Well, at the last minute I switched bags from the TurnStyle 5 to the Retrospective 5. It just is a little easier to swap cameras from the Retrospective 5. I don’t need any Enter & Exit Bag Procedure Intrusions. On the street I adjusted the dividers a little and now everything just works great. So, Andre’ has the 23mm on and Garry has the 50mm on and the extra pocket holds the EF-X20 Flash & the 18mm. I’ll never use all this stuff out on the street but….if I don’t use both cameras, one will go and I know it. So, I need to learn again to depend on using 2 cameras. Besides, what better way to change lenses eh? It was very convenient to swap cameras when I felt like changing Field of Views. It’s not hard to take, that I’ll say.
So I’m in Independence Historical Park and there’s already a growing swell of tourist. I couldn’t be happier. Actually I will be happier when the weather is tourist time. 75f +, sunny. That’s as good as it gets around here. This guy is looking at me like I’m from Mars. He’s at first looking at my hat. I’m wearing the OD Green VietNam Veteran Hat. I raised the camera as I drew closer and then he walked over to his friend. They had a map because they didn’t know where they were. Then the guy looks dead at me and ….CLIICK!
He says to me, “Thank You For Your Service”. Now I won’t repeat this and you darn sure didn’t get it from me but, every time someone says that to me, I get a tear in my heart. Hey, hey…I’m a man guy and we doin’ let tears come from the eyes….well, except if my cat Barsik licks my face when I’m sleeping.
At this time I’m starting my Observing mode. I’m not seeking the photos that I feel define me but rather the photos that define me that I just make naturally.
I just like to feel present in the Here and Now and these photos do that. That’s all I want from them. They have a chance to be seen for a spell and then I’ll click into high gear and put all the preconceptions that others and myself place upon my work and get back in the rut of working hard. Right now…it’s about innocence of the moment. Innocence of the subject and innocence of me and my pure enjoyment of being a shooter.
The Fuji XP1 OVF
There is much discussion about the OVF and much of it is warranted but then again….? I do not crop my photos. It’s not that I’m a purest or some nutcase that feels that cropping will bring the devil to the photos. Nah, I’m not cropping because I choose not to and besides…..I need to learn to see what Andre’ & Garry see. I know one thing. They will always get the last word.
I find the OVF to be as good as any Leica M I’ve used and thats many. I have both cameras set to do the OVF only. Of course in an emergency like if say, Penelope Cruz asked me to do a photo of her, well…I’d use the EVF just to be safe. Of course I’d stumble a little just to get the session to last longer but you get the idea. Other than that, the OVF is as good as it needs to be, for me. It’s the frame lines and parallax that are the achilles heel of any OVF camera. Ya know, who would want things to be that easy that all ya had to do was point and shoot?
See how terrible the AF compensation works on the XP1. Yeah, trash this camera and the stupid finder because the parallax doesn’t work the way I think it should. Get a LIFE! Go learn how to use the camera and stop complaining about it and do something about it.
The Camera is deadly accurate. I think I maybe have 2 frames that i missed the focus on. No, not 2 today, 2 from maybe 8 months. So focus check procedures passed with both cameras. It’s gonna be a great season here in Philly. I’m primed and ready. One of the things I need to be attentive of is the decision of changing lenses. Of course that means changing from Andre’ to Garry. This will no doubt be a very interesting experience this season and the lesson learned will stay with me until my time on the planet is finished.
There’s an innocence on the street now. It’s a thing that happens when tourist come in droves. I mean the folks that live here are weather worn and maybe bored with it all. But the Tourist, they bring new life to the city. I always felt that the City Government brought all the tourist here so that I could make photos of them and about them. Then I found out years ago that only some come to get photos made by me. It’s cool because I adore the tourist because I am a tourist. Besides, I’m not that good that I could catch them all and do a portrait of them. I’d love to get the commission for that project tho’.
Listen, many shooters hate looking like a tourist because they think it’s almost degrading. Hogwash…Rubbish I tell ya! We are all tourist in life, no one gets a permanent visa. So that’s like a valuable lesson from the streets. When you travel, do you feel kinda paranoid that someone will try to rob you, steal your camera, kids etc? Of course, it’s a natural state of awareness. So as a shooter, we have to act like a tourist so that tourist don’t feel that we are different from them. I act like a tourist for decades and I can get as close as I want to anyone without sneaking because I am totally into people that are into exactly what I’m into.
Tourist come to Philly to see the sites, appreciate the History of The United States and see all the different people from all over the world and make pictures of everything and everyone. ….. yep, you got it. I just described myself also…..!
I made this photo and then this man looked up at me and asked where I was from. I told him from Northeast Philly. He said, get the f…out, I thought you were a freakin’ tourist.
I haven’t gotten a compliment like that in a while. I walked away smiling but after I slipped him a few bucks. He made my day.
This is at the Municipal Services Building. That’s where people go to get licenses for all kinds of things like sleeping on statues and being totally drunk. It’s cool, it’s Philly and it’s life.
This guy is dressed pretty good and ya can see he’s not homeless, just drunk and tired. I knew he was drunk because there was a Vodka bottle behind his back. I used to party like that but now I just make photos of people that party like that.
All in all, Andre’, Garry and I had a productive day. They were both happy to get out and I was to.
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