So Andre’ the XP1 and the 35mm 1.4 that thinks it’s a 50mm 1.4 and I went for a walk today. The weather started of around 37f and slightly overcast. For me it doesn’t matter cause I go out in anything but Andre’ has a bad attitude about getting wet. He’s got a cousin and it’s the unnamed XT1. Talk about a crazy camera….The XT1 loves getting dirty and wet and cold, whatever but the lenses…well….See, I’m from Philly and here we like things to match and get along…remember, Philly is the city of brotherly love….So, it just seems to me that if’n a camera is weatherproof…shouldn’t the lenses be also…I’m just sayin’. Don’t sweat friends, in no time Fuji will release the best dang weatherproof lenses ever…’ll see.
The 35mm is a monster lens but it’s also a gentle giant. I like all of youin’s love the detail, sharpness, contrast it provides. I also the the way it just seems to capture kinetic energy. I get into all kinds of things because I’m not a specialist in any kind of photography, I just specialize in responding to what I feel and see..well maybe see, sometimes see…wish i could see…hmmmm.
I gotta tell ya….if you leave your self open, the possibilities are endless. I mean, for me…it’s about responding to life. It’s about making photos and when looking at them, feeling excited for the next breath. Yeah, guilty as charged….I breathe photography. The shot right up there…yeah, that one and even the first one…they show an awareness of the subtleties of life and death. Geeze, I’d be lost if I had to only do one thing with my camera, maybe even just work in one genre’. Maybe that’s great for those that can and do but I’m not that guy.
I remember in 1970 we were outside of Chu Lai. It was Monsoon season and as the light started to fall so did the sounds of mortars and gunfire. I looked around me at the squad members and all were accounted for and in 1 piece, it was a good feeling. I had my poncho on and was leaning against a tree, knees up, M4 in hand under the poncho. Staying dry was impossible but I always kept my M4 dry. So the rain had stopped about 15 minutes before and the humidity was unbearable but just then the sky opened up.
I looked at the cloud formations and the ripples of light in the sky and it stretched as far as one could imagine. The color was from THE LORD and I felt blessed to be experiencing this miraculous vision. We all just looked in wonderment and felt that maybe, just maybe we could get back to base camp….together in 1 piece.
I looked at that sky and then I felt like THE LORD was shining a light for me to make a photo….Oh man, what a feeling…it was like an experience that one should remember for eternity. I raised the Leica with the 35cron and just as I put it to my eye….
I kinda heard a voice in my head and I thought it was THE LORD as he said….Schmuck, your shooting TRI-X.
Those are the kind of experiences that effect your life…or not! For me things like that leave me open to the possibilities of what ever life throws at me. If it sounds like I’m teaching, well maybe I am but I feel that we all have a responsibility to each other to broaden the horizons of each others minds. I get great pleasure when I help someone and I can see the light go on. IT’s as good as it gets.
What’s this got to do with the XP1 shooter…..? Okay, ok…hold dem dere horses…! It was early 70′ and I was in NYC at Ilya Bolotowsky’s studio. I was there to do a portrait of Ilya in his studio. We sat and drank tea and biscuits. I looked at his paintings and immediately saw a strong resemblance to Mondrian. Ilya explained that he knew Mondrian. He had a sad look in is heart and I felt that he was agonizing about this relationship all his life.
So as I sat with him, I saw this table with many brushes on it. I walked over to it and asked him why all the different brushes…(over 50). He said to me….Don…I pick up many brushes and they feel like great tools….then I close my eyes, I reach down for my friend and start painting. He said that he has never picked up a different brush first before his friend.
My cameras are not tools, Ilya, Harry Callahan, Minor White, Harry Bertoia and many more see to that….my cameras are my friends.
Have a good day and be truthful to yourself, even if others can’t see your truth…………………