Tag Archives: Street

The Ricoh Gr is saved by Ray Sachs


That’s Ray up above with the Nikon Coolpix A. Nice camera, great guy. To the story…..

As you all know I’ve been struggling with the Gr because there are certain things it doesn’t do. I like the camera but we haven’t bonded to the point that I can say, it’s my camera. I talked with Ray on the phone…(it’s a real analog voice thing) a few times last week for hours and he explained to me how he adapted to the camera.

Here’s my scenario. I get many request to edit work, teach workshops on Street etc, help a shooter out, male and or female etc. It’s nice to be trusted with this. So I really don’t ask anyone about my work because I’m at the point of self realization. I’m not bragging, I’m just living in a very comfortable zone with my lifes work.






So Ray advised me to try Av instead of TAv. Well, I spent years using A Mode with different cameras and I was very famliar with it. I really liked the idea of  TAv because it reminded me of M mode on the GRD4. On the GRD4, we can choose…shutter speed, aperture and I used Auto ISO. I trusted the camera to use an ISO up to a limit I could set.

This means I just work with the subject matter and the LIGHT. The camera works ISO to make things right. even if I screw it up.

Well, the Ricoh Pentax engineers decided to screw that up real nice. If your in TAv mode, you can choose the Aperture and the Shutter Speed. You even get to use EV BUT!….the camera sets ISO and you CAN’T set a high limit.  Ok, ok…I know…I am the destroyer of PIXELS in a image. It’s my choice to do that, I don’t want the camera making choices I don’t know about and sending the ISO up to 25600.

Ray told me on the phone to try A mode. I sat back, did a shot of single malt that I have hidden from the Russian CZAR Tanya because she doesn’t want me to drink and tells me so as she sips some wine and tells me that I’m too old to drink alcohol!

06-13-0825Out of camera straight using the street settings I use with A mode. I went in and poped the shutter. Amazing how the GR adapts on the spur of the moment.













06-13-0845The Nikon Coolpix A helping Ray do a shot. I didn’t want to touch it and Ray asked me if I wanted to used a card and try it out. I knew it could be trouble.


So if I’m the guy some people call to help with images etc, what about me? I have friends that are all experts in different areas of photography and life. I had planned to shoot on Friday and the weather wouldn’t stop me. Even in bad rain, I could work underground.

Then Ray said he would like to meet on Friday. I jumped at the chance because Ray is #1 on my list of trusted people with the STREET knowledge of cameras.

So I knew that as a gentleman I would have to be using the suggestions Ray prompted me to use. I spent a few hours Thursday practicing the Av mode on the GR. I was ready. If Ray looked at my camera, sheeeeet…he’d see it set on Av mode. I had no intention of ever using that on the GR. Then all the sudden, after the 2nd shot of Single Malt on Thursday……something hit me in the head.

I figured it was the scotch but it was the camera. Eureka! I have seen the light. Now I just had to really test it on the street.













So the moral of the story, the moral of the song…is that one should never be where one does not belong….

I thank Ray from the bottom of my heart for guiding me to the light. My GR thanks him more than that because it was going to eBay this evening.  It’s great to be a photographer and it’s great to have a few cameras that do what you want them to do with you. It’s a blessing to have friends. It’s a blessed gift to have friends that can shed light on something that is so important to you and grant you the freedom to continue your work.

So the GR ain’t going anywhere but out with me…Now if I could just get my nice Luigi’s strap to work on it…….hmmmmm




Have a great weekend my friends and make photos. Later………

The GR as a Street Camera and Not Just Any Street…..

So I get my cup of  Kona ready and of course I have to hide the Bokum because Tanya thinks I don’t need caffeine because I’m getting older and that stuff is for Olivier cause he’s younger and can control the energy.

I walk out to the garden to sip the first cup of Kona and then sneak the second cup because I can. As I’m standing there I can see a mass of critters looking at me.

The rabbits are on the left with the squirrels. The Groundhog is center stage. He’s the biggest but the meekest also……then all the birds in the world converge on my garden and I then realized….this is a shared garden. There’s slugs crawling around, worms digging holes, ants that take care of the Peony’s and some other things…like eat leftovers and such…..

