Tag Archives: Philly

October 27th, 2013 ….. The Good Thing about the Cold Weather is….:

10-13-0411……, ya don’t need a camera bag cause your coat has very nice pockets. Shhhhhhh….I have more camera bags than my wife has pocketbooks. Oh yeah…it’s just that mine are hidden in the darkroom that doesn’t get used anymore because digital cameras have won me over even tho my darkroom is a Leica darkroom and my cameras are Fuji or some other thing so I had to have a good use for the darkroom besides being a true photographer so the darkroom is now the hidden dark zone of mystery that my wife has not ide to enter because all the bad chemicals in the world are stored in there waiting to fly into her lungs and make her a human being. I wonder how she thought about all that….hmmmm…..


10-13-0381So my criteria for coat purchasing procedures are different than my wife’s. First off, I look at the pockets. Then after deciding if my coat at hand can be a camera bag, we go to step 2.

Step 2 is hood evaluation and testing. See, if ya have this coat on and it has a hood…the hood is not allowed to interfere with camera strap neck installation procedures. The camera must be able to go from pocket storage space to the chest working region without interference form the hood as you try to get the strap over your head and under the hood so that the strap can rest against the collar and do this without looking like a complete idiot as you fight with the HOOD because it wants to keep the strap from going where YOU want it to go because you don’t want to look like an armature with your fancy dancy camera and everyone is watching you and in a half hour when the hood and collar battle against the camera strap is over, you can never walk that street again because everyone will know your no better than a 6 year old kid.

10-13-0392…..so then the wifey gets to get in the mix with coat acquisition. Of course her being from Russia, has a different set of husbands coat acquisition guidelines because she says she loves me and wants to make sure that I will be warm when she grants me permission to go out and make photos. She doesn’t care about the things menz photographers care about. She likes coats that will keep me warm in the frozen tundra region of Center City Philadelphia. I told here there exist grates in the ground that have heat coming from them and I can always war up on those if need be. She told me that those grates are there because the Good Politicians of the City of Brotherly Love, Philadelphia put those grates for the Homeless people so they can have heat while they go looking for food, shelter and money.

That’s the first thing she ever said to me that ever made a drop of sense. 10-13-0374So after many a trip to Boscov’s or Macy’s, we will find common ground for the coat purchasing procedures. I never feel what Tanya wants for me in the coat selection until….Mummer’s Day Parade. Then…I all the sudden get the gist of what she was talking about during the coat episode. As I am out on the street looking for photos, feeling nice and warm…cameras in pockets, lenses in pockets, batteries in chest pockets….I get it! I am warm and feel like I can shoot al day….but my hands…..

10-13-0365my hands…the glove testing, acquisition and purchasing procedures, that’s another story for another time…..


October 17th, 2013 Tis a Sad Day in Shooter’s Bag …. A Day Of Reflection

10-13-0124I found myself in a situation that demanded the immediate decision of what camera system I was going to commit to. The choices are the Sony Nex 6 and the Fuji X-E1.

I have to say that there was one deciding factor that made me make the move…..not yet, soon but not yet…then you’ll know. The Nex 6 is probably the finest camera for using M lenses, bar none. The focus peaking is way beyond what any other camera can do. The screen and EVF…about as good as it gets. The interface is very good and even the menu system is manageable.

The Fuji X-E1 has a certain Retro look about that I couldn’t care less but it’s nice. The peaking is so so but one gets used to it after a spell. As my Grandfather would say…well, he wouldn’t say it now cause he’s on the other side but when he was here physically he would say….“Ya get used to hanging if ya hang long enough”. The screen and EVF are very good and the refresh rate being a little slow doesn’t bother me in the least.

The Sony lenses, Zeiss 24mm, Sony 35mm 1.8 and even the 50mm 1.8 are actually way better than I ever expected. The Fuji lenses are very good but on par with the Sony. Truth is what one sees and then believes. This is my truth, don’t like it….go find your own.

