Tag Archives: Dreams

May 30th, 2014 … The Fuji X100s – XXX Rated Version

05-14-0485-EditSo I was working on some interviews for The Inspired Eye Magazine. I read an email from a woman shooter that has an amazing eye and she is being interviewed now. I was very happy to read that she enjoyed my blog post and especially yesterday’s. Thank you Maria K…that made my day and will for days to come.

So I didn’t sleep last night. The unnamed Fuji X100s was on my mind. (Really it was Doc Shioko but we don’t want bad relations with Russia, things are bad enough already) So I couldn’t wait for the bus and train so I ran the 15 miles and got to the VA long before my appointment. I’m in the waiting  area and there’s a lot of vets here. I mean a lot. Well, the receptionist calls out..Anyone here for Doctor so an so…3 guys raise their hands. She ask again..anyone her for Doctor so an so?…. 9 guys and 4 women raise their hands.

She ask again…is there anyone here for Doc Shioko?   95  guys raised their hands not including me.

The Fuji X100s is an amazing camera. It’s seems like it may be limiting because it sees 35mm ONLY. Well, for decades that’s what I used on my Leica M’s. Well, that is something that each must determine the value of the FOV on your work. For me, it’s still my Natural Field of View. I love it and am in the middle of a very passionate affair with…no…my unnamed camera.

It’s a perfect size for me. On the street I reconfigure myself according to how my central processing unit, brain, wants to work. Neck strap, wrist strap, thumb grip on/off, it depends on what’s going on. The key thing is, the camera is small but not too and also, it’s lite. I can go from horizontal to vertical very easy with no resistance due to weight and size.






So finally it was my turn to be inspected, rejected, infected and detected. Shioko tells me to put the gown on and lay on the table. Did ya ever see Superman change in a phone booth? Well, he lives down the street from and I’ll tell ya this. He’s sloooo compared to me . I was on that table before Shioko blinked twice. so I closed my eyes and let the hands of an angel discover all the pains I had caused my body over the years. She asked me, Mr Springer, have you been taking those hot showers I asked you to do?  (in my mind, I answered…No Doctor Shioko…I was waiting for you)..in reality I said.. Tanya said I can only do 1 a day because I’m too old to do that many hot showers.

Shioko stated ..I will call her and explain why you need to relax the muscles.  (I’m dead meat, caught between a common reality and my dreams.) I said to Shioko.” Doc, not a good idea, Tanya would not agree and regardless of what she would agree with you, I will have to fight with her.” Shioko agreed not to call if I explained the situation. Situation, am I sick..I forgot…geeze…..

05-14-0503-EditThe framing accuracy is uncanny with the X100s. I mean it’s very, very accurate at every distance. Beautiful camera.

After Shioko spends 20 minutes checking my muscles and entering the data in my file…I sadly get ready to leave. I put my unnamed X100s in my hand with the Luigi wrist strap. Shioko says…”That’s a beautiful camera, where is it made?” Japan I said. “She says, beautiful”. I said…all things from Japan are beautiful.

She ask to see the camera and for me to show her how it works. So…hmmmm I’m thinking …3 week workshop and I can teach here how to load the battery.

I hand her the Unnamed Fuji X100s and she looks at it very closely, touching it gently. Now get this…I’m watching her inspect my camera. The camera has a 35mm fixed lens on it. We all know that. Well..(XXX Rated Part)…As she is handling the camera, won’t say fondling, I see the 35mm lens start to increase out of the body  to like 90mm. I said, that’s my camera…YAH!

05-14-0507-EditThe X100s is very responsive and fast to operate. The interface and layout on the back and top buttons make the camera a joy to use. I have yet to read the manual have yet to be stumped. Due to it’s smaller size and weight, it lends itself to getting close and not bothering anyone.

There’s a sound when the shutter is pressed that I adore. It’s the most amazing sound. Very nice to have.

Shioko says we’re don for the day and asked me if I could be there again on monday. I told her I was sleeping in the waiting area until my appointment. She laughed and thought that was funny. I was being truthful.  So the unnamed Fuji X100s and I left the hospital and headed into Center City so I could walk a few miles. I remember back in September being with my friends Ray and Pete. We walked all around and Pete was using the X100s.  Ray left and pete and I went to the Reading Market to get a beer and a shot.



