Category Archives: Inspired Eye

February 20th, 2014 ….. Fuji XP1 Street Shots with the 15mm Heliar

02-14-0563So I’m standing on John F Kennedy Blvd around 15th Street and I’m minding my own business talking to Olivier on the iPhoney 5. Well, Andre’, Andre’ is my Fuji XP1 and youse all know that ’cause you read my blog on a regular basis, anyway he’s starting to shake and vibrate in my hand. I have to talk with Olivier I said to him but he insisted that I pay attention to him. So my thumb got to the soft release and I started to look…..Andre’s told me that he would handle the framing and exposure, all I had to do was press the shutter when he said to. After a few seconds this guy comes into the scene and I can see my reflection but more that that, I can see the photo as I am bout to make. then all the sudden….CLICK!

02-14-0560I’m prepping for a workshop soon and  one of the things I push and push hard is JUXTAPOSITION. It’s a multi-faceted concept but one I feel is most important to learn. The above is an example I know will bring up ideas and conversation.

02-14-0568Whats very cool about the XP1 with the 15mm Heliar is how close you can get to things and even crazy people. I’m right under this guy and I used the OVF. I can see the 4 corner brackets to frame and my experience is they are accurate but with the 15mm, it’s off on the right side. I’m not anal about this sort of thing and if you are, flip the lever and use the EVF.  So I saw this guy doing his thing and all the people except me were moving away from him. I mean they were really getting space and that was good for me as I could move in close like I try to do in this situation. Well,as I was walking I set the aperture to f/5.6 and bent down right in front of him….I’m quick and I try not to rush at all….so I was taking my time and this guy never knew I was close enough to him to smell the Coors Light coming from his breath.

02-14-0580Color doesn’t really excite me but I am open minded to what it brings to the image. Eh…sometimes ya have to surrender to the voice of the photo no? Well, ifI have to do color, at least it’s my favorite dominate. I’m telling ya, I was so close to this guy that I didn’t realize it until I looked off camera. I used the EVF here so I can’t see anything but thee screen. So I backed up again and moved to where the color worked and the sign related to the man and then I waited for him to see me and as he looked …..CLICK. In a second he asked, “how do ya like the XP1? I was in shock…I mean how could he have known about Andre’? Si I handed him the camera and he smiled and I mean really smiled. He asked how much and I explained the about price and directed him to a store to get it. I gave him a list of mush have lenses and he was happy and so was I.

02-14-0593My Dreamcatcher series is developing very nice and I have a very good response and print sales. So whenever I get the chance, I ….CLICK.

Tomorrow is another day and the weather promises rain and warm temps………..

February 19th, 2014 ….. Fuji XP1 Takes A Day Off … Fuji XE1 Call To Duty

So I was laying in bed waiting for Tanya to call me down for my morning cup of Kona Coffee. I’m not getting into this but KONA is the FUJI of coffee…nuff said! I could hear a whining sound….like…WHAAAAA! Well, it wasn’t Tanya, nah she would just downright get in my face….nope not her. I figured it wasn’t Barsik the Russian American cat and I figured it was coming from the back bedroom that now is converted to my photography work area because I’m not allowed by the Russian Czar wife to call it an office because I don’t work anymore cause the Gov’t says I can’t.

The sound was definitely coming from the back office area. (Tanya is downstairs so between you and I, it’s the office, shhhhhh). It was not a high shriek but more of a soft moan. Ya know that sound ya heard when ya was making that first real kiss and that’s the one that gets you thinking like an adult from then on out….yup…that’s kinda like the sound. Ok, youse all know I name my cameras. My XP1 is named after Andre’ Kertesz and my XE1 is named after Ding McNulty, curator of Prints and Pictures at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

Well, as I entered the back room that’s an office but I ain’t allowed to call it that because the well…da wifey don’t like it….I could hear this moan coming from one of my camera bags. Yeah, no kidding…..I thought to my self….self, what the heck is going on here? Well, Andre’ said to me in a very soft accent, I’m tired and I want the day off. Ding and I had a talk and you have been ignoring him and we are not amused…at all. So Andre’ continued and said, you will take Ding today and he wants the Fuji 27mm that’s confused because it’s a 27mm but acts like a 40.5mm lens. Furthermore, I will get a much needed day off and sleep inside the Billingham clasped shut so I won’t be disturbed.

02-14-0499So Ding and I set sail to Center City. The XE1 is like a really compact camera especially mated with the 27mm. From my memory banks, I compare it to the Pen 3 and 20mm over there at It slips in and out of my pocket very easy and the thing is…..I love the EVF finder in it. I know, I know….but I can’t resist, I just surrender to the cameras elegance.

