Tag Archives: LCD Screen

December 20th, 2013 ….. The Dreamcatcher is Back in My Head

12-13-0327It seems that this series has been going on in my head and in photos for as long as I can remember. It’s not just about the visual but about the thoughts that go with the visual.

When I get into this Dreamcatcher Mode of operation, I start to think my photos. Sometimes I think my photos are thinking me. The connection I get of course is the camera in my hand. The device, the machine, the friend that takes me to and fro from image to image is the Dreamcatcher.



12-13-0291I get this groove going and just flow along and try to find the light in the subject that interest me enough to try to make another….?  I had a different upbringing then the Zen Masters or even disciples. Of course, I am assuming this and it is not a fact because everyone lives their own destiny.

I am really into the here and now, especially in photography. Well, I’m no mystic, no Zen Master, no professor of anything I know about or don’t know about. The here and now came to me at a very early age. There was a kid in my neighborhood and I was crazy for his sister. I mean she was all that I could dream of at this young age. So I tried to talk to her at one point and her brother didn’t feel the same way about things as I did. One day on the way home from school, he stopped me and said he was going to beat the crap out of me HERE and right NOW! He did. I learned that brothers protect their sisters at all cost and that one can learn about the here and now in many different ways.

Years later after we both got past the protect sister episode, I saw him as I was making photos on the street. I made a quick snap of him and when I processed the film, I had an idea for the print. I made an 11 x 14 and when it dried, I took it to the bathroom and lit it on fire….then I peed on it and felt that I was now able to talk to a guys sister again.

12-13-0315Shooter, what the heck does that story have to do with making photos? Well, it has to do with energy and feelings. See, when your out there seeking the image, seeking the light, seeking the magic, seeking the elusive dream, all that you are, all that you ever will be is in the release of the shutter. When the time comes for each of us to lay on the marble slab…..when it’s the time for all realization of your life is on the line, your laying naked in front of what you believe to be the creator  of the world you live in……

In life, I may have gotten my butt kicked but I learned about the Here and Now…..

Oh, LORD….sorry about burning and peeing on Whitey’s photo….I never claimed to be close to perfect…..



Listen, I write what I feel and I feel what I write. For that I make no excuses and neither should you. Make your photos the way you  feel and see and don’t worry about the outcome. Your intent, like it or not will come thru in your photos and that will reflect your  eye, heart and mind.

This or any post I make is not to be an excuse to your partner, girlfriend, boyfriend and certainly not husbands and wives to get a new camera, lens, light meter, software etc…..do that in your own here and now….I have my own problems……..




December 14th, 2013 ….. The Inspired Eye Issue 5 is Published

Inspired Eyehttp://www.theinspiredeye.net/pdf-photography-magazine/


It is always crunch time for Olivier and I the last week before publishing an issue. We don’t have any personal time, ask Tanya. Anyway, it’s out and ready for all youse good people to have an interesting read.

Thanks for your continued support……Olivier and Don

December 5th, 2013 ….. Homage to a Migraine

12-13-0033My eyes are kinda overloaded. If I watch the Tele or try to read or use the computers, iPhone, bright lights, low lights I get this immediate headache. It’s like my eyes and processing machine in the head need air to function without pain. So I was heading to the VA Hosp again for a treatment and of course I carried a camera. I felt that the XP1 with the 15mm would be good. The weight of this camera will help to steady it if need be.

So I started to walk south on 18th Street to get to the Midtown Diner for some light breakfast. I’ve walked this route a million times thru the years. I was afraid of getting this terrible headache again and didn’t plan on making any photos but needed my camera along as a pacifier. I glanced left and saw a woman behind the blinds. My hand was on the camera, thumb switched it on….I slowed my pace until she got just where she needed to be for the frame…..then as I raised the camera….click!

I realized at that very moment that no matter what I did in my daily routines, making photos was not going to give me a headache.

December 3rd, 2013 ….. Recovery Mode

12-13-0012It’s been a rough few days. After doing a few days working with Homeless people and this year, pets are included, then I shot the Parade on Thanksgiving Day, then my body said …ENOUGH! To make a long story short, I am now on limited duty and even the computer is at a limited time. The screen is killing my eyes.

Did you ever have a Migraine Headache…..Well in the Hospital I wished it was just that. The pain was unbearable…. The nurse, a Marine Male told me I had a brain ache, Now I know what a Brain Cloud is, Tom Hanks had that in the volcano movie. A brain ache…..he assured me that if I didn’t slow down, it will get much worse. Of course, being a Marine…he made sure my Russian Wife was present. So that should explain that.

12-13-0005I can’t do much about this but I am heading to the VA Hospital again tomorrow morning. That gives me a chance to work the XP1 and 15mm on the streets…..