05-14-0519-EditThis beer is dedicated to Ray and Pete….

Youse all have a good weekend and remember…..dunno..forgot what I was gonna say…………

May 29th, 2014 … The Fuji X100s … or How My VA Doctor Saved My Neck

05-14-0424-EditWell, after being 64, I finally learned what the saying..”a pain in the neck” really means. So my very attentive Doctor at the VA sent me to see a Doctor of uh..sports muscle ology..dunno but this is the story. I go back out to the waiting room and I wait. After around 10 minutes,  I get called back into Doc’s office. Doc is sitting there looking at the screen and checking my stats to make sure I am being good and not eating Mike and Ikes and Genoa Salami and cheese and all the good things that kill you.

The door opens and I miss a heartbeat or ten. In walks a Japanese woman with that long black hair, a Doctors uniform and a tablet…I think it was Apple. Yo…c’mon, I’m happily married to the Russian Bride and anyway..I would never look at this young Japanese Doctor with long black hair. I mean, …yo…ease up all. I’m looking at her because I am a photographer. sheeesh.

Doc says…”Mr Springer, meet Doctor Shioko”. Doc Shioko reaches out and shakes my hand. “nice to meet you sir” she says…

Well after the trauma unit got me back to breathing and picked me up off the floor…I tried to compose myself…it wasn’t working to good. Doc Shioko says to…”Please call me Shioko as that’s how I prefer to be addressed .”

Now lets get something straight….when a young Japanese woman dressed in a doctors uniform and has porcelain white skin stands in front of you and your 64…worlds collide. 05-14-0456-Edit I know youse are all married or partnered or whatever but look….The GOOD LORD gives us all a small amount of fantasy to seek. Usually they never come to past and that makes the fantasy’s because it’s like a dream and dreams are the spice of living.

So Shioko takes me to her office for an evaluation and to get a feel for my mental stress level. She hands me a hospital gown and tells me to put it on and the to lay face down on the table…OMG what luck. Sh’e starting to push my muscles on my leg and squeezes  and twist the muscles. She continues to inspect everything and then..YO this is G rated, the X rated version is safe in my head away from the Russian Wifey.

Shioko tells me, Mr Springer, there is not one relaxed muscle in your body. (intermission) see…in my dream this could be the point where I completely loose it and take her to a far off land, live on the beach never leave the bed made of roses and soft leaves.

So I realized real fast, thanks to my shrink that keeps my head working, that Shioko is a VA Doctor and I’m her patient. Her saying There’s not one relaxed muscle in your body was literal…..back to the front lines……..

05-14-0417-EditSo, Shioko inspects every muscle in my body and determines that I really never relax. She explains that in order for bones, spine everything to be in proper working order and in the right place…the muscles need to be relaxed. ( at this point my Nam Vet AO PTSD mind is seeing XXXXXXX rated. Didn’t happen.

She tells me that I must take 2-3 showers a day with hot water on my back and then slowly cool the water temperature and that will start to relax the muscles. I didn’t hear a word…nope…not one….. Shioko sits at the computer and makes notes on my file. Ya know how when a woman sits at a desk, a guy immediately looks for any leg he can see. c’mon..it’s true, well for me for sure. I love woman, all woman but I just can’t let Tanya know……….

So after the medics pick me up again and sit me down on the table….Shioko ask me if I’m feeling all right…. Doc, I’ve never felt better in my entire life. Sigh………


Shioko look at me and says, Mr Springer, I’m afraid I have some bad news. (Yeah right….whatever…fight the Devil..easy…)

It looks like from the x-ray and from my evaluation, you’ll be needing more consultation and relaxing sessions perhaps 2-3 times a week, can you come in to see me that often for a month or so?  See if youse can figure out my answer…..

I put photos in this post because it’s a photography blog. That point is made by…your frame of mind will mind your frame…Unfortunately I have to be at the VA to keep an appointment with Shioko tomorrow. I’m taking my Fuji X100s but don’t remember why…..