02-14-0518What happens is that I have the camera on a nice leather neck strap that is very soft and supple. I wrap it around my wrist and just walk around. Then, I raise the camera to my eye and frame and shoot. It amazes me that as a screen shooter, I love the finder on the XE1. The XP1 is a different story and is on vacation. The XE1 with the 27mm will allow the shooter to work in the open without being intruding and or nervous. The cool thing that most shooters hate is: the aperture ring is lost and not on the lens. I think Fuji forgot to install it and then an engineer figured, lets just let the shooters change f/stops with the rear buttons. Now, I gotta say, that is a great asset to the outfit.

The Fuji guys are really smart. Dig this….if your using the 27mm it thinks and acts as a 40.5mm which is an ideal street lens. Well they knew that your on the street and they made the lens small and put real fast and accurate AF in it. They also knew that at the 40.5mm FOV, you most likely won’t be using Hyper Focal distance or any real zone focus stuff.

So, when you use this lens, you are really set free to just work on the street and other places and not be too concerned about looking like a PRO or something. I like looking like an amateur out there and working above a PRO level which is what I do.


02-14-0533See that boid up there far right corner. The XE1 saw it and nailed it….I love this shot, it’s about Fuji and it’s about the street.

02-14-0492Ya know, I made this shot because I enjoyed doing it. It’s really low light and the finder worked better than anyone elses. I hear all kinds of negative things about refresh rate etc….gimme a break..go refresh your …uh….well….just do it. The XE1 just is a pleasure to carry around and beings a screen shooter, the finder is wonderful.

02-14-0556I think I need to take Ding out again tomorrow. Andre’ needs the break and I just want to see 40mm for a spell.

Till then…..go in Peace but go with a Fuji X in your hand……………………………………………

February 18th, 2014 ….. Fuji XP1 & 15mm Heliar Misadventures on the Street

02-14-0437I’m guilty and I admit it. First let me explain.Please, let’s just keep this between you and me. See, it’s a law that shooters use their cameras to make WORK, right? Of course. I’m one of the biggest supporters of the “We are not playing with our gear and we are making work with our photography so don’t say it’s playing movement.” Well, I’m coming out of the closet….NO, not that one..the closet where having fun with your XP1 is. See, here in Philly, it’s against the law to have fun with your camera. Nah…you can have fun with all the other cameras in the world from this planet or any other…well except…Venus. I hear from a distant cousin that Fuji doesn’t have a dealer on Venus yet. So with any camera out there, you can have fun and PLAY with it. The FUJI XP1 is a real camera for real men and real woman. We doin’ need no playin’ ’round with out XP1’s We are too busy making great photos with it.

02-14-0441Well, what happened is that I got caught by the international do not have fun with your XP1 club and just told them I can’t abide by their rules no more. You know Roger? Yeah, yeah…the gut from the post right before this one. Well, Roger would send me anything I need or want, no questions asked. Of course, what Roger giveth, Roger will taketh away. So the point is that I have or could have access to any camera out there. I’ve used many Leica’s and the M4 is by far the best camera for me. See, there’s no stupid light meter to contradict what I say the light reading is. It ain’t got no Auto ISO or anything. Great camera, wonderful friend. So what I’m saying is that no camera YET has given me the experience to the Leica M4….and then…..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

02-14-0446The experience of using my M4’s has been updated to the XP1. Yeah, I know…this is a stretch. It’s not really because….my mind has certain wants and needs from the camera. The XP1 gives my mind the juices similar but not exactly like the Leica. I don’t expect anyone to understand this but I tell ya, it’s a darn pretty picture. If you think of your camera as a tool, you will never understand this and really, the XP1. It is most definitely not a tool. It is a camera that given the chance will become your friend.

Check out Thomas Menk because he’s a real FUJI guy, I’m just a user. He has all kinds of stuff on his site. I don’t know exactly what he named his camera but looking at his work, it’s obvious he has a good friend and not s tool.

02-14-0429So, this is the first camera in probably 25 years that hets my juices flowing so easy and so solid. I’ve had many other cameras but they just didn’t float my boat.

I got more stuff tomorrow as I’m on the streets dodging slippery ice patches and kids throwing snowballs at me, all kinds of mean nasty ugly stuff to turn into with my XP1.

seeya then……………………………………

February 17th, 2014 ….. Fuji XP1 & 15mm Heliar ….. Ideal Street Combo!