10-13-0114So what do you think could be the deciding factor? It’s as simple as it always is with any camera I try and end up either keeping or moving away fro me.\

There is one feature that I will not tolerate in any camera for more than a few weeks. That’s when I get serious about keeping a camera and investing money, energy, time and my vision. If I want to shoot at 1/250 f/5.6 ….I don’t give a hill of doggie do do…I want the camera to say…we got that, here’s the ISO I will use with that…and how high should I limit the ISO? On the X-E1 I can do just that. I will never use a camera that can’t offer that feature. The Nex 6 will do that with a M Mount lens and using S Mode. (Shutter speed I can select, the aperture I can select, the camera meters the light and sets the ISO to keep the exposure proper. The Nex 6 can’t do that with it’s own lenses.

Bye, and I truly will miss you.

That was the deciding factor and it also killed the wonderful Ricoh GR. Crazy, the GRD4 does it easily. I guess Pentax got into the Ricoh coffee machine and the Ricoh engineers lost their minds…..I will really miss that Nex 6 because it’s an amazing camera.I would be forced to use something like A mode and that’s unacceptable do to no control over shutter speed. At any rate, The Fuji X system is up at bat. So far so good. http://www.amazon.com/Mastering-Fujifilm-X-E1-X-Pro1-Pfirstinger/dp/1937538311/ref=sr_1_1_title_0_main?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1381494821&sr=1-1&keywords=Fujifilm+XE-1

Rico’s book is a real nice read and I learned a lot about the Fuji Cameras. I don’t know if the link above works but you can figure out where to go.

I’ll be shooting the Fuji’s for a spell and I’ll post how things are getting along.

P.S. For Dan. I had to make a choice between the 2 systems due to financial needs. I am not dumping on the Nex 6, just so you know….if I could afford both, I wouldn’t be writing this.




Ocober 5th, 2013 …. The Dreamcatcher

10-13-0023Sometimes, well most times when I’m working the camera, I want to FEEL my photos and not just SEE them. Above, case in point. I was standing on the Elevated [platform waiting for the next train. It was sunny and warm but the structures block the light and create massive shadows and there’s not always good light around. Of course I like the dreamcatcher light anyway so I’m never at a loss for light. I could hear the train arriving and the vibrations shaking the platform. I saw this patch of light and looked at it. I knew this light was capable of giving birth to a shadow warrior image. As people started to walk to the train, I held fast waiting for the shadow and then CLICK!

10-13-0026Sometimes the light shows me the way and all I have to do is tune in and wait for the light uh..uh…right moment. This dreamcatcher work is not an effect, it effects me and this is what I feel at the time of making the photos.

10-13-0041One of my workshop members Ron, I don’t like saying student because I’m just me and they are just them…..any way, Ron said to me that he thought my Dreamcatcher series was about death and the hereafter. He felt I was preoccupied with death. I disagreed of course because the work is not about Death, it’s about Life and finding it on the other side.


10-13-0025This is a rare photo. I haven’t been without a POW/MIA hat in a long time. I thought I was doing a portrait of that guy in the mirrio but it wasn’t me and I didn’t recognize him cause he wasn’t wearing the hat either.

Don’t worry….I see my Shrink on Monday….I wonder if he’ll recognize me….hmmmmm

October 3rd, 2013 ….. Angels On The Street

10-13-0012It’s a very rare occasion that I use headphones and listen to music on the street. I love the sounds, the rhythm, the meter of life. I don’t want to cover that up with music. So I was walking around on Market St as usual but this time I had those Apple buds stuck in both my ears. I gotta tell ya…it’s not my favorite feeling on my head with those buds just itching my ears. There are about as much synergistic energy as doggie do do when you step in it.

The Fuji XE-1 and 27mm were ready for work. Ok….the music thing. There exist a piece of music that I LIVE and when I die, I want to hear it for eternity. I listened to this when I was a kid, I heard it in Viet Nam, I still am moved so much by it that I thought I’d share it with youse fine people.