Youse all are the best and I hope to keep you entertained and informed the best I can.

The above story is true and based on what I can remember at the time of it taking place….Chapter 2 continues tomorrow…stay tuned…….

thanks all….shooter….out…………………………………………………………

May 14th, 2014 … The Ricoh GRD4 is Keeping Me Alive

05-14-0242-EditNo doubt I love the Fuji XP1’s.  I named them didn’t I? They are my partners in many fine photos and will continue to do so for a long time to come. There’s a funny thing that happens when you put the XP1 and 23mm on a neck strap and walk 6 miles making photos with it hanging around your neck. The human body, especially when it’s older has a way of getting us to cooperate and follow instructions. On the way home about 10 days ago my neck was in a position that if I moved it any direction, I could hear a pop sound and a sharp pain……

So….I have been doing things slowly and methodically as to not aggravate the situation. Yeah, yeah…I know…go to a Chiropractor. Why the hell would I do that. I get lots of joy in the pain in my neck and also I love not being able to use the XP1….sure, right!

Well, Penelope sat on the shelf looking so sweetly at me…I blushed. I mean come on, I’m only a human…how could I not resist her gaze upon me and the whispers in my dreams….shooter…oh shooter….it’s me, your darling Penelope…I love and miss you darling….The smell of sea air, the moisture and shimmers of light beams on her body….

WAKE up Dreamer….you’re taking me out for a while, because I am the only one in the existence in Shooterland that you can trust not to hurt you….So the romance continues as it has for well over 2 years, maybe it’s 3 at this point. Who’s counting? Love is timeless….I must admit…the Penelope in my dreams is probably not the one you think it is….hmmmm

05-14-0252-EditI have always noticed a freedom with Penelope that is unmatched by any other camera. Maybe the X20 names Daido gets close but not the same. I get it with all my cameras but Penelope just has a way of working that is undeniably the best interface of any camera. I loved the GR but the dust broke my heart. gone! So for the next, dunno…I guess I just have to see how long before I want to change things. Till then, the Ricoh GRD4 is the Queen.

05-14-0276-EditThere are times in my life that when I’m working I get into a groove that just has me flowing thru time, space, feeling etc and that’s where I find my photos. It’s a ZONE and I have written about it and I teach it in my workshops. This zone happens and when it does, we must be prepared to see the photos in front of us. Then, of course the camera must be present and not create an intrusion. It’s really like a Ninja Warrior. The awareness of ourselves in the world without intrusion….oh yeah….!

05-14-0278-EditWhen I get to the ZONE..it’s like I am moving thru time and space at a different rate than those around me. No, this is not delusional or some mental sickness. It’s just becoming aware of myself in the here and now. I will tell you this…at the end of the day, I feel really connected and at peace with my self and my work because when I see the photo on the screen…I am immediately transferred back to the moment of exposure..and that creates the ZEN like awareness of  BEING.

05-14-0280-EditI will try to post again tomorrow. I thank all those with the concerns for my well being.  Peace to all…………

May 8th, 2014 … Fuji X-Pro1 and 23mm May Be as Good as it Gets

05-14-0196-EditIt had been a little while since I used the 23mm, not a long time but enough to separate myself from the 35mm FOV. Well, that’s about as a untruthful statement as I’ve ever made. Here’s why.

Sometimes my brain goes on vacation and I forget many things. At these moments in time, I have to rely on the Eye, Heart and Mind. Well I did and what surfaced was a feeling of  distance and anticipation for the fra,e. With the 18mm I am completely comfortable in the FOV. The issue was this… The shooter brain went on vacation and left me wondering what to do.

My Eye told me to use the 23mm and it was a strong feeling from the Heart that was a pushing and a shoving and a just put the lens on shooter. I said to my innerds and outerds, no brain, no decisions!

The Mind intervened and took control of the situation. So, here’s why the brain went on vacation. Because I wasn’t paying close enough attention to what was going on, the brain took some time off so that I could re-trust the Eye, Heart and Mind to find the INTENT I was seeking in the photo.

