Tag Archives: Voigtlander

October 13th, 2013 ….. Autumn … Leaves Aren’t the Only Things Falling

10-13-0056There’s a somber mood on the streets now. Perhaps it’s the fact that the United States Government decided to shut down because there’s no money to operate. Oh, the monies there but it’s just not allocated to go where it’s needed…THE PEOPLE WHO PAY TAXES AND WHOSE MONEY IT IS!

As I walk Market Street, I feel a kind of detachment from the passer-bys and even those that grace my presence and camera with a look back. The eye contact that reaches to the Soul from another Soul. The eye contact that needs reassuring that one is not alone in the boat. As odd as it may seem, eye contact is not a fearful thing to deal with at this time. I mean, people want to be recognized as someone that counts, as a living person not a number as the way the Govt sees them.. Pointing the camera is no longer an attack on privacy but a sign of recognition of another persons worth.

10-13-0066I’m kinda in an introverted mode, well an introvert that uses a camera to make photos that reflect my thoughts. Truthfully, I don’t give a hoot.

I’m finding the Nex6 and XE-1 to be a nice combination of cameras. They are stubborn and will not swap lenses with each other because of some ego thing they have going on. I trick them both easily by using a few M mount lenses. So, camera wise I think I’m good for a spell. No trades in sight. I won’t rock the camera boat even tho’ the G’ men are rocking the boat for the entire world.

10-13-0063I guess my point is that, as shooters we also need to feel connected to our work and other shooters. The real gift is when another shooter relates to and likes your ideas and photos.

With all this going on it’s not easy to stay focused. It’s not easy to breathe your work but you must do that. I must do that and I try and try again but it’s not an easy battle. It would be easier if I had a stupid camera to blame things on but I don’t. I have 2 smaat cameras that make great photos until I get in the mix and screw things up. They are learning my ways and I’m learning their ways and maybe by the time the winter is over, together we can continue the journey together to find photos but if not….the NexFF will be around and I’ll have to get money from Roger to get it…..nah…..

I need a nap as I’m tired from something but I don’t know what and I can’t figure it out cause I can’t but I shouldn’t have to cause my VA Doc will see me on Friday and tell me that everything’s ok and normal cause I didn’t do anything stupid but I didn’t do anything smaat either…….


Ocober 5th, 2013 …. The Dreamcatcher

10-13-0023Sometimes, well most times when I’m working the camera, I want to FEEL my photos and not just SEE them. Above, case in point. I was standing on the Elevated [platform waiting for the next train. It was sunny and warm but the structures block the light and create massive shadows and there’s not always good light around. Of course I like the dreamcatcher light anyway so I’m never at a loss for light. I could hear the train arriving and the vibrations shaking the platform. I saw this patch of light and looked at it. I knew this light was capable of giving birth to a shadow warrior image. As people started to walk to the train, I held fast waiting for the shadow and then CLICK!

10-13-0026Sometimes the light shows me the way and all I have to do is tune in and wait for the light uh..uh…right moment. This dreamcatcher work is not an effect, it effects me and this is what I feel at the time of making the photos.

10-13-0041One of my workshop members Ron, I don’t like saying student because I’m just me and they are just them…..any way, Ron said to me that he thought my Dreamcatcher series was about death and the hereafter. He felt I was preoccupied with death. I disagreed of course because the work is not about Death, it’s about Life and finding it on the other side.


10-13-0025This is a rare photo. I haven’t been without a POW/MIA hat in a long time. I thought I was doing a portrait of that guy in the mirrio but it wasn’t me and I didn’t recognize him cause he wasn’t wearing the hat either.

Don’t worry….I see my Shrink on Monday….I wonder if he’ll recognize me….hmmmmm

October 3rd, 2013 ….. Angels On The Street

10-13-0012It’s a very rare occasion that I use headphones and listen to music on the street. I love the sounds, the rhythm, the meter of life. I don’t want to cover that up with music. So I was walking around on Market St as usual but this time I had those Apple buds stuck in both my ears. I gotta tell ya…it’s not my favorite feeling on my head with those buds just itching my ears. There are about as much synergistic energy as doggie do do when you step in it.

The Fuji XE-1 and 27mm were ready for work. Ok….the music thing. There exist a piece of music that I LIVE and when I die, I want to hear it for eternity. I listened to this when I was a kid, I heard it in Viet Nam, I still am moved so much by it that I thought I’d share it with youse fine people.

Ralph Vaughan Williams “The Lark Ascending”. If there exist Angels on Earth, this is music for their ears as it is for our Souls. As a photographer, I am drawn to the energy that is around me all the time.

The woman above was standing there and people just ignored here and walked past like she didn’t matter, she didn’t exist. I walked close to her and was stunned, I couldn’t look anywhere else, I couldn’t hear a sound, I couldn’t move. I raised the camera and quickly made a photo. I wanted to be closer to her but I feared that I would break the spell. I clicked the shutter and the XE-1 did it’s job.

