We left the house early this morning around 0830 to do a nice 4 mile walk. Andre’, Garry and myself. The weather called for cloudy conditions….ISO 400 1/125 f/11 to give you an idea. Then it was supposed to start raining around 1300. I figured to be home before that happened. Well, as things go, it started raining by 0930. I had just a short time to try and find a few photos. Well, that’s exactly what I found, a few photos.
Ya know, when that wind gets going and there’s a dampness in the air…it’s anti street shooting. What, How and Why are you saying that shooter? Well, when I use a camera bag to haul gear and rest the uncamera holding arm on the bag, one must pay attention to weather conditions. Here’s why. I use a Luigi’s wrist strap on my cameras when I’m using a bag. So, the camera is now in my hand with a thumb grip and the strap. What happens is that, wind etc will blow against your hand and it will get either tired, cramped, agitated etc. It ain’t a pretty feeling I tell ya.
Well, I started walking into the National Historic Park area. It was just about empty. I am not used to seeing it so bare except in the coldest days of winter. I started walking to the glass houses that protect the diggings that no one was ever supposed to find because it proved that President George Washington had slaves.
So these two guys are standing right at the glass and the glass is sweating from the humidity and Andre’, oh yeah…Andre’ is seeing something I really didn’t. He does his twitch thing and I respond like Pavlov’s Dogs and get him up to the face and ready. See, I’m trained to respond to the subject matter and the camera. Sheeeesh…how else could ya got photos if ya aren’t trained to respond right away? So I raised Andre’ the Fuji XP1 with his 23mm lens that acts like a 35mm lens and together we framed the OVF finder that many people say can’t frame correctly because they haven’t learned how to see the way the camera sees and that means the camera ain’t any good but we don’t care because we gotz dem brains and we be a figgurin’ out howta see right.
I open the aperture like I said already and framed. Funny thing, in all seriousness, I am using the OVF because it’s just a manly thing to do and I frame and after I got up from the ground from when the guy bopped me on the head that I made the picture of, I checked the photo on the screen and it was perfect to what I remember from before getting knocked down.
We walked up the path towards Chestnut Street and this is where looking right, is the Liberty Bell. Just before that window, as I’m on the outside with Andre’ the XP1 and the 23mm lens that acts like a 35mm…I looked into one of the exhibition chambers. This National Park Service Guard is standing there and looking at the light. Click..yup that fast as I trusted Andre’ to get the exposure right. I didn’t have time to set aperture and or shutter speed. Andre’ whispered, “I got this, don’t sweat it”. Sure enough, he set the ISO to meet my exposure. I had to do a little work on these photos in LR and NIK because I wanted to discover what was in my head and sure enough….it happened.
Tomorrow the weather promises to be better and I can walk more that 2 miles. Maybe I can hit 6 miles and just find photos out there….till then, I wish all of you the peace and happiness I never found….
………………………………………………………………..shooter ouy!