02-14-044702-14-0418Look, we all know how good and adaptable the XP1 is. That’s info known since it’s birth. Fuji make an adapter for M Mount lenses that’s better and smarter than anything else available. It’s got good communication skills with the camera. It’s not the smartest thing to have around because even if you tell it that you have a 15mm lens on, it still can’t figure out what f/stop the lens is at. That’s ok anyway because I always know where my exposure is set, except most times I let the camera choose ISO.

The 15mm Heliar is a lens that helps define me. I used a 21mm on my Leica M’s for a spell but didn’t really crave it. With the XP1 there’s a definite affinity that gets me going on that FOV. Sometimes I need to be set free. Well, free within the guidelines established for my work. I guess it’s called pushing the envelope. Yeah, yeah, that’s what I’m doing…pushing the envelope. Funny thing is, that when I use the 15mm, (22.5mm FOV)….I feel perfectly natural in that space. See, it’s about space and how you deal with the boundaries  that the lens imposes on your frame. The 15mm gently forces me to get closer to everything. I guess in a week or so I’ll be in peoples faces more than I am now.

02-14-0452One of the key things to the Heliar is the Focus/DOF Scales. I am so used to working that way that this is a welcome unlocking of the firmware in my AF mind. I remember when Nikon came out with their AF lenses way back before…uh…..oh yeah, back then. So I went to a demonstration  of the new technology and everyone was excited because the cameras could now focus for you. Well, I had a few nasty looks and a few gasp because my M4 was around my neck. This is a Nikon event, we doin’ need no Leica’s ’round here!

So they set the camera up on a tripod so they could control what the lens was seeing. We weren’t to know that was important. Anyway, The guy set’t the camera up, hits the shutter and the camera starts to AF…it’s making sounds and looking like something from outer space, 60’s style. So we all went to lunch, had a beer and in about 45 minutes, we all went back to look at the camera. WOW! It’s almost done focusing. Yep…..that’s about it for that. I’ve never complained about AF in any camera because I know what slow really is.

02-14-0454Ya know, the XP1 is a very adaptable camera. Well, maybe it’s the way it allows me to adapt to what is going on in my head. Other cameras may do this also but look, really…who cares?

Try this on for size. My very dear friend Roger spent the last week here in Philly after selling his Ranch in Adelaide Australia. So I was helping him process…uuh…hold on, that’s not correct. Roger was giving me files to process and he was helping me by telling me what to do. Big help Roger. Well, after I showed him how to use some of my Primo Presets, he asked if I could clean some sensors for him. The way he cleans his sensor is to send the cameras back to Leica, Fuji, Canon etc. I laughed. Of course, lets start with the XP1.

02-14-0455Well, I setup the desk for Sensor Cleaning Procedures. Set the airbrush up, all the Eclipse etc. His XP1 sensor was soooo dirty that if MOSES saw it, there’d be another Commandment! I got it right and then moved on to the Leica’s. The M9 and Mono were not bad but the 240 was like a table after a picnic. It took 7 passes to get it pristine. Then, out of nowhere, all by itself, looking at me like the camera from hell….The X100s said…..CLEAN ME!. Hmmm, I thought….Roger…this is one of the cameras you should send in. Why he asked. See, if’n the lens comes off…it’s a real camera and ya can clean it…if’n the lens ain’t a comin’ off….well…..

I think something clicked in his head ….at last. I have explained to him over and over to stay away from non removable lens cameras. Now at last, he gets it.

Now between you and me…..he can well afford to do anything he wants with his cameras. I seriously doubt he will dump any….so…..Roger left for Paris Sunday and then to Hong Kong and then back to Adelaide and then back home to Philly. Then of course I’ll have to clean the sensors again….so what….

This is just ramblings because it’s crappy weather here and cold and I can’t stay out long because I have a Russian wife that wants reports from me on conditions outside and when are you getting home for Green tea?. ….

Let me just tell you some truths…as I and you probably see it, them…whatever. As a street shooter. I have very little tolerance for intruding gear.  So, working with the XP1 and the 15mm Heliar, I can set the focus scale to the DOF I want and all I have to do sometimes, is check it’s position. No biggie. Then I guess I have a real camera that just works with me to get what I see out there and in my head. It’s a very fast way to work and ya have to be fast because your inside the zone with this lens. I mean your inside the subjects comfort zone and that means you need to get in and out quickly due to respect issues.

02-14-0459I hope to get out tomorrow but rain is in the forecast. It looks like Wednesday will be better……

End Transmission………………………………………………………………….

