Tag Archives: Ricoh

December 30st, 2013 ….. Fuji X-Pro1 & 35mm 1.4 ….. Some Thoughts

12-13-0554Yeah, yeah…just a dry practice run till tomorrow.

So since about 1985 I have been struggling with the idea of using the 50mm FOV as a main focal length. I mean of course I’ve used it in many occasions but I never felt that it was a real part of my vision. Well, the Leica’s are retired and no other camera has ever offered me the excitement of another focal length. I am or shall I say, I was always a 35mm FOV guy and never switched hit in anything. Hey, hey…married and anyway, there ain’t nuttin wrong with it anyways….

so I’m using the Fuji X PRO 1 and the X E1 and I have to say….I have the 35mm 1.4 for a good spell already and thought I’d sell it cause once again….50mm ain’t my thing. Well one day, don’t remember when I looked at my photos and my camera and low and behold…it was all working with 28mm. Oh, that’s just great….I mean let’s add fuel to the mental fire in me poor head…. So I use 28mm for many years, so much so that it went from an acquired FOV to a Natural FOV. Horrors, I thought!

I was just about to unload the Fuji 35mm and the 27mm and maybe the 18mm. I really like the Voigtlander lenses. I mean they have a focus scale, a DOF scale….a real lens! I was ready to make a few eBay listings and then the Fuji Engineers got word of me getting ready to move their stuff out of my coat pocket and then, all the sudden, without fair warning to all good Fuji users of any level of commitment, released a firmware update that rocked my uh…uh…nah, not world but got me to thinking again…..


The X-PPRO 1 now does things it tried to do before the update but couldn’t get it right.


They got the frame lines very accurate at all but the closest distances and even then, it ain’t bad. The framing box is so accurate that I decided to take the 35mm out for a spin. Well, for the 1st time since 1985, I am really excited with this focal length. I am seeing the frame box a little more accurate then the Leica M cameras. That doesn’t matter but to me it really does. I do not now nor ever like cropping my images. I know, I know…but it’s my process to crop before release…..not after…unless it’s a Million $$$ shot then crop the heck out of it…..sheeeeesh! I tested the frame box with all my lenses that I like to use and accuracy is incredible, even the Voigtlander 15mm and 21mm are right on.


12-13-0552Antwayz….I’ll be around tomorrow and hopefully make a few photos but if not…..Mummers Day is just a few shots away……NO NO….not photo shots…..Single Malt Shots…….

Till we meet again……..shooter out…………………….


December 29th, 2013 ….. The Waterproof Fuji Saves The Day

12-13-0547Man, it’s raining cats and dogs here in Philly. I don’t mean cats like my buddy Barsik, I mean cats like my ex drummer, ex bassman that kinda cats….huh….hold on…..yeah, ok….I’m told by the left side of me poor brain that I spelled cats wrong….it’s supposed to be Kats or Katz…sumptin like a dat…..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ anywayz……..

I went out with Tanya to go return some stuff. It was and still is rainin’  like….uh…uh… crazy.  So I was thinking about making photos, of course I’m always thinking about that and I said to myself…. self, the Fuji XE1 is not gonna be a happy camper in this weather….hmmmm…..I thought, what about the Fuji XP1, I mean it’s a real PRO camera that does everything including have a meltdown in the rain……

what to do, oh my….what to do.  See, the Yellow Mother invented a law that the gov’t of all nations far and wide base their law and financial matters on….. It’s called the Inverse Square Law.  That law means less is more and more is less. For us, the original followers of this fine law, it means…the larger the hole, the smaller the number….hold on….check this out….it also means the smaller the hole, the larger the number.

So as shooters, we know that the more you spend on a camera, the less risky use you’ll do with it and then…the less you pay for a camera, the riskier you can get.