After a few seconds I started walking closer to her and she was walking to me. I looked her in the face and she turned to me and said……”Don’t ever stop, continue on the path”. I was actually set aback by her words and I walked maybe 20 feet further and turned around to see her once again. WHAT! She was gone. There’s no place to go, no doorways, stores, stairs nothing….just buildings all around.

I am not suggesting to anyone that you believe this or that you believe in a higher power or angels or anything. I do, I stand for it and am proud to state that I do.

Fuji XE-1Sometimes I feel that it’s my responsibility to make photos that question and attempt to answer the mysteries that surround us every day. Maybe I just make them for myself and that’s fine, that’s safer for sure as I would think many will assume I’m a little out there at this point. The thing is, I’m not, not at all.

I was still stunned by the Angel that whispered to me on 11th off Market. I walked in a semi-daze and headed to Love Park. I go there to think about Edmund Bacon and the things we talked about, the things we shared and understood together. I decided to go thru the Municipal Services Plaza. There’s sculpture and it’s a cool place to be.  What I find very interesting is that at this location, this place of City Government, homeless people never get chased away. There’s usually around 10-15 but they rest in peace and comfort.

I walked and I was still in a daze…..the light was changing from bright to very bright. I guess it’s about a 3 stop difference. I enjoy the way people interact with the sculpture and I saw a woman in white and felt a calling. I stood on top of the domino piece and aimed the camera, I wanted her back against the bright concrete…..just as I aimed the camera and was ready to shoot…she turned to me and said…it’s your path, do it. To be honest, I trembled…I smiled at her and started to walk to the Love Park. I was so shaken again…I was afraid to turn around and look at her…….

I know one thing, I feel lucky, NO! I feel blessed, I feel blessed that in a single day, 2 Angels acknowledged my existence and guided me on my path. I can only hope that you at some point in your life will experience a similar situation.

Am I crazy, Yes…the Veterans Administration says I am. I know that as a Human Being I am open to the experiences that life presents to me. I also am smart enough to have a camera with me when it does…………

September 24th, 2013 ….. The Fuji XE-1 Experience

09-13-0753Before I even start, let me say that the Nex6 is laughing and doing so heartily. The real biggest difference between the Nex6 and the XE-1 is the sensor. No, they are both the same size but….the Fuji lost the AA filter in production. That may or may not be a good thing, depends on your wants/needs. For me, it’s the only reason I can justify keeping the XE-1 around. I thought that with out the AA filter,that the camera would be ideal for M Mount lenses. Well, it is….after a fashion.







The camera’s nice and quick on the street. I personally like the grip. Maybe a few others like it also but most don’t. I’m trying out the 18mm (27mm) and it’s an ok lens. It focuses fast even in lower light.







So the testing will go one for a spell and it will be a spell. Tomorrow if all goes well, I’ll meet up with Ray and Pete for the day. They both are very familiar with the X Trans sensor cameras and guess who’s the self elected info picker from their brains because that dynamic range stuff drives me crazy and they both can explain that too me so I don’t have to get in touch with Rico, the worlds only dFuji Dynamic Range Master.


9/21/2013 … Fuji XE-1 & 21mm Skopar … Field Testing

DSCF0144Maybe because I have Groked the Nex6 that working with the Fuji seems somewhat standoffish. Don’t take this wrong, the XE-1 is a fine camera and it does everything rather well. I’m sure in a day or two I’ll be right at home with it. I think the Nex6 is developing a crush on the XE-1. Not sure and I don’t understand camera gender that well……

The Fuji has a grip I find wonderful. I know, I know everyone and their mother hates the grip. Well, I like it very much, here’s why. On a neck strap, the camera has a movement from both sides of the body that is very assuring that you won’t let it go or let it get banged against a wall, mailbox or something. See, if it moves a little then you have to pay a little attention to it and this is a very good thing. The Nex6 is the same experience except the grip was made and installed in Camera HEAVEN! I like the feeling of a camera moving slightly in my hand. The film M’s did this naturally and it’s a great feeling.

DSCF0139Here, I was bobbing in and out of the crowd as a test to the comfort and speed of the camera. It passed very well. This is the 21mm Skopar, one of my all time favorite lens. I framed the photo in my head and then as I got closer…I raised it and used the screen. By moving the camera slightly, I could make this the way I wanted. The camera moves very comfortably in the hand. Twisting and turning, changing the angle…all very ease with the Fuji…easier than the Nex6 because it’s grip is like cement in your hand. You will never drop a Nex camera.

DSCF0143I’m not overly excited about the Fuji files and I wasn’t with the X100 either. This camera is slightly better but still likes to overexpose. I’ll get it with the XE-1 because I like it. I’ll spend the time and adjust the most important presets and then I’ll do serious work. Till then, it’s just an exploration.