February 15th, 2014 ….. Defining The Self Thru Your Photos ….. Part 3

02-14-0354One of the things I teach at my workshops is: recognizing your images before and after exposure. I talked about this in Parts 1 & 2 but it’s something that must be embedded in the mind so that the eye & heart can work together to find the images. Sometimes ideas seem strange and we don’t embrace them freely. We hesitate because the idea doesn’t fit the preconceptions implanted in out mind by outside sources and worse….by our own doing. This is a challenge that if accepted, may lead to a new understanding of what our photos look like. It could add to the very definition of what we are photographically.

02-14-0358This series of photos are made exactly for this reason and exercise. I guess it’s about finding a synergism between the eye, heart and mind. Lets think of the eye as Photography and the mind as the camera and the heart as the excitement of a new undiscovered image. So what happens is that if we are attentive to what we are doing and what’s doing us, we can grasp the moment and enjoy the stretch of the mind, outside the box.

02-14-0404Tanya doesn’t really get photography beyond family snaps. That’s cool and I torture her with my cameras and photos of her in all kinds of different situations. She always rejects the photos. So when I decided to move the camera around free space, she looked at it and told me I was crazy and I need to see my VA doctor right away. When we got home, I loaded the photos into LR5 and called her to look…….she loved these because they presented a new way to use a camera and make photos. She opened her mind to the possibilities.

Of course this in no way eans that permission is granted to make photos of her, it just means that she will look at the photos in a different way.

02-14-0380I use the Ricoh GRD4 when I start seeing the frame as a box. I know, I know….see it as a window. Of course I know that but everyone should learn to rethink their approach to photography and life for that matter.

The GRD4 allows me to break away from the routine I fall into sometimes. Of course any camera can make you rethink but I program my mind to use the GRD4 especially for that reason. When I pick it up, my mind says…”Uh oh…time to rethink the frame….again”. The camera becomes a backup safety net. It puts me into a state of mind that opens the boxes and lets me see them as windows.

I have a member of my workshop from around 4 years ago. He says that this procedure is just plain ridiculous. So a few times a year he calls me for advice about helping him get past something blocking his vision. We talk for 20 minutes and then I end the conversation my saying….”get a safety net camera”.  Eh….he won’t do it because it’s a ridiculous theory but he’ll cal me in 6-8 months.



02-14-0370There exist many photos out there waiting to be born. Within those photos lives many that are just beautiful images that are for you to add to the definition of your self. If you can’t find them it is your fault and not theirs. If you focus on your Eye, Heart and mind then out there are those photos waiting for you. If you don’t focus on your Eye, Heart and Mind, those images are still out there but you won’t find them because someone else will……

have a good weekend………

February 13th, 2014 ….. Fuji XP1 Explores The 18mm

02-14-032618mm  1/60  f/2  ISO 200

We all know the Fuji XP1 is an amazing camera. Ahhh, it’s a gimme. Ya know…I get hit with emails, pm’s on forums, text messages etc about how I’m not getting the most from my camera because I’m using the weakest link in the Fuji lens lineup, the 18mm.

Weeeelllll! EXCUSE ME! Sorry about being born, I mean if I knew what I do bothers you, I’d take it into consideration and do what you want….YEAH RIGHT! Hold your breath, count to 14000 and I’ll use the 18  to make a photo of you being planted next to the tomatoes.

Oh, am I being sarcastic? nah….  See Barsik up there…..yeah, the cat photo. Well, that’s made really close up. Seriously, it’s not Macro but it’s about 5-6″ from his eye. That really opens up another view of your world. It doesn’t open up my world cause I know about how good the 18mm is but it does to you cause your reading this in secrecy and want to find out but not let anyone know that you have hidden feelings for the lowly 18mm. That’s ok, I will never check you on it and never mention that you absolutely adore this lens, especially on a forum. Your safe with me.

There’s good resolution, nice Mr Bokeh and the tones are really nice. I probably could have sharpened it more but that’s my buddy and the photo is warm like him.

02-14-034818mm 1/60  f/2  ISO 800

This is at 800 and f/2 really close. It’s not bad for a lens that can’t deliver. Yeah, the 35mm is much better. I have it and like it….it’s in my camera bag some place and maybe before the Spring starts, I’ll try to find it….yeah, sure is a great lens.

02-14-034518mm  1/60  f/2.8  ISO 800.

This photo is made for my Mother In Law in Tula Russia. She sent this to me so that my wife Tanya and I could have memories of her and Tanya’s home while we eat.