For the gov’t, all gov’t…this means that the more people you have the less they get to eat and have less money because they have to share it amongst themselves…..well…the less people..like in Congress etc, the less people there, the more food and money there because they get to steal it from the masses of people that trust them with their lives…….this ain’t no lesson on astrophysicaldynamicalpoliticalmathematicalbeanimpotantpersonandstealbecauseyoucanandhaveajunkysexlifesoallhastopay conversation…..

So, anyway….Tanya and I ventured out in the pouring rain and the Fuji’s didn’t…..HOLD ON A MINUTE! Enter the Fuji-film XP-50. It’s a very small point n’ shoot. It has basic settings but….it thrives in the rain, snow, dust, dirt, heat, cold and even in a politicianspocket…THE HORROR!

This camera is very nice to deal with. If you want to adjust all the settings and everything….take yer XP1 out in the rain. If your just interested in making photos in adverse conditions……The XP-50 is a great choice…. I got this on eBay for cheap….

When we got home because we didn’t go anywheres but the rain because our shoes and boots leaked and out feets gotz wet so we had to come home….

I put the file in LR5 and of course it was in color because it only does jpeggies and I leave it in color so I get the best file to work with…..

The camera is a gas and I like being able to work in bad weather etc….

More tomorrow when I get back from the streets of Philly….. By the way….if you get out a little…if you see my brain someplace…tell it that vacation is over…..

December 28th, 2013 …… Countdown to New Years ….. shooters history lesson, part 1

12-13-0535With or without fears, New Years will come in a few days. Why is this day special? If’n ya have to ask, yer not from Philadelphia. See, back in the early 1900’s the Philly Forefathers of Business and Prosperity invented New Years Day. The idea was to get everyone from all over the world to come to Philly and stay in hotels, eat in the restaurants buy cameras and make photos of the most famous event in the history of the world…The Mummer’s Day Parade.

Well, the forefathers didn’t realize that this parade was gong to share time and space with New Years Day that’s celebrated all over the world. The called everyone in the world even those in the Old Country and asked if they could move New Years Day to a different time slot. Much to their surprise, the answer was no, only because New Years Day happens at different times at different places in the world. Hard to believe but it’s true. My dear friend Roger is in Adelaide Australia and he’s 151/2 hours ahead. I get the 15 hours cause he’s always ahead of me anyway…but what’s with the 1/2 hour? Who invented that? (side note) Roger and I have tried to win the lottery in the Land of Oz but it’s not working. I figured he’s really ahead of me so he could tell me the winning numbers and we could win.

hmmmm, not working but it goes to show that just because someone is ahead of you in time, doesn’t mean that where you are  ain’t where you is in the here and now. So I guess I have to be in center city Philly for the parade once again. This of course means that many of you will miss it because you have a messed up time clock for New Years Day. Once again youse will miss the most important invention from Philly besides the Cheese Steak. I know you all heard of Alexander The Great. He didn’t find his way hear but he wanted to cause he heard about the Greatest Cheese Steaks in the new world. Hannibal and his troops did make it to Philly and that’s really a part of how the Mummers Day Parade got it’s start.

Anyway, I’ll be there again and this year I’m using the Fuji X-E1 with the 15mm Heliar and the Fuji X-pro 1 with the native Fuji lenses. I’ll probably keep the 35 1.4 on it because it’s a tele photo for me. Ever since a firmware update, the frame lines are very accurate…much more than any Leica M I have or have used…..all….he he

This is not the last post before the New Years Parade….I got a call from Hannibal’s kinfolk asking for 35,000 rooms with a HOT SHOWER and parking for Camels and Horses……no sweat…the Hilton is always available…….

…………………….end transmission………..shooter out!

December 14th, 2013 ….. The Inspired Eye Issue 5 is Published

Inspired Eyehttp://www.theinspiredeye.net/pdf-photography-magazine/


It is always crunch time for Olivier and I the last week before publishing an issue. We don’t have any personal time, ask Tanya. Anyway, it’s out and ready for all youse good people to have an interesting read.