DSCF0138I counted 135 people walk past her and only 2 gave her anything. I slipped her a few bucks and was a little angry that people can just brush off those that need. Maybe she can take care of herself, maybe she wants to be here, maybe she doesn’t!  It’s not for us to judge or decide….?

DSCF0124I’ll be on the streets again tomorrow. I’ll post again and if your in the area, let me know…a greasy hot sausage with cooked onions on a real Italian roll is in order. Peace……shooter

September 20th, 2013 National POW/MIA Recognition Day

09-13-0675I’m not gonna preach about what this day means, because I shouldn’t have to. Every RED Blooded American and even those without blood like the politicians on Capitol Hill should know the meaning of National POW/MIA Recognition Day means….and dammit…it should be held every day, not just once a friggin year.

If you don’t know what this means…be glad you didn’t have a kinfolk walk out your door to defend this Great Country and then…you don’t know where that soldier is and even worse….no one gives a shit either! Count yourself as lucky.  That’s it…..I’ll move on to photography but remember…..because we all have the responsibility to never forget!


09-13-0696So the day for testing a new camera was just that…a test. If it wasn’t for a call to Ray Sachs, the XE-1 would be in the river. No, it wouldn’t be a floating test…it would be a how fast can this stupid camera sink to the bottom of the river test.

See, Fuji has this sense of humor. They implement a thing called Dynamic Range in the processor. Well, I don’t like or believe in this Dynamic Range thing. I am a raw shooter, just like how I eat my clams and sushi. So I’m testing the 21mm Skopar and the 35 1.4 Nokton. I had a conversation with both lenses and tried to ease their mind because they really like the Nex6. The both agreed to work the day with the new kid in the bag. The Skopar was first and I’ll tell ya….that lens has a real bad azz atitude. See no matter what I did, the Skopar was over exposing. Oh yeah….like it was teasing me. My highlights were blown 2 stops easily. I guess I look kinda nutty standing in front of the Liberty Bell talking to a lens. Well, I ain’t that stupid…I had the lens on the XE1 and so it looked like I was talking to the camera…..something every street shooter does naturally.

09-13-0700Anyway, Ray explained to me about dynamic range and I did as her suggested and that saved me a walk to the river…..and of course as we all know…the XE1 ain’t a Sony Nex so it can’t swim. Oh….sure, the Nex firmware update that is only available to a small, really small group of just one Philly streetshooter lets the Nex6 swim.

So after an exhausting trip to a few cemeteries and memorials….all by bus, I managed to just snap off a few. Tomorrow promises to be a better day for photography but the same old shit for our MIA/POW brothers and Sisters.


This blog post is dedicated personally to:

SFC Daniel R. Phillips

USA 07  Feb 1968  SVN    MIA Pa

September 15th, 2013 ….. A Good Looking Shooter in a Mirror Saves the Nex6

9744045704_1cf96549a6_hSo I already know I’m this good looking shooter on the streets. What I didn’t know was that the guy in the mirror was making my photo cause he thought so too. Ahhhh geeze….I flatter myself.

Olivier and I had a talk yesterday and I expressed my disappointment that I spent a few hours on the street with the GRD4 and that was in a three month period and a photo went to Explore on Flickr. That’s nice but that fast a shot goes to Explore. I told Olivier that I was wondering about my Nex6 shots. Maybe I like the cameras but the photos aren’t reaching out and being appreciated.

Well this morning I got word that the infamous mirror man went Explore. That actually put my mind to ease.

09-13-0564The thing I find with the Nex and I’m sure it’s true with any similar camera is that it forces you to stop and think maybe for a fraction of a second but it does that. If I put the 21 Skopar on it’s faster then almost anything out there. Set f/stop, set distance and faster then snap focus. Great….but mow using AF lenses, there is a fraction to a second that requires focusing. This is disconcerting to me but also, rewarding in the sense that this process makes me double check my intent.

09-13-0317NYC, 21 Skopar guess focused

It’s that time for AF that I am exploring. As you shooters know, a fraction of a second of eye contact can seem like an eternity if your on the camera end. It’s in this time frame of AF that I am going to study my approach and intent to see that my results add up.

09-13-0561 In the meantime, here’s a shot of Shooter World here in Philly. I try to describe this to my shrink but he don’t get it…..

September 13, 2013 ….. A brief Walk with the Ricoh GRD4

09-13-0546So, Olivier got my GR and I got the Zeiss 24mm for the Nex. Fair trade and we would never argue about any values so it’s a done deal. Turns out he sold the GR to a fella here in Philly and shortly he’ll be using that Panasonic LF-1 thing. Anyway, I can honestly say that in no way do I miss the GR or the experience of using it.