When I process images, I take personal liberty to make the resultant equivalent image feel the way I feel when I look at it. Sorry, but I don’t try to stay in the conventions that inhibit most photographers. Tanya, my wife said that MOMMA will cry when she sees this photo. I won’t know for a spell because I had the photo matted and we sent it by mail this morning. Momma doesn’t have any computer, digital anything. It’s ok, even tho’ it felt strange to feel a print again. Maybe it’s time to turn the darkroom on again……hmmmmmmmm nah, nope!

02-14-033718mm   1/125  f/2.8  ISO 800

What the 18mm has that is most attractive and useful is it’s DOF. It allows you to work very wide in aperture and still get a image that represents the scene very well. It doesn’t blow out the background unless you want it to. The XP1 is extremely fast to work with. I hear tell about people cursing the camera cause it’s not fast enough to AF. TSK…TSK…Gimme a break will ya. I will share one of the ways I use the 18mm and post the table at the end of this post.

02-14-032918mm  1/125  f/4  ISO 800

Did ya see all that flare from the 18mm….terrible ain’t it! What the heck are you smoking? There ain’t no dang flare on the 18mm here in Philly. If you have it where you are, move just a slight bit to the left or right…see…..bye flare….sheeesh. The XP1 is very nice to work with the 18mm. It’s a good lens on the XE1 and XE2 also but it doesn’t work on the X20.  Once I used my Hammer and Chisel on the X20 and got that stupid lens off….well, the 18mm wouldn’t mount…..neither would the X20 lens.hmmmmm must be a better way to mount/unmount a lens.

02-14-032818mm  1/125  f/4  ISO 800

I have billions more photos from this combination but I just wanted to take a non serious serious look at the things the 18mm can do that other’s say it can’t. If you really love photography and use Fuji cameras like everyone that loves photography, I urge you to try the 18mm.

Never let anyone put stuff in your mind that you can’t sort out and dismiss. It’s nice to read things on blogs and forums but you have to learn to make your decisions from the info you trust. That info is what you sort out in your brain and can apply to the situation at hand. The 18mm gets a bad rap because of this vicious cycle. Guys post on a forum that it’s not as good as any other lens and then you put that crap in your head. The brain processes that info and form that point on…you have to struggle to make a change in your thinking.

Your photography belongs to you. If you decide to share it, fine but it’s not necessary. What is of the utmost importance is that YOU STAY TRUE TO YOUR VISION.

You do that by being in touch with your Eye, Heart and Mind. If I think about all the photos that would never have been borne because I listened and didn’t use the 18mm….it breaks my heart.

02-14-0343                                18mm  1/60  f/2  ISO 800


Here’s the method I promised.

Lens focused at 10′          Use Manual Focus.         Watch the focus ring, it has a sense of humor.

4.0     5.72 – 39′

5.6     4.8 – Inf

8.0   4.9 – Inf

11     3.2 – Inf

16     2.5 – Inf


Lens focused at 7′

4      4.6 – 14.7′

5.6   4.0 – 26.8′

8     3.4 – Inf

11    2.8 – Inf

16  2.2 – Inf

I didn’t do this in meters because I use the foot thing. It comes directly from the DOF Master tables. I keep this in my iPhone 5 on a note. Then I can check things out on the go and I go a lot.

Thanks for stopping by…………shooter out……………………..

February 11th, 2014 ….. I Shoulda Carried The Black Fuji X-Pro1

02-14-0324So I was walking home from town. I had to drop off the Fuji X-E2 that the Inspired Eye was doing an observation of. You’ll see it over there after Olivier gets it up. Anyway, I’m freezing….my hands are really cold. Yeah, I have gloves but there are in my pocket. See, I was carrying the Ricoh GRD4 because it blends in with the snow really well because it’s white.

See all the snow in the photo…see the camera…nope, I told ya so. Well, there’s a reason I go to the VA Hospital and get to talk to the nice Doctors there. There’s a reason I have a Russian wife that explains why I’m doing things wrong all the time. It’s ok, I think that mostly they are right. So I thought to my self….“Self, we should use the White GRD4 because there’s a lot of snow around and the camera will blend in and be almost invisible.”  It does sound reasonable. My doctors would be happy that all the time spent updating the firmware in my head was worth it. The would say to all the medical staff…”We got streetshooter thinking and acting like a semi-normal person, look, he’s using a white camera out there with all the snow.”

They could all sip their fancy wine and Single Malt and smoke real nice Cuban cigars that they could get from immigrants trying to get into Florida but can’t afford to pay the graft so they get turned away and are used as Shark Food but dammit…them cigars aren’t wet…lets light em up.

