

Of course everyone is using the ACMAXX screen protector ao I need not mention that, right.


Almost every button on the camera can be reconfigured to do almost anything you could want. That’s remarkable. I don’t do vids with a camera so the button on top is set to ISO. Hold on, we don’t just get to set ISO with the Fuji X30, ohhh no.. there’s some magic brewing in there. See, I use Auto ISO always. I use M Mode almost always. Here’s the thing. I get to set the Aperture and the Shutter Speed. I need to be able to do this because, well, I need to be able to have some control. I trust the camera to make me happy even if I choose a wrong proper exposure.

For example: I set 1/250 f/8. Daido the Fuji X30 says, danggit shooter, your exposure is wrong for this light.He knows I’m wrong and then he sees that he can’t change either the aperture or shutter speed because I’m in M Master mode.So, he thinks real fast with the great firmware Fujifilm has installed in him and he says.

Eureka! I can change the ISO because that’s my part of working and then shooter won’t get angry cause I proved him wrong with an under or over exposed photo. So, I’ll just adjust the ISO to make peace and harmony.

For me. this is crucial in a camera and many have it so why the heck am I mentioning something every other camera ever built has in it? Great question and here’s a great answer………

The X30 has not one, not two but three, count em’ three Auto ISO modes and each is configurable. So you can set one for daylight say 100-640, one to say 400-1600 and maybe ont from 800-3200 and change the minimum shutter speed on each and set the default ISO. Amazing and oh sooo useful. I very often over expose intentionally for my Dreamcatcher series. This will make it easier and more creative for me and I’ll use this feature a lot.

Tomorrow I’ll shoot a few X100s and X30 shots at 35mm and then we can compare them side by side. I think it will be interesting.


If ya’s have any questions or request, please post a comment and I usually answer my readers very fast. Have a good one and go in peace my friends.



October 1st, 2014 … The Nikon Coolpix A is Not to be Missed


Well, I spent a few weeks getting to know Ding, the Nikon Coolpix A and it was very nice. Then I felt the desire to go out with Andre’ the Fuji X100 s. Well, that was a great reawakening and it was wonderful to be be out with my old friend…(even if he screwed with my head on the battery cover dropping off procedure.) All was well with the cameras in the shooter household. The cameras were clean and had charged batteries, they had fresh formatted cards in them and they were happy just resting on the shelf. I took my meds so I was kinds un-edgy, don’t ask Tanya cause she thinks I’m completely nuts… imagine that…hmmmm!

Even Daido the Fuji X20 is just comfortable on the shelf looking and sexi lil’ Penelope the Ricoh GRD4 in white.

So I went to bed to rest for the trip to the VA hospital where they talk to me and give me things to make me feel better. About 0200 I feel something knocking against my head. Tanya was sleeping and Barsik the Cat that’s 1/2 American and 1/2 Russian was sleeping too.

I thought to myself, the 45 is loaded so relax but this doesn’t feel like someone I want to shoot….

then, in a very quiet tone, ever so softly, I heard a voice in me ear I tell ya…. it said…. yo pop, I wanna go back on the street. It’s pitch black like Zone -1. I’m thinking with my brain that came home from vacation so I am working on all 4 cylinders again.

Yo pop, it’s me…. it’s Ding. I wanna go out and work but that funky ass X100s named Andre’ thinks hes the king of the hill….sheeeeeet!

He ain’t gettin’ in no pockets like me…..dang it, you could get Penelope and me in yer pocket……..

STOP! I said, Penelope is a lady and you don’t get to be alone with her in my pocket. Ricoh has enough problems with Ricoh/Pentax we doin’ need no Ricoh/Nikon things ’round here.

So I told Ding the Coolpix A to go back to bed and hi m and I can get to work for a little…. he said, ok pop, I’m gonna rest till you wake me… g’d night.

Now so far everything seems normal, right. I mean I know I ain’t the only shooter around that communicates with his cameras. But ya know… I can’t figure out, how the heck did Ding get from the office, down the hall, jump on the bed, talk with me and then make the hike back?

Fancy firmware I suppose.

So I grabbed Ding and put him in the little pouch that goes on my belt and took an extra battery that I will never need cause the Nikon Coolpix A has great power management. We walked around town and just kinda relaxed and was checking out the sites.

Ding was in my hand and he was reminding me how when I was a real photographer shooting film and bringing him contact sheets to the Museum that I need to always just look for my own stuff and not worry about anything from anyone else.

