Tag Archives: Dreamcatcher

Cellograph Journal …. Page 4


If your a serious shooter, regardless of what camera you use…you still need to process it the best way to present your intent.

Yeah, yeah I know…Snapseed…bulldinky. The thing is, to process the image you captured on the phone with the phone is a fast lazy way to work. I know that I’ll catch static posting this but , I don’t care anyway.

2013-05-21 09.19.49

Ya got yer snapseeders, ya got yer instagram crowd, then there’s the Facebook groups and many more. I’m dealing with the shooters that want to really get their images and use a phone as the camera.

2013-05-22 07.54.06

I’m doing an article in the Inspired Eye magazine coming up soon. If your a cellshooter and would like to be featured in it, please contact me and we’ll have a chat. Look, I love my cameras, I really do. Fact is the iPhone 5 has the best screen of all of them. Then there’s that color thing….

2013-05-22 07.23.05

It’s Memorial Day Weekend here in the Colony. I’ll be around but I have Cemetery’s and Graves to visit.  Have a safe and productive weekend.



Fuji X20 may not be an … iPhone … but it’s a heck of a Camera


It’s late here in Philly and I’m fixin to hit the sack, as they say. There’s a lot to say but it’s late. Maybe my thoughts will reach you thru these few photos……




iPhone5, Fuji X20, Pen3, GRD4, M’s…it’s all the same to me.

Till tomorrow…….

Cellograph Journal …. Page 3

2013-05-21 09.56.59

The important thing with any camera is that it not intrude on your vision. The camera should be with you but in a quiet way.

2013-05-21 09.57.10

2013-05-21 09.58.54

The iPhone 5 has done exactly that. It has just been here in my hand and not created any intrusion at all…well, except when it rings. My subject matter hasn’t really changed nor has my approach. My stance has adjusted to the phone. There’s definitely a sense of intimacy that crawls up your back working with a phone.

2013-05-21 10.03.53

2013-05-21 10.26.01

Here’s a shooters observation and I’m sure a very obvious one but not to me. Most people on the street don’t have a traditional camera with them. So when one pops up, it’s easy to figure out what is going to happen.

2013-05-22 11.14.44

The thing with a phone is that everybody has one and everybody knows you have a camera and everybody else does too. So it’s not easy to be discreet. It’s not easy to be relaxed and just in the zone of awareness. You can get there but there’s an edge that comes along for the ride.

2013-05-22 12.33.23

So I ask myself a question and have not found the complete answer. If the phone is very much like a camera and it has the inhibitions surrounding it like any other camera, why then not just use a camera? Well, the phone is a camera. It’s a great device and it’s light, compact, fast, unobtrusive and the list goes on…..

I will continue the quest for a complete answer tomorrow, well maybe this evening as the phone is always on me……

later my friends……..don

The Inspired Eye, Issue 2 Published



Issue # 1


Issue # 2



Please let me know what you think of these. Your opinion matters deeply to me.


Cellograph Journal …. page 2

2013-05-18 09.04.30

there’s a freedom working with a cellphone. Compact…well, it don’t get much more compact than a phone. With the freedom the phone offers comes another kind of freedom that the shooter must come to terms with. That freedom is IQ. Of course the phone can’t compete in the IQ arena against traditional cameras but then again…the phone offers a freedom from that dreaded PIXEL PEEPING syndrome.

2013-05-18 09.31.16

What this means is…the shooter now has nothing to do but make the best photo of his/her intent without the restrictions of the limiting IQ factor. Oh…don’t get it wrong. A good photo is still the goal it’s just that now the cell shooter is no longer burdened with weight etc.

A long time ago I sat back with a Pen 1 in my hand and I felt that I missed working with my Leica’s and missed my beautiful darkroom. I missed the winding of the film, the smell of fixer on my hands, the camera bag with the bodies, lenses and film. I was all digital and I had moved on. I remained focused on my images and my intent and after a short period of time, I found them once again in the digital world.

2013-05-18 10.21.24


2013-05-18 10.19.03

I was on the bus coming home and I was checking out the riders as I always do. I turned the camera on and everything else off. I turn off the apps because it conserves power but more importantly, it visually turns off everything I’m doing except the camera.

I aimed the camera….my thumb pressed the release….I waited, waited…framed as we hit bumps……..

2013-05-18 10.16.59

I realized I had a very good camera in my hand and then…….CLICK!