09-13-0537The GRD4 will fill the non void of the GR. The thing is for me, the GRD4 has a way of just being there, working and never intruding on the process. I have had a few conversations with the GRD4 and we came to an understanding that both of us can live with. I have to redesign some presets for the GRD4 for low light/high ISO use. I will attend to that shortly.


09-13-0543Nothing like a Self Portrait…yeah, yeah….in the mirror..the guy in the red shirt. You do know it’s Friday and that means to wear a Red Shirt to support the troops.


09-13-0550All in all, the GRD4 is a great camera and I always knew that. I am not rekindling a love affair with the camera because the flame between us never went out.

It’s a crazy thing but I really enjoy the experience using the Nex6 cameras. Regardless of method of focus or lenses, the cameras are up to the task and do it very well. So the GRD4 now moves back to the pocket and of course will be at the ready. My responsibility of making the presets for him will be completed shortly. The Mex6’s will carry the work load because they make me aware of the here and now and make me think as I work. No auto drive for me….I want to claim full responsibility to the intent of the images I make.

09-13-0547Have a good weekend and keep out of trouble………


September 12, 2013 ….. Some Things I Learned From Edmund Bacon Part One

09-13-0530Ed and I had worked on the book for sometime. See, we were collaborating on a book of  his words and the inspired photos I made to go with his writings and of course he wrote for my photos in return. Ed told me many stories about what and how he learned the many facets of life he was interested in. He explained to me how the concept of the City was recognized by him and how it had taken the reigns of his life. He asked me to make a photo of an egg with blood veins in it. Sure Ed, no problem…….

So I went to a place 30 miles away named Moyer’s and I bought 1 dozen eggs with some guaranteed to have veins in it. I had me view camera set up with lighting that would make the shape pleasing and also capture the veins Ed wanted to see. I shot many eggs trying to get what Ed had in his mind but I didn’t have in my mind. Finally, one day I went to Ed’s house on :ocust street and as we sipped on some tea, I let Ed check out the recent crop of images.

Ed gazedd upon the eggs standing tall but yet slightly bent over from age. His feet anchored on the floor by his black shoes that appeared to be made of led. Ed flipped thru the photos studying each and every one very carefully and then……he just stopped and froze, looking down at one of the photos. I saw a tear in his eye and he said to me, this is it….this is what I saw as a young child. I  was actually in shock. I couldn’t believe that what was in his mind was now in both of our hearts.

He called me over to the table and put his hand on my shoulder. As we gazed upon the photo, he explained all about how the city was the central heart of society and how the veins of the egg were like transportation routes for the dwellers to get around.

09-13-0523One day we were driving up Kensington Ave and as we passed Somerset Street, I said to Ed…Isn’t it a shame there’s so many junkies around…….

Ed looked at me as I was driving and said….”Dear Don, someone has to be the city planner, someone has to be the photographer and someone has to be the junkie….just be glad it’s not you……

September 11th, 2013 ….The 50mm Summilux Saves a Woman and her Kids….

09-13-0506It was 91 degrees today as I walked along the hot humid sticky street they call Market. I decided to cut up to Arch Street going North on 8th. I turned onto Arch and as I walked just past the parking lot, I heard a woman’s voice calling out…..hey mister…. I looked left and saw a young Black woman with 2 kids sitting on some cardboard. I walked down the street and asked her what the heck she was doing here. She said she and the family came down here to look at an apartment. Her boyfriend had the money and said he’d be right back a day and a half ago. He never came back, no cellphone, no money for the apartment and no money to eat or use transportation.

I got this wretched feeling brewing in my stomach. After a few minutes I went to get some water and some Vietnamese hoagies for them to eat. So of course beings the Nam Vet and wanting to help everyone, I asked what she planned on doing. Sh said she had to get this apartment cause it was a great deal and she could paint it and get money off the security deposit.  I asked where she intended to get the money and she immediately said that The LORD would provide.

The stomach thing is now quickly moving to the heart. I told her to hang there and I’ll be back……well, I had no cash on me because I’m working some bad streets later. I have no wallet or cards with me. As I entered the Pawn Shop I wondered if the knucklehead would work with me.

I left in around 10 minutes with $450.00 cash and minus 1 Leica 50mm Summilux. He said I had 90 days to get it out and no one would touch it. As I entered the street where she was sitting, I thought if I was doing the right thing. It felt right because she was real, no tracks on her arms or legs, no signs of drugs etc. So I smiled and she asked me where I went. I showed her the money and she said….I told you The Lord would provide.

We all walked to the corner and she paid the man inside the store the $350.00 and he gave her the keys. I helped her get upstairs and gave her my cell # if she needed it. She smiled and hugged me and cried…..I almost cried too but of course Streetshooters don’t cry, they make photos so others can cry.

Anyway, it’s that time of the year again when the Homeless Advocates Group gets very active and me too……..