Ralph Vaughan Williams “The Lark Ascending”. If there exist Angels on Earth, this is music for their ears as it is for our Souls. As a photographer, I am drawn to the energy that is around me all the time.

The woman above was standing there and people just ignored here and walked past like she didn’t matter, she didn’t exist. I walked close to her and was stunned, I couldn’t look anywhere else, I couldn’t hear a sound, I couldn’t move. I raised the camera and quickly made a photo. I wanted to be closer to her but I feared that I would break the spell. I clicked the shutter and the XE-1 did it’s job.

After a few seconds I started walking closer to her and she was walking to me. I looked her in the face and she turned to me and said……”Don’t ever stop, continue on the path”. I was actually set aback by her words and I walked maybe 20 feet further and turned around to see her once again. WHAT! She was gone. There’s no place to go, no doorways, stores, stairs nothing….just buildings all around.

I am not suggesting to anyone that you believe this or that you believe in a higher power or angels or anything. I do, I stand for it and am proud to state that I do.

Fuji XE-1Sometimes I feel that it’s my responsibility to make photos that question and attempt to answer the mysteries that surround us every day. Maybe I just make them for myself and that’s fine, that’s safer for sure as I would think many will assume I’m a little out there at this point. The thing is, I’m not, not at all.

I was still stunned by the Angel that whispered to me on 11th off Market. I walked in a semi-daze and headed to Love Park. I go there to think about Edmund Bacon and the things we talked about, the things we shared and understood together. I decided to go thru the Municipal Services Plaza. There’s sculpture and it’s a cool place to be.  What I find very interesting is that at this location, this place of City Government, homeless people never get chased away. There’s usually around 10-15 but they rest in peace and comfort.

I walked and I was still in a daze…..the light was changing from bright to very bright. I guess it’s about a 3 stop difference. I enjoy the way people interact with the sculpture and I saw a woman in white and felt a calling. I stood on top of the domino piece and aimed the camera, I wanted her back against the bright concrete…..just as I aimed the camera and was ready to shoot…she turned to me and said…it’s your path, do it. To be honest, I trembled…I smiled at her and started to walk to the Love Park. I was so shaken again…I was afraid to turn around and look at her…….

I know one thing, I feel lucky, NO! I feel blessed, I feel blessed that in a single day, 2 Angels acknowledged my existence and guided me on my path. I can only hope that you at some point in your life will experience a similar situation.

Am I crazy, Yes…the Veterans Administration says I am. I know that as a Human Being I am open to the experiences that life presents to me. I also am smart enough to have a camera with me when it does…………

September 29th, 2013 The Fuji XE-1 and Nex 6 Chronicles

09-13-0972The Nex6 has been a very reliable, trustworthy friend. It’s the kind of camera a serious shooter uses and just makes photos without the crap about this could be better, that should be better etc. The grip is unmatched by any camera without an accessory grip.

It has beautiful files that process in a most natural fluid manner. So why am I even writing about this……? Well, my dear friend Roger saw fit to send me the Fuji XE-1. Oh, he also sent for my pleasure the 18mm f/2 and the 27mm f/2.8.

09-13-0899The XE-1 has pretty much the same specs as the Nex6 but different. There’s one big advantage that I like and that is Auto ISO in Manual mode. Of course just when you get comfortable with that nice feature, the world collapses again because Fuji saw fit to insert the DR feature. No, oh no….DR does not mean Dynamic Range….sheeeesh, it means Don’t Relax. Don’t Relax because now just when you thought that you found your way, ya have to pay attention and thing before you make photos.

09-13-0976Of course the Nex6 won’t give ya Auto ISO in Manual mode and that’s the big reason I dumped the Ricoh GR. So I was asked, Why can you live with the Nex6 with no Auto ISO in M mode and you couldn’t with the GR that has it? Well, the GR uses kinda of Auto ISO in TAv mode but there’s no way to top it off. These are just my findings, so don’t let them sway you from buying a camera. There’s just certain things that engineers work on and don’t understand the way a shooter thinks. Engineers see cameras as marvels of thought and invention. Shooters try to see cameras as friends to make photos with. Of course that’s usually easier said than done…….