Stay tuned and bear with me during this issue….


November 26th, 2013 ….. Lessons From the Archive

GF GAMB'E GAME-EditIt’s cold and rainy out. I’m stuck in the house. My iPhone crashed while I was talking to Olivier. I reinstalled the backup 4 times and it finally worked. So I decided to Re-Photograph my images. Don’t ask and I won’t explain what that means…..what, oh…sure…but….nah…let’s just do it. I go thru my catalog not to find missing images, well how could they be missing if I know where they are? Yeah, this applies to you…and you over there…yeah, you. Just cause you use Aperture, that ain’t no escape.

I know this sounds crazy and, well it just may be but truth is….we need to do this sometimes. No, not sit here and write like an idiot, re-shoot our photos. So, in LR5 or whatever…open your catalog and just look for photos that turn you on. It’s best not to start with an agenda but it’s almost unavoidable. I usually go back 2-3 years and just check out stuff that turns me on. It doesn’t have to be your best work but it will lead to that in the future.

In LR5 I put the chosen ones into a collection and label it “Picks.”  This does not do anything to the original location, it just copies the photos to the new collection. At this point your not doing anything brilliant…or are you? What your doing is grouping photos that you respond to after capture and putting them together in a collection for study.

After you are satisfied, the work begins. It is easy to see what lens is working and how you use it. Do you get in close or medium or far distances?



What camera was really working during this period? Was color or black & white the majority of images? What was the subject matter? Hmmmm, I got an idea….let’s group things by these different common denominators. What about time of day and position of the Sun? Light conditions are all important. How about recurring themes. How about collections like series?

This seems like a very anal process and boring. I mean, who wants to sit and really organize? What if the desired results are not met?

What this does is creates a collection of memories and facts that put together by a shooter with an open mind, makes a roadmap for the present and future. How would you like to go out and work and feel like you might be getting somewhere?  No, this doesn’t appeal to you….ok…B&H is having a sale….go buy a camera ya don’t need….

06-11-0240-EditI’m working the Homeless Advocacy Group tomorrow, rain or shine….. Seeya’s soon…..

November 23rd, 2013 ….. Fuji XP1 & 15mm Heliar on the Streets

11-13-0523There’s something about the Fuji XP1 & XE1. I love the 15mm on either and never choose a favorite camera. I just let the situation call the shots.

On the XP1 with the 15mm, I get 22.5 mm FOV. Well, the way we do math here in Philly, that means 21mm. I had the 21mm for my M’s but never wanted to use it on a daily basis. I always considered it an extra lens for a suitable need. Now, with the Fuji’s…it’s on one of them at all times. I love the DOF scale and the Focus scale. That’s technical stuff but where it really counts, is seeing.

The Heliar has the unique ability to draw you closer to your subject matter then most other lenses. This turns me on big time. I feel like I can’t get close enough. Of course the subject feels differently.

I was walking on Arch Street near 12th and I saw a familiar doorway that I’ve seen many times. I made a few photos there thru the years but it’s not an easy juxtaposition. The woman who work in this place, well they are not Streetshooter friendly. I had just gotten past the door as my left eye caught a woman move into the doorway on the phone. So I slowly backed up and extended my arm and let the camera see before I could see. I saw the screen and then moved in to release. It’s not the best photo I ever made but it’s a real good one to explain Juxtaposition to my new student.

11-13-0504Another thing I try to explain is how to make photos because you just love making photos. Simply put….how to be free with your process. This is important because once the concept of freedom is grasped, then getting more rigid with ones work is understood. It’s just another form of juxtaposition and or, the Inverse Square Law. So for a spell, I am responsible to make lesson for those that think they can learn from me.

I will be at the Thanksgiving Day Parade again but even there, I am shooting for the City. My stuff will be in a different camera. I need a good shoot on the street with little or no agenda.

November 21st, 2013 ….. 街道射手 on the Street

It was cold outside. Not the kind that is coming to us but the kind that lets you know what is going to come. I still remember the warmth in the air but now, it’s just a dream. I had just finished a conversation with Olivier about some things for the website and magazine. The phone rang again and on the other end of the line was the sound of a young Asian woman. She said she was a friend of Suzanne and wanted to talk to me about some photography issues. Well, I agreed and she said she would be where I was in 20 minutes. I was at the Reading Terminal Market at Sang Kee eating dumplings, rice and an egg roll. The is the real street shooters meal.