I could use the 28mmFOV very easy and adapt the frame to make what was needing to be made. but the…..


….was somewhat different and slightly uncomfortable.


See, stance is extremely important in many ways. Stance is interpreted by others as to your INTENT about what you are doing. Stance also places a POINT of PERSPECTIVE at your feet.

So I noticed that my stance with the 28mm while is excellent, with the 23mm, there is almost never a shift of stance. I see something to make a photo of, I see the frame in my mind…(remember, the brain is on vacation)….and when the camera comes to the EYE…the frame lines are where they are supposed to be. Yes, it’s very easy to adapt the frame to make a photo by moving but it’s more important to be where you are supposed to be and be using what you are supposed to be using because you want what your INTENT wants to be as true to the EYE, HEART and MIND as possible.

There are those amongst us that think that this is rubbish…ain’t that a damn shame about them.

The photo above….I had to bend slightly due to the framing but….everything fell into exact place because I had the right stuff working. The 18mm would have included to much background and the STUFF would have been lost…… He was not aware I made this shot. He is a very high profile Lawyer and Politician and no doubt when he sees this photo…he’ll love it and tell me by writing a letter and sending it to me in Cell Block 18.


I know when things are right or almost because when I look at the photos in LR, I get a recollection of the MOMENT of capture and INTENT. It brings back the experience and it’s a joy to behold these photos before I bugger them all up and down with presets, LR, and all kinds of things to find what’s in them that makes me feel that my process of photography is what I am all about and is working the way I need it to work to keep me sane on this planet.

SANE…hmmmm what an ambiguous term for me.


Anyway, I’m told by Central Nervous Systems that my Brain is due back from vacation sometime late this evening. It wants to be involved in tomorrows shoot but I kinda like being the Streetshooter Scarecrow…”If I Only Had a Brain”…….

Have a good one or more and remember……Share a little joke with the world…..

shooter………………………………………………………..bye….bye…fer now!

May 5th, 2014 … The Ricoh GRD4, a Very Comfortable Friend

05-14-0161-Edit………see the thing is, the GRD4 fits in a pocket and is always at the ready…………. I gotta split, gotta tend to the blog, catch ya later…………..

So I met a friend on the street the other day and she was wondering why I was using Penelope instead of my others cameras. I just told her…well, read the last thing above…..get it….ok. I had just passed thru the tunnel from Reading Market to go to Market Street……it was a slow process finding photos and Penelope makes that even harder. Because she’s so petite, I guess the Inverse Square Law comes to play. Small camera, more work, more work, less images, less images more satisfaction form each….I could go on but I’m sure you get it.

As I was approaching the doors to exit to Market St, I saw these two guys standing and thought it might make a good photo. I reached the doors and then one guy moved away out of sight and the other just stood there. I opened the door and raised Penelope and then the guy put his hands behind his back and I thought, what an observer…I moved a few feet to see my frame, raised Penelope and………….CLICK!  This shot is uncropped, it’s very close to what was in that reality at that time but it’s exactly what my minds eye saw at release.

So what I’m explaining to Suzanne is that I have a terrible neck/back ache from having the XP1’s around my neck. The weight is killing me. So I am using the GRD4 because it’s in my hand or pocket and never on the neck.

Suzanne asked if this helped my neck ache and I replied, no..it doesn’t help at all but it doesn’t add to it either.


We took a walk to Chinatown because Suzanne wanted to eat a little. (Suzanne is one of my students and she is a Doctor and Heart Specialist.) So as we were walking, I came upon a photo at a window. The woman was looking at us as if were were together and we are but not in the way the woman thinks or maybe not in the way I think the woman thinks.

So as I got closer, I felt that the woman was feeling alone and there was no one around her in her space. I understood the loneliness she may have been feeling and I raised Penelope and ……Click. My first reaction on framing was to move in and cut much of the left side out. When I raised the camera, Penelope was right where she was supposed to be. The juxtaposition was perfect and the photo made.