Cellograph Journal …. page 1

2013-05-16 09.31.385.17.2013Cellograph5.16.2013

The above cellograph is key to me wanting to continue using the iPhone 5 as a real camera making real images. Oh’ sorry….cellographs are photographs that are made with cellphone, ipads etc. Actually iPad photos are probably called iPadographs.

I was goofing with the camera, (from now on, I will refer to the iPhone 5 as a camera as it should be)…and the light just came into the sink. It illuminated with a rainbow kinda color stream that I couldn’t resist. I was already working on presets but hadn’t really had focus until this image poped up.

2013-05-17 09.05.315.17.2013Cellograph5.17.2013

So now, streetshooter is shooting streets and making cellographs….and presets to go for the ride. The camera handles remarkably well. I’m using Pro Camera and it triggers instantly. It also allows press and release triggering. You can split the exposure from the AF and place target points anywhere you want. The iPhone 5 has that beautiful Retina Display and the screen is bigger then any camera screen available.

Perfect for a screen shooter like me.

2013-05-17 09.07.59

I really am starting to find my way with this camera. Why not? I always have my phone with me even if I don’t have a camera….soooo…?

I was saying how the camera responds. The cellograph above is as good as any I get on Market Street with any camera that takes the trip with me. Maybe the IQ isn’t the same but the Intent/Content is not hampered.

2013-05-17 09.10.14

Ya know, I am a streetshooter. I like working with different cameras because I do. I like this camera because it’s the new kid in town. Remember I mentioned the screen….Oh My!

It really is a pleasure out there. Today I have to go to the Jersey Shore and I’ll try the screen at the beach. It should be better then most cameras in my minds thinking.

2013-05-17 09.17.08


2013-05-17 09.54.42

I’ll post and keep the journal going on my findings. I encourage youse to post comments and I’ll make sure that you get in the main post. There’s lots to do with this camera and ya know….if ya get tired….put some music on, read an email, got to a forum…..it’s all there and as good as that may be…it’s a scary thing for an ole’ streetshooter.

till next time……..

2013-05-17 09.05.37

The iPhone 5 Is In Da House

First off, here’s a few from the other day just to set the tone of this post and every post for the future of mankind and cameras….well, let’s not get carried away but I am a very happy camper.




The above are with the Mighty Pen 3 and 14mm. I know, the Pen3 is an antique sensor and I’m nuts for using it. Well, that word nuts describes a lot about me and my thinking….. So, if your really a shooter you understand the Mighty Pen.

2013-05-15 11.47.27


2013-05-15 11.52.56-2

The above 2 are the iPhone 5 in color. I did use my Presets and will tweak them again but so far, so good. I could be tempted to just use the iPhone for a while and I will do so, without using any other camera for about a month. This is not easy because I have a very good working relationship with all my cameras. Nontheless, a month will be sufficient to get to know the camera in the phone.

2013-05-15 11.53.54


Listen my friends…..I know all about pixels, grain, noise and all the other negative things people dwell upon and go crazy. Unfortunately, I am into the image. That being the case, my priority is and always will be….the image I see in my head or discover in front of my eyes.

I am not ever going to be ruled by the conventions that gear heads live by if they are not image makers first.


2013-05-15 11.54.05


….to be continued…….

Some more stuff from yesterday

I didn’t have time to process everything yesterday. Now that’s a funny thought to me. I used to run home and soup my negs. Then plan when I could print. There was never enough time to get it all done. Now, with digital…here I am again. I just can’t get it all done.

A few photos demanded my attention. Not just esthetically but because they were perfect test images for my presets. Yeah, yeah….a new set is being cooked…..without onions.

Yeah, of course …. heavy discount code for followers and from Magazine subscribers etc. I’m not here to sell anything, I’m just explaining about these images.

Example # 1.


This is from a version of “Afterlife”. Great preset, I bought it, it’s so good. Sometimes I need to adjust the highs down a little tiny itty bitty bit. ……. then the shadows sometimes need a little raise …. well this is about that.

It’s how I feel when I am in a scene that has a certain light in it. Of course the scene itself must work and this does to my eyes.


Example # 2.


I like GRIT…. GRIT = LIFE!

I had no choice but to make this photo. The entire scene just called to me. When I saw her sweater and the patterns against the windows and buildings…..well….CLICK!  This is from a preset that is modified from a released version named 8th St.


Example # 3.