Thanks for your continued support……Olivier and Don

November 26th, 2013 ….. Lessons From the Archive

GF GAMB'E GAME-EditIt’s cold and rainy out. I’m stuck in the house. My iPhone crashed while I was talking to Olivier. I reinstalled the backup 4 times and it finally worked. So I decided to Re-Photograph my images. Don’t ask and I won’t explain what that means…..what, oh…sure…but….nah…let’s just do it. I go thru my catalog not to find missing images, well how could they be missing if I know where they are? Yeah, this applies to you…and you over there…yeah, you. Just cause you use Aperture, that ain’t no escape.

I know this sounds crazy and, well it just may be but truth is….we need to do this sometimes. No, not sit here and write like an idiot, re-shoot our photos. So, in LR5 or whatever…open your catalog and just look for photos that turn you on. It’s best not to start with an agenda but it’s almost unavoidable. I usually go back 2-3 years and just check out stuff that turns me on. It doesn’t have to be your best work but it will lead to that in the future.

In LR5 I put the chosen ones into a collection and label it “Picks.”  This does not do anything to the original location, it just copies the photos to the new collection. At this point your not doing anything brilliant…or are you? What your doing is grouping photos that you respond to after capture and putting them together in a collection for study.

After you are satisfied, the work begins. It is easy to see what lens is working and how you use it. Do you get in close or medium or far distances?



What camera was really working during this period? Was color or black & white the majority of images? What was the subject matter? Hmmmm, I got an idea….let’s group things by these different common denominators. What about time of day and position of the Sun? Light conditions are all important. How about recurring themes. How about collections like series?

This seems like a very anal process and boring. I mean, who wants to sit and really organize? What if the desired results are not met?

What this does is creates a collection of memories and facts that put together by a shooter with an open mind, makes a roadmap for the present and future. How would you like to go out and work and feel like you might be getting somewhere?  No, this doesn’t appeal to you….ok…B&H is having a sale….go buy a camera ya don’t need….

06-11-0240-EditI’m working the Homeless Advocacy Group tomorrow, rain or shine….. Seeya’s soon…..

October 17th, 2013 Tis a Sad Day in Shooter’s Bag …. A Day Of Reflection

10-13-0124I found myself in a situation that demanded the immediate decision of what camera system I was going to commit to. The choices are the Sony Nex 6 and the Fuji X-E1.

I have to say that there was one deciding factor that made me make the move…..not yet, soon but not yet…then you’ll know. The Nex 6 is probably the finest camera for using M lenses, bar none. The focus peaking is way beyond what any other camera can do. The screen and EVF…about as good as it gets. The interface is very good and even the menu system is manageable.

The Fuji X-E1 has a certain Retro look about that I couldn’t care less but it’s nice. The peaking is so so but one gets used to it after a spell. As my Grandfather would say…well, he wouldn’t say it now cause he’s on the other side but when he was here physically he would say….“Ya get used to hanging if ya hang long enough”. The screen and EVF are very good and the refresh rate being a little slow doesn’t bother me in the least.

The Sony lenses, Zeiss 24mm, Sony 35mm 1.8 and even the 50mm 1.8 are actually way better than I ever expected. The Fuji lenses are very good but on par with the Sony. Truth is what one sees and then believes. This is my truth, don’t like it….go find your own.

10-13-0114So what do you think could be the deciding factor? It’s as simple as it always is with any camera I try and end up either keeping or moving away fro me.\

There is one feature that I will not tolerate in any camera for more than a few weeks. That’s when I get serious about keeping a camera and investing money, energy, time and my vision. If I want to shoot at 1/250 f/5.6 ….I don’t give a hill of doggie do do…I want the camera to say…we got that, here’s the ISO I will use with that…and how high should I limit the ISO? On the X-E1 I can do just that. I will never use a camera that can’t offer that feature. The Nex 6 will do that with a M Mount lens and using S Mode. (Shutter speed I can select, the aperture I can select, the camera meters the light and sets the ISO to keep the exposure proper. The Nex 6 can’t do that with it’s own lenses.

Bye, and I truly will miss you.