The said to me….Yo’ dude…like this is a shared space and we let you use it to garden stuff in it. We have rights and….I then cut the speech off and said….Look….if this is a shared garden, why are Tanya and I doing all the hard labor and paying for everything?

The groundhog was the spokesman and said…we let you eat everything we don’t want…we never criticize where you put things so…….

We want to negotiate a contract. We want the garden to be as important to you as the street is. THIS IS OUR STREET and you don’t pay enuff attention to it.

I tried to negotiate a clause to ban the mosquitoes but no go…..something about they keep me in check…..

Here’s a few from Garden Street…….

ISO 800 .. f-4 .. 1-200 (1 of 1)


ISO 560 .. f-4 .. 1-200 (1 of 1)


ISO 100 .. f-4 .. 1-200 (1 of 1)

It takes all kinds of critters to make a world….even a street….

The Ricoh GR as a Street Camera



The GR allows me to almost vanish or at least blend into the environment that I’m working in. That really means that I don’t have to argue with the camera and look stupid. This is also a device to use when you get caught making a photo….more about that later.





I am really finding the groove with the GR. It’s easy if you don’t resist the energy on the street and just work with the camera and  not practice. I am having issues with the DOF but it’s not something I can’t adjust to and teach the camera because I am right and the Ricoh engineers have their head up that place where the sun don’t shine.

Here’s an example…….

I stood about 4 1’2′ from this planter. I shot at f/4.5, 5.6, 8.0, 11 The idea is that each stop will give a very close focus at the similar distance of  4 1/2′.

The difference in f/stops should show some sharpening at the close distance and more importantly….it should show more focus at the rear part of the DOF. I used 2 meters and kept that as the focus distance. Photos Straight OOC.

f-4.5 (1 of 1)


f-5.6 (1 of 1)


f-8.0 (1 of 1)


f-11 (1 of 1)


So we can see that Streetshooters Law of street physical optical anti-engineering is true in the practical sense.

I see that at f/11, we start to see that diffraction thing everyone talks about. F/8 seems to be ideal at 2 meters and so it should be. The reason I did this is because if I can leave the camera at 2 meters and just change the f/stops to get the dof desired or as many call it….Zone Focus…see, ya did learn something….so did I.









The GR is a great camera and I have adapted to it’s way of working and it has done the same with me.

I did find 1 serious problem and I went to my Shrink at the VA Hospital. I said Doc, I’m seeing colors doc. I’m seeing these colors in my photos and on the street and we….it ain’t pretty doc….

Doc asked me if I was doing that stuff from the 60’s……..hmmmmmmmm

The Ricoh GR and the Nex 6 work well together.


I just love testing 2 cameras at the same time…..NOT! The GR is an amazing camera that fulfills all that one expects from it and more. The same is true true of the Nex6. Both are very intuitive and I was amazed at how easy the Nex works. I had a Nex 5 when it came out and Ray Sachs and I wrestled with them but figured out the way to make them work. No such issue with the Nex 6. Roger forget to send me the manual so I went solo and it all works in the end.

The GR needs no such thoughts…well, if you ever used a GRD#…you’ll feel right at home.

I never opened the manual……





I really need a break and I am having a naming issue for the Nex. I guess something will twist my brain……….

06-13-0302For Eva


I have a lot to say and post but I have to process images and gather my thoughts…..the last part is scary…..


Cellograph Journal …. Page 4


If your a serious shooter, regardless of what camera you use…you still need to process it the best way to present your intent.

Yeah, yeah I know…Snapseed…bulldinky. The thing is, to process the image you captured on the phone with the phone is a fast lazy way to work. I know that I’ll catch static posting this but , I don’t care anyway.

2013-05-21 09.19.49

Ya got yer snapseeders, ya got yer instagram crowd, then there’s the Facebook groups and many more. I’m dealing with the shooters that want to really get their images and use a phone as the camera.

