If you go back to last year on my blog post, you’ll see that I had an X20 and was very excited about it. I do remember developing a set of presets for it but alas…they are in digital oblivion. So I have to start all over again. Anyway, Olivier sent me the X20 because he could and John the DC Shooter sent me a package with goodies to finish the camera off.
So I took the X20 out for a walk and we ran into some photos I missed with my other cameras. I’ll post them on this post but have to improve the IQ to suit my needs.I remember the camera as being a GRIT Machine and that’s ok within reason but it’s important to be able to clean up the files also.
As a street camera the X20 opens up a few possibilities. First off of course is the addition of as Zoomie lens. It covers 28mm – 112mm. The interface is the usual Fuji layout. You don’t have to fight with the X20. It just works with you and supports what you are trying to do with it.
I haven’t names it yet but I’m thinking of Walker again. Of course Walker is after Walker Evans. Dunno, not sure but I am open for suggestions.
How’s this……: You the loyal faithful readers of this blog…if you post a name in the comments and it gets selected, then I’ll name the camera after the name you submitted and send you a real good set of presets. So, get that brain cell working and submit your name for the X20.
That solves that issue. The streets in Philly are cold, windy and in a state of numbness, not because of the weather directly but because of the weather indirectly. It’s taking a toll on me and the other Market Street Dwellers.
It’s not everyday in Philly you see a woman wearing a Leica 240 and a 35mm Cron. She wears it well but her choice of a hat is definitely not Leica. Tsk…Tsk….!
Inspiration is not where you think it is or even should be. I used to love to teach workshops in the winter and then my DR at the VA said I was maybe crazier then they thought. After a few years, now I see the light and it ain’t the winter light either.
The responsibility of a teacher, mentor or friend to a shooter is to provide stimulation, inspiration, some answers and of course more questions. I now at 64 feel inadequate to fulfill this mission in the winter. It’s not the actual age that hinders me but the knowledge I’ve accumulated in those years. I know that I am more self inspired in the Spring, Summer and Fall. Notice the Winter is excluded…..! I have a hard time even doing my responsibilities at Flickr and forums. I try but I’m more withdrawn and feel that one should be as honest as possible when providing inspiration to another. Oh….sorry…the Fuji X20.
I think Olivier knew I was on a soft slide down. Oh, I do what I need to do for the Magazine but for myself, not much. He sends me the camera to inspire me and of course I’ll have to spend time making Presets and by the time it’s all satisfying…the weather will have changed and I’ll be off and running once again.
Don’t think fer a second that I’m depressed….no way….uh uh…ain’t nuttin like that! I just am tired of the weather dictating how and what I should wear, make photos of, spend my time on the street,etc…..
I’ll be back…….. Don’t forget to drop a name in the comment box and collect your set of presets…..
Peace………….all over ok……….!