That was the deciding factor and it also killed the wonderful Ricoh GR. Crazy, the GRD4 does it easily. I guess Pentax got into the Ricoh coffee machine and the Ricoh engineers lost their minds…..I will really miss that Nex 6 because it’s an amazing camera.I would be forced to use something like A mode and that’s unacceptable do to no control over shutter speed. At any rate, The Fuji X system is up at bat. So far so good. http://www.amazon.com/Mastering-Fujifilm-X-E1-X-Pro1-Pfirstinger/dp/1937538311/ref=sr_1_1_title_0_main?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1381494821&sr=1-1&keywords=Fujifilm+XE-1

Rico’s book is a real nice read and I learned a lot about the Fuji Cameras. I don’t know if the link above works but you can figure out where to go.

I’ll be shooting the Fuji’s for a spell and I’ll post how things are getting along.

P.S. For Dan. I had to make a choice between the 2 systems due to financial needs. I am not dumping on the Nex 6, just so you know….if I could afford both, I wouldn’t be writing this.




September 13, 2013 ….. A brief Walk with the Ricoh GRD4

09-13-0546So, Olivier got my GR and I got the Zeiss 24mm for the Nex. Fair trade and we would never argue about any values so it’s a done deal. Turns out he sold the GR to a fella here in Philly and shortly he’ll be using that Panasonic LF-1 thing. Anyway, I can honestly say that in no way do I miss the GR or the experience of using it.

09-13-0537The GRD4 will fill the non void of the GR. The thing is for me, the GRD4 has a way of just being there, working and never intruding on the process. I have had a few conversations with the GRD4 and we came to an understanding that both of us can live with. I have to redesign some presets for the GRD4 for low light/high ISO use. I will attend to that shortly.


09-13-0543Nothing like a Self Portrait…yeah, yeah….in the mirror..the guy in the red shirt. You do know it’s Friday and that means to wear a Red Shirt to support the troops.


09-13-0550All in all, the GRD4 is a great camera and I always knew that. I am not rekindling a love affair with the camera because the flame between us never went out.

It’s a crazy thing but I really enjoy the experience using the Nex6 cameras. Regardless of method of focus or lenses, the cameras are up to the task and do it very well. So the GRD4 now moves back to the pocket and of course will be at the ready. My responsibility of making the presets for him will be completed shortly. The Mex6’s will carry the work load because they make me aware of the here and now and make me think as I work. No auto drive for me….I want to claim full responsibility to the intent of the images I make.

09-13-0547Have a good weekend and keep out of trouble………


September 12, 2013 ….. Some Things I Learned From Edmund Bacon Part One

09-13-0530Ed and I had worked on the book for sometime. See, we were collaborating on a book of  his words and the inspired photos I made to go with his writings and of course he wrote for my photos in return. Ed told me many stories about what and how he learned the many facets of life he was interested in. He explained to me how the concept of the City was recognized by him and how it had taken the reigns of his life. He asked me to make a photo of an egg with blood veins in it. Sure Ed, no problem…….

So I went to a place 30 miles away named Moyer’s and I bought 1 dozen eggs with some guaranteed to have veins in it. I had me view camera set up with lighting that would make the shape pleasing and also capture the veins Ed wanted to see. I shot many eggs trying to get what Ed had in his mind but I didn’t have in my mind. Finally, one day I went to Ed’s house on :ocust street and as we sipped on some tea, I let Ed check out the recent crop of images.

Ed gazedd upon the eggs standing tall but yet slightly bent over from age. His feet anchored on the floor by his black shoes that appeared to be made of led. Ed flipped thru the photos studying each and every one very carefully and then……he just stopped and froze, looking down at one of the photos. I saw a tear in his eye and he said to me, this is it….this is what I saw as a young child. I  was actually in shock. I couldn’t believe that what was in his mind was now in both of our hearts.

He called me over to the table and put his hand on my shoulder. As we gazed upon the photo, he explained all about how the city was the central heart of society and how the veins of the egg were like transportation routes for the dwellers to get around.