Suzanne smiled and said that was one she wanted a print of.  I replied, I’ll buy lunch.  It’s now 0815 on Monday morning and I’m heading to the street again with Penelope. I feel this may be hr last day out for a while. I miss the OVF for my Dear Andre’ …..but not the neck pains…….

Before you do anything in your life….remember to breathe first and enjoy that…..think of the alternatives…..not pretty…….

shooter out………………………………….transmission terminated by user……………………………………………..

May 1st, 2014 … Penelope Cruz … Woke Me Up In The Middle Of A Dream

Well, it’s 3:oo in morning and I can’t get no sleep. I finally dozed off and went into a dream state. Then out of nowhere, I hear in my ear….Knock Knock…get up shooter. I the fog of dreamland, I could see Penelope Cruz just smiling at me and wearing a nice white dress. I gotta tell ya, if this ain’t Heaven, it’ll be hard to top Penelope in my dream.

Then….! Listen shooter and listen good. Now I know I’ve dreamt of Penelope many times but I can’t remember ever telling her my name is shooter. I started tossing and a turning. The sweat was running down my face. Tremors started vibrating all over my body and then I could see Penelope moving closer, closer and I couldn’t stand it anymore!

I forced myself to wake up because Penelope deserves so much more from me than a dream.   As I opened my eyes, what do you think I see… My darling Penelope and she told me to check battery levels, clean her eye and we’re going out for a walk.

See, Penelope is my White Ricoh GRD4. She was upset because all the guys were having all the fun and she felt hurt that I didn’t express my love for her anymore.

05-14-0009-EditSo Penelope the White GRD4 and I hit the streets. She felt so good in my hand and responded to my every flinch. I guess I should explain myself here. I have always named a camera after a photographer or such. This camera is named Penelope after Penelope Cruz. Why, well for me she’s the most stunning woman on the planet. That’s that and that’s the truth!

She wanted to see Uncle Ben and I took her to the gravesite. Uncle Ben is Benjamin Franklin. Uncle Willie is on top of City Hall and he’s really William Penn.


We were just walking around seeing the sights that we both know so well. I was smiling like a youngster….well, If you were walking with Penelope, wouldn’t you be smiling? Ok then. She likes to use snap focus and auto ISO and of course I agree with that completely. It doesn’t get any simplier. I keep thinking out love affair goes back to release of the White model. That day, we were wed. Many cameras have bit the dust from me but she never even gets close. In fact, I call her and her cousins, the rest of the GRD4’s, the camera killers.

Whatever you do, whatever you think, whatever you hear….do not take a Ricoh GRD4 out for more than a few days. Ebay is full of cameras that the Mighty GRD4 has killed.


So I promised Penelope that she and I will spend time together until she gets tired of me. I could never get tired of her so it’s her call as to when she goes back to sleep.

Ya know something…..This camera has been in and out of my pocket more times than my wallet. It has been subjected to dust, dirt, sand cat hair, beer, wine and even Single Malt. The point is, ain’t no dirty sensor around here! Nada, nope! I actually bought a brand new backup a year or so ago thinking that the GRD4 is discontinued and I will have another if need be. I can see, never needing that camera. When the Ricoh GR came out, I couldn’t wait. I got it and now someone else has it….dunno.


We walked into Love Park and they were setting up for Mexican Appreciation Day. This guy started talking to Penelope and I didn’t really understand the language but Penelope just clung harder and faster to my hand. She felt safe and I felt safer. We smiled at him and we were on our way. Penelope is very loyal to me and I to her. With Andre’, Garry and Daido, I can let them rest and be cool with their absence. The same can’t be said of Penelope.


So this ends the first day back together and we are planning a longer courtship this time and less time off for her.

I only asked her to do me one favor……………. Penelope, the next time I’m dreaming about Penelope Cruz, don’t wake me up…..thanks darling…..

More Penelope stories tomorrow………………..later.