Then, at that exact moment, well, it was really a few moments later but it’s more interesting to make it sound like an instant revelation…. I see this big azz rat on the sidewalk. So I said to myself, self…lets try to find something interesting with the big rat in center city Philadelphia. I mean, there’s no ratz at all in center city and there’s no ratz in Philly even in City Hall. For real… this is a one in a million opportunity to get a shot of the next Mayor on the street. So Ding was ready and I set the Aperture and Shutter speed and Ding did the ISO. I looked up from behind… and the ears………CLICK!


Ding was happy because he gets to be a part of the process more so than the other cameras,,,(shhhhhh he thinks he’s special cause he can get from the office to the bedroom and back without help…..)

Well we walked around and we snapped a few pics just cause we wanted to and cause he needs the exercise. Then he said to me… “Shooter, yeah you pop, don’t even think about pulling that One Shot Per Shoot crap with me…..” I started to get a little peeved, is that a word even? I told him, Ding, this is about me and MAYBE you making photos. I like talking to you and even my Shrink thinks it might be ok and we talk about that each session, but I need to concentrate and your bugging me.

I realized I hurt his feelings. I saw the lens sloooowly go back into the body and the lights go off. The screen was dark. So, being the Viet Nam Vet that I am I found a corner that no one was near and I apologized to Ding. I mean I damn near kissed his but… but couldn’t find it anyway.

Then, Ding came back to work… that cool whirl sound and the lens popped out quickly and with substance like any ,an..uh…uh…..sorry Judy.

He was ready, we walked around and we came upon the Dilworth Plaza Etiquette School of Walking with a book on your head. This student was doing really well and I made a photo or her progress but I soon realized she had not attended the nice language in the open space with many people around class. She spit out a few choice words of which most I heard and have adopted into my arsenal of vocabulary but there was a few she said that stumped me and even some people around were wondering what she was saying.

Anyway, I’m heading out again tomorrow for a few hours and Ding is the only Kat coming along for the walk.

Have a good one and The Inspired Eye Issue 14 is hot off the press. Also, I’ll be posting more post on the IE Blog for the shooters that sent in the photo and info. It’s a nice turnout and I’m damn proud and happy to know youse alls good peoples….

hopefully, youse can feel likewise for me…….. shooter, sayin’ good night Johnboy……………………………………………………………………








September 28th, 2014 … The Fuji X100s … My Partner On The Street


So, I went out with Tanya so she could shop for her family. I had my Harley Denim Jacket on cause Fall is here and I’m not falling for that Fall stuff. When you leave it’s nice and warm and when ya have to head back, well… it’s cool. I’m too old to Fall for that stuff I tell ya, I’m too smaat. Andre’ said he wanted to go along just to get out of the house and I quickly agree.

Ohhh sorry, Andre’ is my Fuji X100s. He said he was tired of being in the house cause I was taking Ding, the Nikon Coolpix A everywhere. So I put Andre’ in the Harley jacket inner pocket and he’s happy cause he’s riding a Harley.

We get to Neshaminy Mall  and Tanya shops, I sit. Tanya shops I sit.  I sit, Tanya shops… endless cycle of well being. I’m sitting on the bench just checking things out and all the sudden………….


……. this young woman that I think is around 30-ish is walking towards me and I look at her and think….nah, I’m never that lucky…… well low and behold…. she floats thru the crowd and gently like a Dove, lands on the bench right next to me. She turns to me and says, “excuse me sir, do you know anything about cameras?”

Well at this exact moment, my faith in The Lord and in mankind is restored. I turn to her and said, I know a little, what’s the problem? So she reaches into her handbag and pulls out a Canon S110. She says, it won’t come out. (Yes guys, that’s exactly my thoughts). So he hands me the camers and her fingers gently rub against mine. (At this point, I have solved, ebola, end all wars, cured the economy and everything that plagues the world.)


So I turn the camera on and sure enough the lens will not come out.  She’s obviously distraught and I really feel for her, no really! She tells me her boyfriend is sill and he can’t make it come out.

(enter shooter the hero) I look closely and can see that something is wedged in between the lens barrel. So I asked her if she had a hairpin and she says no, all I have are these needles I bought for my mom’s sewing machine. (Thank you LORD for small favors) I take a needle and gently but forcefully, stick it in and work to pry the thing out. I manage to get it out and see it was a piece of salt from a soft pretzel. The camera turns on and the lens pops out and she says to me, you made it come out, how can I ever thank you?

As she is sitting there looking at me and smiling, Tanya is walking towards me. So the young woman stands up and thanks me very much and starts to walk away. Tanya looks at her and then turns to look at her from the rear just as I am doing and then gets right in front of me.