Well with all this going around my head and being proud of my white camera making snaps in the snow I forgot….I’m wearing a BLACK COAT. See a white camera against a black coat….well, you ain’t out boy anymore. Send em’ back to the factory……

See that guy up there…yeah, the one in the photo….it’s 24f out…I’m freezin’ my butt off, everyone thinks I’m nutz cause I think my white camera will be hidden from view against my black coat…..what about that guy……..and you think I’m nutz?



February 6th, 2014 ….. My Fuji XP1, Named Andre’ Loves The 18mm

02-14-0131There comes a time where your inner vision tries to meet with your outer vision. Of course at that time when all things just seem to make sense and just work together. Well, let me tell you something! At that time, what you don’t need is your camera to have a sense of humor, good or bad. This is why I talk about intrusions and the need to avoid them. The wrong camera at the time of the The Coming of  The Joining and your not going to be happy.

Think of it like this……. it’s summer time, all over the world, even in The Land of Oz. Your sipping you favorite beverage. Your wife, girl friend, partner whatever just wants you to be happy. “Sure my love, buy as many new cameras as you like. I think it’s a great idea.” See, in reality, at least the one I’m in…this is a dream come true. Your laying back just so relaxed, that maybe this is even better than Heaven, well…at least here on the earth. Then as you dreaming about the new FUJI XP5 that has a four speed and makes coffee….all the sudden…there’s a BUZZ around your head. It won’t stop…that nasty mosquito just wants to intrude on the dream and it does. You no longer relax, you wife, spouse, mate, partner etc is yelling at you again because on you computer screen is the new camera you want….

See, that’s an intrusion. When you have the joining of inner vision and outer vision and your camera is a mosquito…….well….eBay has moved more of my cameras until….the XP1. See, The XP1 doesn’t have a sense of humor. It doesn’t force you to work in any way, shape or form. It never imposes itself upon your vision. What it does do and very efficiently is….work with you and your vision to make the photos that your inner and outer vision finds. The camera as a friend just helps you along without intrusion of any kind.



02-14-0137What I find interesting is that on the street, I am completely comfortable with the camera. I never have to look at it while working. I can change f/stops…shutter speeds without thinking. I just just do it. My XP1 is named Andre’ after Kertesz. Now I feel bad about doing all the work and getting the photos so Andre’ and I had a meeting of the minds. Your camera does have a name and mind, doesn’t it?

Andre’ was getting kinda bored with how easy things were going so we agreed that he could do the metering and even adjust ISO. If Andre’ was any other camera, we’d have to renegotiate is part of the deal. Luckily, Andre’ is an XP1 so I trust him completely. I hear tell from the camera shelf…well the XE1 named Ding that the cameras may not trust me as much as I trust them. (here’s a tip….if you ever have a problem with any of your cameras and if they get cocky…just don’t charge the batteries.) That’ll learn em’.


02-14-0150The 18mm gets a bad rap from the pixel peepers. They, every one that exist now or that will ever be borne, says it’s not sharp enuff….whaaaahhhh shut up! For me and every street shooter that is here now or ever will be…it’s the ideal FOV. That’s Field of View. All these shots were from the 18mm. See, all over the world, every house, apartment whatever…all those hundreds of shooters…they all say the 18mm is a 27mm lens. Even Mother Fujifilm says it’s a 27mm lens.

Ahhha…here in North East Philadelphia, here on Montour Street in North East Philadelphia, in the back room known as the office….the 18mm is a 28mm. So U have adapted to the 28mm thru the years and got some great photos from great and not so great cameras. Now, I have it all. I really feel that my cameras have learned how to work with me and not be a mosquito.


02-14-0161Maybe you think I’m crazy and your probably right. I know a few things at this old age time of my life. I know that it takes passion with a sense of humor to survive. Just because someone is living, that doesn’t mean they thrive and survive. It doesn’t mean that they are enjoying life or a part of it. If your a photographer, I hope you get the personal fulfillment from the journey as I do.

If you think I’m selling Fuji Cameras, your wrong. I do believe Fuji should sponsor me because I have passion for photography and my cameras. I live photography and I grok most of it. I’ll tell ya this….I am satisfied and excited every time I go to the streets.

I hope you feel the same way.

02-14-0135Seeya’s tomorrow………. end transmission………………………………………………………………………………………….


February 4th, 2014 ….. Fuji XP1 Works the Streets of Philadelphia

02-14-0121I’ve started a project that will continue. It’s about how and why I make photos and it’s on this blog. Apparently some are getting much out of it as some post were made and I have a fair amount of emails. Anyway, here on this post in the here and now with my eye, heart and mind…I’m digging into the XP1 again.