April 29th, 2014 … Fuji X-Pro1 & 18mm …All in a Dream

04-14-0528-EditAndre’ the XP1 and I the man behind the camera went out to find some Dreamcatcher photos. Now, I know that much of the finishes images are helped with processing but the basic frame and light has to be there. Using the OVF lends a hand to the concept of the image. Why? Well….you see the cameras take on reality still in 3 dimensions with the OVF and you don’t any other way. This of course makes the mind have to wake up and become an active part of the process. I’ve spoken of this before…Eye, Heart and Mind. Well, as above…I could see the Image wanting to be born, EYE. I could feel the image…HEART. So naturally, the MIND has to come into play to get everything connected.

Using the OVF allows the freedom of vision and process better than any other method except maybe sometimes the LCD. It allows you to quickly visualize the framing and the possibilities of seeing the translation from the 3 dimensional reality to the 2 dimensional reality of the finished image.


No, this isn’t a hipshot. It’s a pre-backache photo. Pre-backache photos come along when your 64 and you bend down like a younger shooter and make photos. The Beatles sang a song that really echoes in my tired brain, not mind, but brain. “When I’m 64”. Well, thanks Ringo…here I am. I used to depend on my LCD to find photos because it’s actually the BEST way to do so. Well, the thing about the OVF is that it wakes up the Mind and get’s the juices flowing. It’s nice because you can learn to see your finished print at capture. I have my screen set to B&W but I rarely use it. The EVF…maybe 1% of the time…if that.

04-14-0607-EditThis is a carefully made uncropped hipshot. With the 28mm FOV offered by the 18mm, I get very close in my mind as to what the camera is seeing.

I get into finding Dreamcatcher images and it won’t let go. This has been a long term project dating back to around 1976. Back then I was using Infra-red film and an altered version of Rodinal. Now today, it’s much more exciting because of the almost instant gratification digital imaging offers. The added plus of processing engines is also a major advantage.

But, the camera is the camera and as Andre’ the Fuji XP1 says…”We make a good team. You just have to stay awake more”. I’ll try I replied. So when the feeling hits for a photo, I respond with a synergism of camera, subject and me. This way, there is no question of what transpired at the Moment of Exposure. I love being able to look at an image and then to be able to recall the event. Amazing!


Even when I’m not in Dreamcatcher mode, I guess I am anyway. Macys has the coolest windows and they change on a regular basis. The designers are second to none. I thank them for making Market street more interesting and for providing stimulus for photos.

I still feel a slight detachment from the Fuji 23mm. It’s sleeping in the bag and I haven’t used it for a spell. I don’t see doing so either but I may have to force myself to take it out for a walk. I know all my life I’ve been using the 35mm FOV as a natural FOV. It still is but…..the new generation of cameras and especially the X-Pro1 with the 18mm, 28mm FOV has uploaded a new firmware in my central processing unit, called me brains. This updated firmware has me seeing and using the 28mm FOV more natural than I ever expected.

I have many more photos from the weekend and will try to get some up but the Inspired Eye Issue is being released today and that will take my time up……

So, thanks for being here and please come back often. I answer all comments as fast as I can so post away.

………………………………..transmission terminated by user…………………………………………………………….


April 24th, 2014 … Fuji X-Pro 1 & 18mm is Magic for Low Light!

04-14-0464-EditThere are those amongst us, well not me but maybe you, that think the 18mm is a low quality lens. I’ve written this before but still, that are remote places on the Earth that have not got the message. Then there are quadabillions of shooters that think the XP1 with it’s screen and EVF are not up to par. Well, fact is, yup…there are updated models like the XT1 that have the EVF and Screen down really nice.  Keep this here next part between you and I. I tried my neighbors XT1 and for the life of me, I couldn’t find the OVF. Seriously, I looked in the battery compartment, I looked on the front of the body, the back, the side….well. Fuji forgot something with that camera. I’m not one to spread rumors and I never said this…..there ain’t no dang EVF on the XT1. Shhhhhhh, don’t tell anyone….. I wonder how people use 2 eyes to make photos. I even wonder how people’s eye doesn’t get tired from looking at the EVF. I wonder how people frame in the finder and never see what’s around the image.

I wonder how the heck in low light how they……I’m not going there but speaking of low light……..

The photo above is made in very harsh background bright light and yet, I managed to maintain the details in the mid tone and shadows. Wouldn’t the EVF kinda over expose and get real bright and not be real good in a shot like this?   The OVF just smirks at light like this.