I immediately told her what happened and she say’s, I wanna walk down to Macy’s. I stand and walk with her thru the mall and as we get into the mall traffic, she reaches behind me and pats my bum. I don’t know what I did or how I did it but I averted another Russian American Cold War in the house.

But none of this is the point of the story. See, when we got home, I took Andre’ the Fuji X100s out of the Harley jacket pocket and I felt something still in the pocket. I put Andre’ down on the table and reached into the pocket again and GASP!!!!!!!!!

I saw the battery cover in my hand. NOOOOO!!!!!!! you don’t belong in my hand, you belong on Andre’.

So I went up to the office and looked at things thru my Schneider loupe. After about 10 minutes I manage to get the cover back on. I thought that maybe I should contact service but figured, I still have 7 months of warranty left so I’ll just wait it out. I did nothing to provoke this issue. It just fell off and I don’t know why. The issue is, if it falls off on the street, well, that won’t be pretty.

So I try to keep my pinky finger against the cover while working. It’s very upsetting but the camera is the most amazing camera and if I had to use it without the door, I would. It’s that good…..

Please remember, The One Shot Per Shoot is still active and you really should join the many that are participating.

Good Sunday to youse alls good peoples….. shooter out……………………………………

September 18th, 2014 … The One Shot Photo Project Begins … Come One, Come All


I’m making a challenge to myself and youse all shooters. The one shot photo project is just what it sounds like. One photo per shoot. Not one a day, a week, a month or a year. Simply put, one shot for every shoot you do. It’s up to you to decide how many photos you make CasinoinUS on a shoot but only one can be submitted per shoot. You don’t have to do this, you know it and I know it. This is something I learned from Ding McNulty and it has proved to make me focus on my work with a clear and clean vision. The thing is, it helps me to really commit to my images because I can only choose 1. I slowed down a lot back in the 70’s thru all my film decades. Now with digital, it’s like overabundance is par for the course.

So, if your interested, submit a photo under the One Per Shoot Project, send it to me by email (streetshooter.us@gmail.com) along with a statement about the photo and the experience of making it. A paragraph or so is cool. You can do this more than once soooo be awake and alert and find that ONE SHOT.

09-14-0162-EditIf  your up to doing this, then here’s what will happen. You will be put on the Inspired Eye Blog and have a chance of getting into the Inspired Eye Magazine.

The idea behind this is to create energy to work but not to have to make it a burden. This will actually tune your vision and help to eliminate boredom and loss of direction. If you make a good effort doing this, you will find a new strength in your work and vision.

I hope that youse will partake in this project as I am committed to doing it again, and again.. and again……

……………………………………………………end transmission, thanks again Ding………………………………………………………………………….. shooter out……………..

September 15th, 2014 … Andre’ The Fuji X100s … Meets … Ding The Nikon Coolpix A


Look, don’t get me wrong, ok. I really do love the X100s and it provides a wonderful working experience.

What, but everyone knows that already. Ok, ok! Andre’ is upset because I called the camera X100s and not it’s proper name, Andre’. He also said, “Look shooter,  everyone calls you Don or shooter. No one calls you the human or photographer and you wouldn’t be without me anyway.” So now I get it. Andre’ the Fuji X100s is jealous

09-14-0053-EditSee, word on the camera shelf is that there’s a new kid on the block. Yes, it’s very true. The Nikon Coolpix A has taken up residence on the current camera shelf. The new camera has been named Ding, after Kneeland Ding McNulty.

Ding mentored me for a while and gave me valuable life lessons and how to youtubemp3now.com have photography fall in love with me. He wasn’t concerned about my love affair with photography but wanted to make sure that photography and I had a life long symbiotic relationship. So I decided to name the Nikon after him. So of course Andre’ is upset and kinda jealous because he thinks he will get less street time than he used to get. Nothing could be further from the truth. See, both Andre’ and Ding will be out with me always starting Wednesday. Till then, Ding and I are reacquainting our selves as it’s been decades since we spent time together, at least on the physical plane.

09-14-0152-EditSee, for me it used to be a 35mm lens on my M Leicas. The when the digital imaging made cameras that worked like cameras, it seemed that 28mm was the preferred focal length. I still lean to the 35mm FOV but the 28mm FOV has a place embedded in my brain’s firmware. Well, now that my brain is back from vacation, I will have to update it’s firmware to the Nikon;s UI and FL and combine that with Andre’, the Fuji X 100s.


There are thing for me to write about and I am excited again to feel visual freedom once again. Ding is proving to be a worthy companion and I hope in due time that Andre’ and Ding will get along.

At any rate, I’ll be posting more for the next few weeks as the discovery and challenges arise working with these two cameras.

Shooter Out……………………………