2013-05-22 07.54.06

I’m doing an article in the Inspired Eye magazine coming up soon. If your a cellshooter and would like to be featured in it, please contact me and we’ll have a chat. Look, I love my cameras, I really do. Fact is the iPhone 5 has the best screen of all of them. Then there’s that color thing….

2013-05-22 07.23.05

It’s Memorial Day Weekend here in the Colony. I’ll be around but I have Cemetery’s and Graves to visit.  Have a safe and productive weekend.



Cellograph Journal …. Page 3

2013-05-21 09.56.59

The important thing with any camera is that it not intrude on your vision. The camera should be with you but in a quiet way.

2013-05-21 09.57.10

2013-05-21 09.58.54

The iPhone 5 has done exactly that. It has just been here in my hand and not created any intrusion at all…well, except when it rings. My subject matter hasn’t really changed nor has my approach. My stance has adjusted to the phone. There’s definitely a sense of intimacy that crawls up your back working with a phone.

2013-05-21 10.03.53

2013-05-21 10.26.01

Here’s a shooters observation and I’m sure a very obvious one but not to me. Most people on the street don’t have a traditional camera with them. So when one pops up, it’s easy to figure out what is going to happen.

2013-05-22 11.14.44

The thing with a phone is that everybody has one and everybody knows you have a camera and everybody else does too. So it’s not easy to be discreet. It’s not easy to be relaxed and just in the zone of awareness. You can get there but there’s an edge that comes along for the ride.

2013-05-22 12.33.23

So I ask myself a question and have not found the complete answer. If the phone is very much like a camera and it has the inhibitions surrounding it like any other camera, why then not just use a camera? Well, the phone is a camera. It’s a great device and it’s light, compact, fast, unobtrusive and the list goes on…..

I will continue the quest for a complete answer tomorrow, well maybe this evening as the phone is always on me……

later my friends……..don

The Task Of Seeing With A Camera

……….I know, I know…I musta been crazy. It’s just a hard habit to break. I went downtown this morning , yeah…yeah…Market Street. I wanted to work the iPhone and learn how it sees and teach it how I sees. Let’s put things in perspective. We all love our cameras…yup, even Wouter and Jorge. Chances are if your anything like I think you are…you use the phone more then the cameras.

So I looked at the phone on the desk……iPhoney said to me….you ain’t got the gutz to go without a camera. It was right on the money. I grabbed the X20 and a small lens brush and that’s that. Walker’s hanging around my neck on the Luigi Braided Strap. He likes the Brown Braided better then the Black standard.

Iphoney is in the back pocket of my jeans, I have a battery recharger for the phone and that’s all.



The X20 is an amazing camera and we get along fine. It has a sense of humor but it’s not a trickster. It has never let me down and I’ll probably never fall out of love with it……at least not yet.

The phone has a nice presence when working. I carry it in my hand and I started doing a few things to throw the attention away from it’s lens. I only raise the phone when getting ready for a photo. I do this slowly because I do it slowly. Then, I press the release and wait until it’s time. When I raise the camera, I sometimes scratch my arm and then the subject does not see the picture being made. I’m still experimenting but I learned something today.

I have a new camera to work with. I feel guilty in a way because I took the X20 also and I never cheat on a camera or anyone. I’m a monogamous shooter.  I should have just taken the phone and I will once my extra batteries arrive.

I look at my photos and it’s hard to tell which is from what camera. The task of seeing with a camera is now underway but the results are very exciting and promising.

2013-05-10 09.55.11

iPhone 4

Have a great weekend and thanks for reading my thoughts.

shooter out………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Olivier Told Me I Was A 63 Year Old Hipster.

I do not can know if I should be happy or well…that’s an ugly thought. See, Olivier is much younger than me and he has these ideas that well, maybe at times they could be called exciting.

So I’m off to the VA Hospital again because my Electrolytes are as high as Duane flying in his aeroplane. Now here’s the thing. I always carry a camera. Olivier said I carry a camera all the time and don’t use it. Never I said. If I carry, I use.

Photo May 09, 11 36 20 AM

The guys a bad influence. He suggested that I use my iPhone 4 and not carry any other camera. I mean to tell ya….this is much easier said then done. I left the house and just carried the phone. It felt natural cause I have my phone with me all the time.