09-13-0523One day we were driving up Kensington Ave and as we passed Somerset Street, I said to Ed…Isn’t it a shame there’s so many junkies around…….

Ed looked at me as I was driving and said….”Dear Don, someone has to be the city planner, someone has to be the photographer and someone has to be the junkie….just be glad it’s not you……

September 8th, 2013 Manhatten Stories, Chapter One

09-13-0464Olivier and I met in NYC this past week to do some work on a video. It was an analog meeting not a digital one. We spent many hours walking the streets and shooting with his Nex 7 on video mode. It’s a real task for me to do video. I mean, one is required to be in the here and now but with time being fluid. I hate that. There’s the issue of continuity and shake from the camera. I don’t do good with either. Anyway, he did most of the video work and I really just made photos. There’s a feeling of being captured by the camera that I don’t care for. I don’t mean single frame, that never bothers me as I do it so it can get done to me….never an issue.The movement and continual recording makes me uneasy but Olivier handled the situation with ease.

09-13-0363Aside from doing our planned business itinerary, I managed to do some street work. I’ll process a few here and there and post them as the time passes.

09-13-0436 This really isn’t about gear but if it was and it’s not….don’t get it wrong….I’d then tell how much I really love working with the Nex6 and any lens it has attached to it. This isn’t about gear so I won’t tell you that and I won’t tell you how the GR has finally found a resting place but not with me because the camera needs medicine and I have enough problems and I’m not taking the GR to the camera shrink to get fixed. Now Olivier can do that and I’ll just keep using the 24mm 1.8 on one Nex6 and then use the Voigtlander lenses on the second body.

09-13-0345I always talk about intrusions. Maybe I was intruding on this loving French couple. They were in a deep romantic embrace as I walked over to them and make the picture.

The French have such a romantic way of telling you to F*** Off!

Philadelphia … August 26, 2013


From now on, I’m planning on titling the blog post on the date like above. If you have a better idea, let me know…..thanks…don

The weather was nice this morning. Uh…let me see… I’ll explain the way youse will grasp it. Slightly overcast and exposure about 1/400 f/8. Choose your own ISO. My cameras choose mine. I got off the Elevated train at 30th St Station so that I could get the tickets for New Your on the 5th of Sept.


I’m hiring that guy up front to walk around the city to entice shy shooters to make photos. I think it’s a better idea than what that other guy teaches. Anyway, this New York thing is Olivier’s idea. Well, he started the idea and then we both got it rolling the way we do. It’s a funny thing….I’ve taught workshops live on the street but never did a Video. I was reluctant at first but the kids energy just feeds me in a way that I see things his way and then we make it our way.

The Inspired Eye magazine is proof that it works. He’s the driving force behind that until we get it going. The Presets are basically my idea from concept to delivery to Oliver and then he packages it real nice and sends me a little money once in a while because they are selling….my wife likes that part the most.


08-13-0739What the hell’s all this got to do with making photos Shooter? …… Relax…..I’m getting there. Well, this about a frame of mind. See, when you get preoccupied with things they have a way of flooding into everything your doing.

See that guy over there……nope, the one behind that young lady…..yeah that’s him. He’s lucky cause he’s got the means to allocate the energy moving around his life. That lady there with the yellow dress, she’s a secretary and takes her work home all the time. Then there’s the plumber, electrician, teacher, IT person, lawyer etc.

Everyone has to serve somebody. Geeze, Dylan said that. So what that means is, when you get out there on the street, you must know how to get into the here and now and work to the most focused way that you can.

08-13-0746Variation On A Theme Part 1

08-13-0747Variation On A Theme Part 2




Some of you get me and that’s very cool. Some don’t and I hope someday they do. For the most part, I’m just a guy that’s totally involved in photography and always was and always will be. I believe the way things progress and get better is if someone has knowledge about something, that person has a responsibility to spread it around and does. That’s all I’m trying to do.

Till next time, get the hell out there and make photos……..