About 15 minutes later, a young Asian Woman tapped me on my shoulder and introduced herself. She said I should call her Polly. Well, I asked her how she knew it was me she was tapping and she said, the hat…the hat.  Anyway, Polly is a Gynecologist and an avid photographer. She seemed very timid and that could be an issue soon. She explained she was having issues with her camera and wanted help in setting it up and it’s use. So we went to the small park and we sat and I prompted her for the camera. Ok, now we all know what was coming out of her pocketbook. No, not a phone. No, not a compact….of course, your right….

She pulls out a nice M9 with a 35mm Lux on it. She struggled with it for a spell and I with all kindness in heart offered to exchange my XE1 and 18mm lens because it’s so much easier than the M.

Your not funny Mr Don. She got the camera 3 days ago on Suzanne’s suggestion. She didn’t understand why the zoom didn’t work on the Lux. She didn’t understand why the AF box just stays still and will not lock focus. There’s a dozen things she doesn’t get but there’s one thing she gets and will help in many ways. Me. I have taken on another private student. She’s nice and wants to walk the streets and make photos like I do. Cool beans.

I asked for her email address and when she sent it to me, as we sat there….I noticed some Chinese letters. I asked her what it meant. Silly man she said… 街道射手 Street Shooter.

The process of knowledge swapping from brain to brain starts tomorrow.


November 4th, 2013 ….. Brisk Cold Air and 2 Shots of Single Malt … Streetshooter Day!

11-13-0096The XE1 with the 15mm Heliar was the way for me to go today. I had the 21mm Skopar with me in a pocket. I moved thru the crowd like I was invisible. I felt that way. Yup…forgot the meds this morning. Ahhhh, the cameras are better for grounding anyway. So, in the near distance I see this person coming towards me and I raised the camera. See, with the Heliar at f/8  and the XE1 at 1/250 I have under 2 1/2′ to my friend  Pete over in the UK in focus. So I never worry about DOF with this combo. I am not anal about sharpness etc. I make photos and if sometimes sharpness has left me cold, so be it. This guy is getting closer and I am starting to feel that he sees thru my invisibility.

Lets keep in mind that with the Heliar, the camera sees as if it’s a 22.5 mm FOV. Well, here in Philly 22.5 mm is equal to 21mm. That means for all intent and purposes, one has to be comfortable getting close on the streets. This guy is less than 3 feet, well 1 Meter from me. I snapped the shutter as fast as I could feel the frame.

Here’s a side note. See, as a 64 year old guy that was a hippie, a soldier, divorced and married a few times, has many friends in the art community and is for all intent and purposes a straight male with straight friends and LGBT friends from all walks of life. Ya know, I believe everyone has the right to love and even marry who they choose. I’m open minded but, well…this guy wasn’t kissin’ me no matter what.  As the shutter clicked, just as the shutter clicked, I found out this guy is French…no offense implied to anyone but what am I, this straight Nam Vet to think?  I mean I know I’m a street shooting stud with very intense sex appeal but fact is and truth be known….. I kiss my wife, I might kiss my cat but that’s that!

11-13-0103Sometimes I see juxtapositions and make photos of them because I can and because I want to. Sometimes they work well and other times, well…..you decide.

11-13-0100Human Beings are really a special species. If you have some near you, I really think you should check them out. No, this is not one of those moments where I show my uh…uh..well…insanity. This is fact! See, all Human Beings are people but not all people are Human Beings. There used to be a term when I was a Hippie, Soul Mates. It meant someone very special that you would feel a kindred spirit with. Well, see…here in Philly and on Montour Street in the NE Section of the city…there lives a guy that use to think a Soul Mate existed. Yeah, he did…I did. What I found out is that Human Beings are Soul Mates. It ain’t about sex either, it’s about living and dying.

It’s about sharing time on the planet with others that appreciate your existence and you appreciate the existence of them. Some may be lovers, friends, enemies, partners and yeah, even wives. You carry the essence of the Souls with you at all times. How do I know this? I’ am blessed in the knowledge that if I do something it will have an effect on the Soul Mates of my life. There exist responsibility and accountability in life.

What does this have to do with photography? To find the answer, look in the mirror, then look at your photo catalog. See, I told ya…..

Your a Human Being Shooter….there ain’t nuttin’ like it on a Cold Brisk Day. Well, 2 shots of Fine Single Malt sure nuff will help!

11-13-0107There is always some watching someones back………!

November 3rd, 2013 ….. Eye, Heart and Mind … What About The Soul?

11-13-0056It was 1970 and I had been in Nam for just a few weeks. I hadn’t been in the bush yet but I knew it was coming. I was 11B, what the Gov’t calls Collateral. I made photos of everything, of everyone I saw, everyone I talked to and everyone that needed someone to talk to. My M4 got a real workout but nothing that was ahead of it, or me. I was sitting against a bunker in DaNang cleaning my lenses. All the sudden a very tall guy was standing over me blocking the sun. He introduced himself as Jock. He had a OD camera bag and a Nikon F around his neck with what looked like the 200mm f/4. He asked me who I worked for and I said I was a grunt and was just making photos to record the experience.