September 25th, 2013 … Pete Tachauer & Ray Sachs Meetup



The day started early but not too much so. I was at 30th Street Station by 0715. Pete’s train was to arrive by 0830 and Ray said he’d be there by 0815. I figured I had time so I searched for a few photos.

09-13-0763Well, I can’t hardly resist my Dreamcatcher Series. This is the first Dreamcatcher image I found with the Fuji XE-1. That makes me comfortable with a camera that I am not comfortable with. So I wandered over to the door to the outside which is a metaphor for the door to the otherside. All the sudden the light went sky high and the meter went crazy. I raised the camera and thought, it better get this right…..click.

09-13-0765So Pete arrived and Ray, Pete and I set out on out journey to discover the hidden secret photos in Philly.



09-13-0779We walked for miles and Ray & I wanted to make Pete feel at home…………


09-13-0784Sorry Pete….he he…..

September 24th, 2013 ….. The Fuji XE-1 Experience

09-13-0753Before I even start, let me say that the Nex6 is laughing and doing so heartily. The real biggest difference between the Nex6 and the XE-1 is the sensor. No, they are both the same size but….the Fuji lost the AA filter in production. That may or may not be a good thing, depends on your wants/needs. For me, it’s the only reason I can justify keeping the XE-1 around. I thought that with out the AA filter,that the camera would be ideal for M Mount lenses. Well, it is….after a fashion.







The camera’s nice and quick on the street. I personally like the grip. Maybe a few others like it also but most don’t. I’m trying out the 18mm (27mm) and it’s an ok lens. It focuses fast even in lower light.







So the testing will go one for a spell and it will be a spell. Tomorrow if all goes well, I’ll meet up with Ray and Pete for the day. They both are very familiar with the X Trans sensor cameras and guess who’s the self elected info picker from their brains because that dynamic range stuff drives me crazy and they both can explain that too me so I don’t have to get in touch with Rico, the worlds only dFuji Dynamic Range Master.


9/21/2013 … Fuji XE-1 & 21mm Skopar … Field Testing

DSCF0144Maybe because I have Groked the Nex6 that working with the Fuji seems somewhat standoffish. Don’t take this wrong, the XE-1 is a fine camera and it does everything rather well. I’m sure in a day or two I’ll be right at home with it. I think the Nex6 is developing a crush on the XE-1. Not sure and I don’t understand camera gender that well……

The Fuji has a grip I find wonderful. I know, I know everyone and their mother hates the grip. Well, I like it very much, here’s why. On a neck strap, the camera has a movement from both sides of the body that is very assuring that you won’t let it go or let it get banged against a wall, mailbox or something. See, if it moves a little then you have to pay a little attention to it and this is a very good thing. The Nex6 is the same experience except the grip was made and installed in Camera HEAVEN! I like the feeling of a camera moving slightly in my hand. The film M’s did this naturally and it’s a great feeling.

DSCF0139Here, I was bobbing in and out of the crowd as a test to the comfort and speed of the camera. It passed very well. This is the 21mm Skopar, one of my all time favorite lens. I framed the photo in my head and then as I got closer…I raised it and used the screen. By moving the camera slightly, I could make this the way I wanted. The camera moves very comfortably in the hand. Twisting and turning, changing the angle…all very ease with the Fuji…easier than the Nex6 because it’s grip is like cement in your hand. You will never drop a Nex camera.

DSCF0143I’m not overly excited about the Fuji files and I wasn’t with the X100 either. This camera is slightly better but still likes to overexpose. I’ll get it with the XE-1 because I like it. I’ll spend the time and adjust the most important presets and then I’ll do serious work. Till then, it’s just an exploration.


DSCF0138I counted 135 people walk past her and only 2 gave her anything. I slipped her a few bucks and was a little angry that people can just brush off those that need. Maybe she can take care of herself, maybe she wants to be here, maybe she doesn’t!  It’s not for us to judge or decide….?