One of the things bloggers do to generate income and traffic is to do reviews of popular cameras and lenses etc. I read a few but to be honest, I feel that I don’t get the shooters real view as most bloggers have the camera for  a short time and have a responsibility to the supplier to make a review and then, go to the next.

So when I write about the XP1 or XE1 or even the GRD4, it’s because I am using them for way more than a few days. I also think that anyone reading anything I write expects a certain approach in truthfulness that I try to maintain.

I’m not putting anyone down and not building myself up. I’m just explaining that I am a serious photographer and I don’t care what someone tells me about how good a camera etc is, I want to find out first hand….and I do!

I had the 18mm on the XP1. The lens suits my vision and is about perfect for the street.(Enter all the doom-slayers….it’s not that sharp, it’s not as good as the ….) I was watching these young kids talking and hugging and stuff. This old guy is right in front of me and he’s kinda watching but I can feel he’s uneasy. I could feel his anguish in being alone juxtaposed against the young love in front of him. Where does that put me…c’mon…the XP1 got exactly what I was feeling and wanted. sheeeesh…. shooters make photos!

02-14-0116For decades I walked and used a variety of Leica M cameras. I had many but my favorite was always the M4. I loved the way the camera responded with a 35mm lens on it. There was no intrusion at all. No light meter, no ISO, it was ASA and it was not adjustable. Anyway, that experience is etched firmly in my brain. I of course adapted to digital imaging like flies on..uh..uh…you get the idea. The XP1 gives me a similar comfort zone but updated. A camera needs to just be there in the hand or on a strap and just wait for the moment. It sounds like an easy task but it’s not.

I was walking again…I usually do that on the street, other places too…hmmmm. I came across a window and I am always attracted to windows, reflections etc and as I raised the camera, this guy opens the door and as he just realizes that my camera is pointed at him….CLICK. The OVF is great as I love using 2 eyes open. This is one of those times. It doesn’t always feel comfortable but heres a trick….. Look thru the OVF. You can see slightly around the frame…then close that eye and open the other. What should happen is that you now can see more of the area that interest you. If you do this back and forth, in time you’ll get very accurate and will get tighter photos because you see more before exposure.

02-14-0106Ya know, I have some lenses that work well for me. Of course they don’t work well together and that’s why they make zooms so all the lenses can live together in harmony. My lenses told me that they like to be out on the town with me by them self. Yeah, lenses are jealous and even tho’ they all see differently, they all see the same.

Today I used the 28mm (18mm). I said this already but I wanted to say it again. I”m told by many a forum dwellers and professional antagonist that the 18mm ain’t no good. BUNK! No other lens see’s like the 18.  There’s something about using it on the XP1 that has me really clicking…in more ways than 1. See, with my Leica’s, I never liked the 28mm even tho’ I had every version. I never adapted to it. I got 2 M6’s because I wanted to see 28mm but it never really hooked me. I always saw the 35mm.

The XP1 does the opposite for me, it wants me to see the 28mm way. Yeah, yeah, I know…what’s the difference. Well, here it is….the DOF is much better in the 28mm and….the lens is smaller and…..I need to get closer. I love being able to get closer…..That’s why I love some other lenses but not for talking about now.

I walked bu the Post Office Window at 9th and Market. I saw this guy doing what he was doing and quickly went to the side window. I got excited and raised the camera…..I breathed, focused the camera which the XP1 and 18mm does very fast….I held the shutter at 1/2 mast and then….CLICK!

02-14-0098I made this photo because I wanted to and because I could. If you don’t like it…take it up with management…..

02-14-0088As I was on the escalator the light was getting me drunk again and I could feel a Dreamcatcher shot growing. In a matter of a few seconds, I completely reconfigured the camera to get this shot. I love my Dreamcatcher photos. I love all my photos and I love my cameras.

They are an integral part of my vision and are my friends and not tools. I do understand people that think of their cameras as tools and I feel for them and hope some day they can come to terms with this and find a new friend in thier hand and not a tool. The XP1 would of course help in this area….

Peace to all….yeah, yeah,,,,bunk….shooter out…………………………….

February 3rd, 2014 ….. Defining The Self Thru Your Photos ….. Part 2

01-14-0604Minor White impressed upon me the importance of intent. To be perfectly honest, I grasped the words, concepts, thoughts, feelings etc and stored them in my brains memory stick. When I returned to Philly I felt enlightened but still I needed confirmation of all this by my mentor, Ding. I explained everything to Ding and he looked at me and asked me…”Don, the lesson Minor was teaching you was about intent. By questioning the information you gathered, you question his intent”. I didn’t mean anything to be an insult, I just wanted to make sure I understood all of it before I spent the rest of my life living it. After breathing all this, one day it came upon me and jit me like a log on the head. That felt very normal because my wife made me feel that way many times.