The next day I was sent to Chu Lai. Before I left DaNang, Jock told me to look at the shy every sunrise when I wake and if I survive the day, look at the sky at sundown. He told me that if I every get lost or ever feel my humanity slipping away, that sky would should me the way home.

It was Saturday evening November 2nd, 2013. I was in Atlantic City with Tanya visiting my Nam Vet buddy Joe. Joe lost his legs 7 months ago and has been on a watch list that many vets and I keep tabs on. Tanya was a gem cleaning Joes kitchen and helping his wife Mary cope with the new reality.

I took Joe out for a stroll and when we got near the beach, Joe asked me to carry him to the waves of the ocean. So I asked a chair person to watch Joe’s wheelchair. No sweat. Luckily enough 2 of the chair people assisted me getting Joe to the beach. They sat down and smoked a hmmmmm natural smoke. We did not indulge and I did not inhale.

Joe was telling me how he wanted to end the pain he was causing Mary and his friends and family. I told him to stop being an A-Hole and he argued that life isn’t worth living the way it is. I looked Joe in the face and all the sudden, as we both gazed upon the sky the sound of the waves gently moisturizing the sand, the people on the beach, the gulls landing on the sand and every one peering at the most wondrous spectacle that could only force one to realize that no matter where you are, no matter who you are with we are not in power, we are not alone.

Joe had tears in his eyes as I told him the story about how a photographer from Australia who saved my life, NO…saved my soul in DaNang in 1970. I hope in time Joe can find his way home and the inner peace he so well deserves.

I only truly know one thing. In Nam when I gazed upon the sunrise and the sunsets and now in Atlantic City I became acutely aware that I may very well be a troubled soul wandering the earth making photos but in my very ESSENCE and the depths of my SOUL, I know I am not and never will be alone!

This photo is Dedicated to Jock.

October 27th, 2013 ….. The Good Thing about the Cold Weather is….:

10-13-0411……, ya don’t need a camera bag cause your coat has very nice pockets. Shhhhhhh….I have more camera bags than my wife has pocketbooks. Oh yeah…it’s just that mine are hidden in the darkroom that doesn’t get used anymore because digital cameras have won me over even tho my darkroom is a Leica darkroom and my cameras are Fuji or some other thing so I had to have a good use for the darkroom besides being a true photographer so the darkroom is now the hidden dark zone of mystery that my wife has not ide to enter because all the bad chemicals in the world are stored in there waiting to fly into her lungs and make her a human being. I wonder how she thought about all that….hmmmm…..


10-13-0381So my criteria for coat purchasing procedures are different than my wife’s. First off, I look at the pockets. Then after deciding if my coat at hand can be a camera bag, we go to step 2.

Step 2 is hood evaluation and testing. See, if ya have this coat on and it has a hood…the hood is not allowed to interfere with camera strap neck installation procedures. The camera must be able to go from pocket storage space to the chest working region without interference form the hood as you try to get the strap over your head and under the hood so that the strap can rest against the collar and do this without looking like a complete idiot as you fight with the HOOD because it wants to keep the strap from going where YOU want it to go because you don’t want to look like an armature with your fancy dancy camera and everyone is watching you and in a half hour when the hood and collar battle against the camera strap is over, you can never walk that street again because everyone will know your no better than a 6 year old kid.

10-13-0392…..so then the wifey gets to get in the mix with coat acquisition. Of course her being from Russia, has a different set of husbands coat acquisition guidelines because she says she loves me and wants to make sure that I will be warm when she grants me permission to go out and make photos. She doesn’t care about the things menz photographers care about. She likes coats that will keep me warm in the frozen tundra region of Center City Philadelphia. I told here there exist grates in the ground that have heat coming from them and I can always war up on those if need be. She told me that those grates are there because the Good Politicians of the City of Brotherly Love, Philadelphia put those grates for the Homeless people so they can have heat while they go looking for food, shelter and money.

That’s the first thing she ever said to me that ever made a drop of sense. 10-13-0374So after many a trip to Boscov’s or Macy’s, we will find common ground for the coat purchasing procedures. I never feel what Tanya wants for me in the coat selection until….Mummer’s Day Parade. Then…I all the sudden get the gist of what she was talking about during the coat episode. As I am out on the street looking for photos, feeling nice and warm…cameras in pockets, lenses in pockets, batteries in chest pockets….I get it! I am warm and feel like I can shoot al day….but my hands…..

10-13-0365my hands…the glove testing, acquisition and purchasing procedures, that’s another story for another time…..