DSCF0124I’ll be on the streets again tomorrow. I’ll post again and if your in the area, let me know…a greasy hot sausage with cooked onions on a real Italian roll is in order. Peace……shooter

September 20th, 2013 National POW/MIA Recognition Day

09-13-0675I’m not gonna preach about what this day means, because I shouldn’t have to. Every RED Blooded American and even those without blood like the politicians on Capitol Hill should know the meaning of National POW/MIA Recognition Day means….and dammit…it should be held every day, not just once a friggin year.

If you don’t know what this means…be glad you didn’t have a kinfolk walk out your door to defend this Great Country and then…you don’t know where that soldier is and even worse….no one gives a shit either! Count yourself as lucky.  That’s it…..I’ll move on to photography but remember…..because we all have the responsibility to never forget!


09-13-0696So the day for testing a new camera was just that…a test. If it wasn’t for a call to Ray Sachs, the XE-1 would be in the river. No, it wouldn’t be a floating test…it would be a how fast can this stupid camera sink to the bottom of the river test.

See, Fuji has this sense of humor. They implement a thing called Dynamic Range in the processor. Well, I don’t like or believe in this Dynamic Range thing. I am a raw shooter, just like how I eat my clams and sushi. So I’m testing the 21mm Skopar and the 35 1.4 Nokton. I had a conversation with both lenses and tried to ease their mind because they really like the Nex6. The both agreed to work the day with the new kid in the bag. The Skopar was first and I’ll tell ya….that lens has a real bad azz atitude. See no matter what I did, the Skopar was over exposing. Oh yeah….like it was teasing me. My highlights were blown 2 stops easily. I guess I look kinda nutty standing in front of the Liberty Bell talking to a lens. Well, I ain’t that stupid…I had the lens on the XE1 and so it looked like I was talking to the camera…..something every street shooter does naturally.

09-13-0700Anyway, Ray explained to me about dynamic range and I did as her suggested and that saved me a walk to the river…..and of course as we all know…the XE1 ain’t a Sony Nex so it can’t swim. Oh….sure, the Nex firmware update that is only available to a small, really small group of just one Philly streetshooter lets the Nex6 swim.

So after an exhausting trip to a few cemeteries and memorials….all by bus, I managed to just snap off a few. Tomorrow promises to be a better day for photography but the same old shit for our MIA/POW brothers and Sisters.


This blog post is dedicated personally to:

SFC Daniel R. Phillips

USA 07  Feb 1968  SVN    MIA Pa

September 15th, 2013 ….. A Good Looking Shooter in a Mirror Saves the Nex6

9744045704_1cf96549a6_hSo I already know I’m this good looking shooter on the streets. What I didn’t know was that the guy in the mirror was making my photo cause he thought so too. Ahhhh geeze….I flatter myself.

Olivier and I had a talk yesterday and I expressed my disappointment that I spent a few hours on the street with the GRD4 and that was in a three month period and a photo went to Explore on Flickr. That’s nice but that fast a shot goes to Explore. I told Olivier that I was wondering about my Nex6 shots. Maybe I like the cameras but the photos aren’t reaching out and being appreciated.

Well this morning I got word that the infamous mirror man went Explore. That actually put my mind to ease.

09-13-0564The thing I find with the Nex and I’m sure it’s true with any similar camera is that it forces you to stop and think maybe for a fraction of a second but it does that. If I put the 21 Skopar on it’s faster then almost anything out there. Set f/stop, set distance and faster then snap focus. Great….but mow using AF lenses, there is a fraction to a second that requires focusing. This is disconcerting to me but also, rewarding in the sense that this process makes me double check my intent.

09-13-0317NYC, 21 Skopar guess focused

It’s that time for AF that I am exploring. As you shooters know, a fraction of a second of eye contact can seem like an eternity if your on the camera end. It’s in this time frame of AF that I am going to study my approach and intent to see that my results add up.

09-13-0561 In the meantime, here’s a shot of Shooter World here in Philly. I try to describe this to my shrink but he don’t get it…..