Can you believe Olivier? I work soooo hard for many hours, daze, weeks etc just to get a preset pack the way I want.

Da kid….yeah da kid comes along, takes preset 7th St Color and makes a variation and by Jove…..it’s great. I ain’t no fancy dancy color shooter. I’m just a regular B&W shooter that has a fancy for what I have a fancy for.

This preset is the basis for the new color ones in the set. I can’t give him credit cause I’ll never hear the end of it but he done good.

If you want to try a few to see if they work in your work flow, drop me a line anywhere and I’ll get a few to you. No charge for the pleasure of doing so.


The Task Of Seeing With A Camera

……….I know, I know…I musta been crazy. It’s just a hard habit to break. I went downtown this morning , yeah…yeah…Market Street. I wanted to work the iPhone and learn how it sees and teach it how I sees. Let’s put things in perspective. We all love our cameras…yup, even Wouter and Jorge. Chances are if your anything like I think you are…you use the phone more then the cameras.

So I looked at the phone on the desk……iPhoney said to me….you ain’t got the gutz to go without a camera. It was right on the money. I grabbed the X20 and a small lens brush and that’s that. Walker’s hanging around my neck on the Luigi Braided Strap. He likes the Brown Braided better then the Black standard.

Iphoney is in the back pocket of my jeans, I have a battery recharger for the phone and that’s all.



The X20 is an amazing camera and we get along fine. It has a sense of humor but it’s not a trickster. It has never let me down and I’ll probably never fall out of love with it……at least not yet.

The phone has a nice presence when working. I carry it in my hand and I started doing a few things to throw the attention away from it’s lens. I only raise the phone when getting ready for a photo. I do this slowly because I do it slowly. Then, I press the release and wait until it’s time. When I raise the camera, I sometimes scratch my arm and then the subject does not see the picture being made. I’m still experimenting but I learned something today.

I have a new camera to work with. I feel guilty in a way because I took the X20 also and I never cheat on a camera or anyone. I’m a monogamous shooter.  I should have just taken the phone and I will once my extra batteries arrive.

I look at my photos and it’s hard to tell which is from what camera. The task of seeing with a camera is now underway but the results are very exciting and promising.

2013-05-10 09.55.11

iPhone 4

Have a great weekend and thanks for reading my thoughts.

shooter out………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Olivier Told Me I Was A 63 Year Old Hipster.

I do not can know if I should be happy or well…that’s an ugly thought. See, Olivier is much younger than me and he has these ideas that well, maybe at times they could be called exciting.

So I’m off to the VA Hospital again because my Electrolytes are as high as Duane flying in his aeroplane. Now here’s the thing. I always carry a camera. Olivier said I carry a camera all the time and don’t use it. Never I said. If I carry, I use.

Photo May 09, 11 36 20 AM

The guys a bad influence. He suggested that I use my iPhone 4 and not carry any other camera. I mean to tell ya….this is much easier said then done. I left the house and just carried the phone. It felt natural cause I have my phone with me all the time.

I kept reaching in my pocket for my camera but alas….empty. So I committed to getting this going.

It took about 1/2 hour to get the camera to be non-intruding.  It’s almost a true Point n’ Shoot. I use the widest lens FOV and the release technique for capture. The phone has great DOF so I pre-focus about 5′ in front of me….then I press the shutter release but I don let go until I frame and the moment is right. The ya just release and the camera does it’s thing.


Photo May 09, 12 14 47 PM


All in all, it’s not a bad way to work. I managed to get very close to people but those shots Olivier is using for an article.

Photo May 09, 11 37 16 AM


Once the camera stuff is out of the way, it’s time to go to Lightroom. That was cool as I’m already designing Presets for Mobile cameras.

Do I think that my iPhone will take the place of my cameras? No. Just like I choose what camera to take on a shoot, I now just increased my choices by 1.

Photo May 09, 2 35 11 PM


There’s a lot of photos out there and even inside and such. We should stay open minded as to what camera is best to use for any given session. One thing doesn’t work for me. A lot of times I carry my camera and make photos using one hand. The other hand has my phone in it and I pretend I’m talking to someone. It’s a very good way to disguise what your doing.


Photo May 09, 3 08 27 PM

I promised Olivier that I’d make an honest effort to use the iPhone as a camera. At first I was reluctant but I’ve come to see the light, once again.

It’s not a hard thing to pursue. After all, a camera by any other name is still a camera. Which brings me to an important point.

What Name does this camera get.