The point! I talk about the here and now a lot. What that really is in a simple meaning is….CONCENTRATION! An intrusion is something that breaks your CONCENTRATION. Working with the Eye, Heart and Mind is nothing more than being aware of what you are doing and having total concentration to be focused at the moment of realization and exposure.

Yeah, yeah….Realization is when your working your subject matter and all the sudden, you have an awareness that there is a photo waiting for you to make it borne. When that happens you must be free from distractions of all sorts and be at the ready to release the shutter.

Disclaimer. What I am talking about may not fit everyone that makes photos but I guarantee if you are of the serious nature like me….it means a lot and makes perfect sense. I am totally aware that many do not live photography as serious as I and others. So, if this is too heavy or it seems that you are not at the right place….don’t sweat it.

Here’s another thing to consider. There are at least 2 important regions for intent in photography. The first region of intent is the camera. This area of course is using the camera, finding the subject, capturing the image. There is more involved but I’m sure if you made it this far in the post, you understand what I’m explaining. The second area is the processing formula.

The second area is where many fall short of their expectations. You have to open you mind and let different things enter it to discover the INTENT in this region.

I’m going under the gun here…..I’m on the street. I have the XPRO1 with the 28mm (28mm) on. I’m using a wrist strap and just walking as I do, slowly looking, seeking an image. I can smell the homeless man on my left….front right is a really cute girl with above the knee skirt and hair set in Jersey style. I can hear the traffic, buses, cars, motorcycles, peropl talking, cursing, hustling up and down all over.

All this stuff around me is information, info for me to respond and react when I find the image. All the sudden the light gets really strong, a woman walks out in front of me….I immediately raise the camera and the exposure says, 1/250 f/8. I right away set the camera to 1/250 f/4. This makes an over exposure photo by about 2 stops. WHY!!!!!!?

Well, I knew at a glance that I would want to make this into a Dreamcatcher image. I want the high tones to just go away. I finally get home and load the card into the computer. LightRoom 5 starts and I get the files into the folder. (More about organization later) I look at the image of the woman crossing in front of me and I see the high tones blown.

My initial intent was to capture the image and then the second intent is to process it. This is the act of rephotographing, rediscovery if you like. It is not written in the bible that an image captured must be the best representation of the subject as possible. I want to discover the image for what it brings to me or communicates to me. If very often has not much representation of the reality in which it was recorded. So what!?

01-14-0608Here’s where we challenge the Intent of Intent. I wonder if Picasso got frustrated by painting on canvas and being stuck in 2 Dimensions. There was this Artist named DUCHAMP that saw things differently. He made a very famous piece named, “Fountain”.  A fountain is most often thought as a place where water comes out. Many people saw his fountain as a Urinal, a place where urine goes in. I’ve seen enough urinals in my life to recognize one when I see it but when I see DuChamp’s, I see a fountain.

Picasso may have been influenced by the shooters around him when he discovered and presented Cubism. I would think that Cubism looks something like a flattened perspective of 3 dimensional reality on a 2 dimensional canvas. Lets stretch this somewhat and say that maybe, just maybe…photography does a similar thing….seems crazy huh?

I see many, many shooters tied to the 3 dimensional world in their photos. They are concerned with the finest resolution, the most accurate tonal range duplication, the reproduction of every detail recorded to the best ability of the shooter and camera alike. There is nothing wrong with this.

We as people are bombarded by the rules, preconceptions, guidelines and everything that can stifle us into behaving as normal or set sent back to the factory. As photographers, we have a responsibility to the image. We have a responsibility to photography itself and we have a responsibility to ourselves as shooters and as viewers. What the heck are you getting at shooter? 


At the precise moment of release, all that you are is captured in the frame. We try to be as normal as possible but yet we strive for exceptional work. When we get to the processing part of the image, the same thing happens whether you are aware of it or not. You are now at the point to try to define the image. Sure, it’s easy to just try to make the image as close to what we think of reality as possible but wait!!!!!!

Working your photography is not only about finding great images, but about finding who you really are. So why restrict your vision by trying to work within a box that you see as the frame…..why not see that frame as a window and see many possibilities for the birth of the image and of course yourself. See, it’s like this….if what you do with a camera effects the outcome of your image, it stands to reason that the final image should effect what you do with the camera.

If your out there making photos and your not looking for yourself, who are you looking for?