….. so I’m walking thru Penn Square heading to get coffee and breakfast and coffee….coffee…get that. I have the yet un-named Nex in my hand with the 35mm Nokton on. I figured just to relax, sip a few cups of coffee…COFFEE and this guy is inside this building talking on his fancy dancy cellphone and he’s looking at me like I’m nuts. So I raised the camera and focused with the red peaking as I did this and framed and CLICK! Not bad considering I was just trying to get a cup of friggin coffee.
The thing about using a 50mm for me is to change the way I see the world and my work. What I find most interesting is the Depth Of Field. Ok, so outside of the Metro Philly Area, there’s a thing called Bokeh. Yeah…yeah, I heard of it but I ain’t letting that SOB Mr Bokek get into my stuff. He’s not always in focus but he shows up sometimes. So what I like to do is Anti-Bokeh or Reverse Bokeh.
Of course none of this will mean a hill of beans to anyone else but my collectors and myself. The interesting thing for me is something like this. Just making the change to a 50mm FOV should bee as easy as changing lenses. Well, maybe for most it is but for me it’s not. I want to know about the DOF that is taken away from this change and how I have to compensate for that loss on my lens. My lens has a very accurate DOF scale…(Tested on a number of Leicas)…I want to be able to just switch f/stops and KNOW what I have for my DOF without looking at anything but the subject and the lens.
The field of view also leads me to thinking more. Oh yeah, my brain works on overtime…….but this funny enough seems to be the easy part for me. I SEE 50mm already. What that means is that it’s quickly becoming a Natural Field of View. So I guess the technical parts will be worked out in the next few weeks or so. I mean, I think I’m off to a good start being a rank amateur on this lens.
Now a word about photographic engineers. Why do I have to have another nice lens that sees 35mm, has the proper markings for 35mm and works just great as a 35mm field of view and DOF for a 35mm lens and yet I put it on the NEX 6 and youse idiot engineers make the lens see like 52.5 mm and the DOF is off and the scale is off and I get a headache every time I have to think about what I’m doing because you are the engineer and should be playing with you locomotives and not our cameras……