04-14-0478-EditDon’t even think about it. Without an OVF, you’d never see the lady on the right and the ghost on the left. This is with the 2 eye framing procedure. The left eye sees everything going on and the right eye sees the frame. It sees exposure data also but when the camera is at the eye, exposure should be set already and only framing should be going on.

04-14-0485-EditFor really low light, the OVF is nice because it doesn’t get dark and have squiggly pixel thingys going on. If I were you I’d be checking prices on the XP1 as they are starting to lower somewhat. Don’t let this great camera get away from you.

04-14-0495-EditI don’t have much time to write a lot but I had to get this out because I feel it’s the real deal.




April 20th, 2014 … Daido the Fuji X20 … The Importance of the Family Snapshot Album

04-14-0402I was on the beach with Bobbie, Jimmy, Mike and Jock the Pro Shooter…uh with a camera from Oz. Of course we all had our M16’s with us except Jock, as we leaned back to see the sunset. Chu Lai, VietNam  was where we were stationed for the moment. We were allowed to take off for the evening because in the morning we had to take a truck out to LZ Liz because the troops needed supplies. Jock of course was not allowed to make the run with us.  As I gazed into the sky just falling into a restful state, the sunset started to wake up.

Now I know that there’s beautiful sunsets all over the world but non ever approach the beauty of VietNam.  I thought, this is what life should be about.

My brother Jerry called me and asked if Tanya and I would like to do something on Saturday. Of course, what do ya have in mind? So we decided to make a run to Cape May NJ.  I immediately got into the camera choosing frenzy because I wanted to take someone along but who? Well, Garry and Andre’ seemed to be resting and Daido the Fuji X20 was ready to do the mission.

So I picked up Daido and a few spare batteries, much needed…and put him in my jacket pocket.


This is my Brother Jerry and sister in law but I never liked calling Helen my sister in law because she’s always been just my sister….Period! I introduced them to Daido but I didn’t tell them Daido’s name was Daido because they think I’m still kinda sane and this would not be good to name and talk to a camera around them so I just introduced them by making photos.


This is Tanya. She knows Daido and actually likes him the most of all the cameras on the shelf. She thinks he’s more intelligent and capable than any other camera because he does everything very easy in any situation.



A big treat for people at Cape May is to find very special pebbles. There’s an art to the selection procedure and there is no instruction manual for pebble selections. It’s strictly an intuitive kinda thing.


Obviously Jerry and Tanya are not caught up in The Art of Pebble Selection at Cape May Beach.


I turned around quickly and thought I saw Georgia standing there. I knew it wasn’t here because I wasn’t ever Alfred……


They let this guy out for fresh air once a day. I hear that he’s kinda lost talking to people but does very well with the Dolphin. The Dolphin was not amused and wouldn’t look at Daido….eh.


This is at the Lookout Tower that was constructed during WWII. This memorial of course was of utmost importance to me. I go thru life and I know I’ll never find my way home but memorials are constructed for all Veterans so that they have a point of reference for the journey along the way. It lets us all know that we are out there wandering thru life but not alone.


Tanya was looking up at something….she found it very interesting but I don’t think anyone else did except Daido.


My brother Jerry has many brothers that I don’t have but all those brothers that have him as a brother don’t have me as a brother but…many of the brothers he has are also my brothers because some are patriots and some are Veterans. I tried to memorize all his brothers names but it was too many to count.


I started to feel hungry so we went to a Hibachi and sat there as the chef…(Better name I don’t know)…. did his magic with his tools. He definitely had tools as he never named tham. He’s young so in time he’ll remember that crazy old shooter as he starts to name his tools and bring them to life so he can do his mission in life…

The food was good as Japanese is my favorite as is Greek, Italian, French and French Fries that I can’t eat anymore. I couldn’t make any shots of the food because it was there and then it was gone….Daido took a nap during dinner.


Sometimes a Family Snap Shooter tries to get Artsy……


Yeah, yeah, another Artsy shot.