I kept reaching in my pocket for my camera but alas….empty. So I committed to getting this going.

It took about 1/2 hour to get the camera to be non-intruding.  It’s almost a true Point n’ Shoot. I use the widest lens FOV and the release technique for capture. The phone has great DOF so I pre-focus about 5′ in front of me….then I press the shutter release but I don let go until I frame and the moment is right. The ya just release and the camera does it’s thing.


Photo May 09, 12 14 47 PM


All in all, it’s not a bad way to work. I managed to get very close to people but those shots Olivier is using for an article.

Photo May 09, 11 37 16 AM


Once the camera stuff is out of the way, it’s time to go to Lightroom. That was cool as I’m already designing Presets for Mobile cameras.

Do I think that my iPhone will take the place of my cameras? No. Just like I choose what camera to take on a shoot, I now just increased my choices by 1.

Photo May 09, 2 35 11 PM


There’s a lot of photos out there and even inside and such. We should stay open minded as to what camera is best to use for any given session. One thing doesn’t work for me. A lot of times I carry my camera and make photos using one hand. The other hand has my phone in it and I pretend I’m talking to someone. It’s a very good way to disguise what your doing.


Photo May 09, 3 08 27 PM

I promised Olivier that I’d make an honest effort to use the iPhone as a camera. At first I was reluctant but I’ve come to see the light, once again.

It’s not a hard thing to pursue. After all, a camera by any other name is still a camera. Which brings me to an important point.

What Name does this camera get.


The Fuji X20 as a Street Camera…..Part 2

I ain’t no fanboy, can’t be ’cause I don’t know what it is.  Just cause I was a Hippie in the 60’s, don’t mean I’m Hip enough now to know about these things.

Let me start by saying what I really hate about the X20 on and off the Streets. It…….hmmmmmmm?

So now that that’s outta the way…here’s some more things I like about this camera. Now bear with me here and keep this between you and me. I don’t want this getting out. It’s got this zoomie lens on it. Shame, shame Shooter….a ZOOMIE?


Now I ain’t one to spread rumors and such but this here shot was at I think 112mm. I know, I know…..a tele shot, in color! Well, this was on the way back from yhe VA…so that’s my story and I’m sticking with it….

The X20 has a wonderful lens and to go with it, extremely fast, accurate Auto Focus…at every focal length. Put that in a small compact camera with great Image Stabilization and you have the making for a wonderful camera. I don’t use the viewfinder but I like it. I didn’t use it above but should have. I forgot about it because the screen is just so good.


On or off the street, this camera is very cool. Look, here’s the thing. I am a shooter. I have been for almost 5 decades. I learned one thing that I never forgot or even got complacent about. The IMAGE!

I love photographs. I love mine, that’s woman’s over there and yours. I don’t need all kinds of things in a camera but I do need a camera to be an active part of my creative process. I need a camera to help me capture the image without intruding on my vision.

There are many cameras that can do the task at hand if….one takes the time to form a collaboration with the camera. I am in the process of adapting the X20 to my process. Unfortunately, this camera can’t ever be a tool to work with. I feel bad about that but I must say that my cameras are not tools, they are my friends and work with me to make the images I get credit for.

Every camera that I thought about being a tool, well…..they were put on eBay.

I normally keep the X20 on 28mm. It just feels natural to me and that in itself is a pleasure. As I stated on my last post, I set the camera to MF and use 4′ as my focus distance at 28mm. I use f/5.6 but am covered from f/4 – f/8.

The Raw files convert to B&W or Color easy. Of course I use my Presets and they are tailored to my vision and my camera’s files.


This is a real serious street camera. It’s very compact, very fast and above all….it reconfigures on the spot.
This shot above…. I was coming out of the Trolley tunnel, the camera was set to AF at f?2 because I was in very low light. As soon as I saw this scene develop, I was able to in a matter of seconds to get the camera set and make this shot. I love the little man on the man’s head…..

I’m weird but have cool cameras……..