We are at Stewarts because I was thirsty and we had sodas and soup stuff and coffee. Yup, Tanya let me drink coffee that late at night. Of course it’s now 0925 the next day and I’m still awake….


Daido was jumping on the table and talking to Aunt Helen….I wanna make a photo of Mom and Dad…..Helen of course couldn’t say no and this is their collaboration……


I was wondering how Tanya would look in that outfit…hmmmm, I guess I’ll never know.

Anyway, never ever take the Family Album for granted. It is and always will be the most important work any photographer will ever pursue.

Have a good Holiday and get yer buts making photos for the Family Album!

seeya tomorrow…………..

April 18th, 2014 … The Fuji X-Pro 1 Finds It’s Strength by Discovering It’s Weakness

There is a law in Photography and life but who cares about Life when your a photographer. The Law is called the Inverse Square Law. This means that Less is More and More is Less. Take the camera for instance. The larger the hole in the lens, the smaller the F/number and then again, the more light that it lets in.

The 18mm takes in more than the 35mm that takes in less.  Really good cameras cost more but have less intrusion than less expensive cameras that have more intrusion. Hopefully you get this. I didn’t invent this, I just had to learn to live with it seems like my entire life. Ya know, the more I think about things like this, the less I give a uh..uh darn.

04-14-0319-EditSo as I was walking along the National Historic Park a young woman approached me and sked if I knew where the Liberty Bell was. Funny, I thought. We are 20′ away from it and on the outside. She said, I really want to see it. So I said, follow me and I shall show you the way. She asked if I was like a real photographer. I stated, when I was young I wanted to be a great photographer and make magic with my camera. Now that I’m older, I just want to breathe and enjoy what I’m make photos of. We walked into the tiny observation cove cove and we could see the Liberty Bell from outside where we were. She was mesmerized. Her mouth was open and like her jaw dropped. She starred like there was no tomorrow.

I felt like the American Patriot Guide that I am. She said, see that girl over there with that guy hugging her. Of course I said, she’s very cute. She said, yeah she is….and that’s my boyfriend holding her. Well, my mouth opend like a gasp and my jaw dropped but I backed up and waited for her to turn….she said….as she was turning, how do I get to the train station….CLICK!

I promised to send her the photo of her boyfriend and this one of her.

04-14-0317-EditIt’s still kinda cold out and I am not in my normal form. I mean that the weather has taken a toll on my well being and I haven’t recovered fully …yet.

The Inverse Square Law plays a large part with cameras that effect what and how and we do. Here’s what I’m talking about. I am putting this out for the XP1 because I can and I want to and because this is a few key elements about the XP1 and the Inverse Square Law.

A weakness in the camera is the EVF. The screen ain’t nuttin to write home about either. Yeah, lets just rip this sucker apart. HOLD ON!

The strength of the XP1 is that it helps you to see and make better photos. Now better is a stupid thing to say but it’s true. See, if you struggle somewhat with the screen, you naturally start to rely on the finder. Tricky thing that finder. See, many will auto mode to the EVF but it’s not a fance dancy automatic, electroplated, 4 speed, syncro mesd finder. It’s a plain almost really good but maybe needs work to make it better if your not a serious shooter.

Serious shooters will draw to the OVF with the auto guidance pushing the EVF and Screen out of the way. I know…I know….I must be outta my dang it mind.

Well, if we had a very bright, high resolution type EVF, thenwe could just get complacent with what we are doing because all the work has been smoothed out. When you use an XP1 with the OVF, you are learning to see again. You do not take for granted the frame or the parallax. You don’t fear this because you know the camera is trying to wake you up and wake up your mind and eyes.

So, the Inverse Square Law shows that of the 3 viewing systems,the one with the least assumed accuracy will provide the most good images because you were awake and concentrating using the camera and concentrating on the subject and not the screen. Let it be known on this planet and any that youse may be from. I have been know to be a LCD Screen advocate for a long time.


It’s Friday, Happy Hoildays to all. Today is RED SHIRT FRIDAY and I know all my Patriot Family from the Warriors Watch are wearing Red Shirts to show support for the troops.