Tag Archives: Voigtlander

September 8th, 2013 Manhatten Stories, Chapter One

09-13-0464Olivier and I met in NYC this past week to do some work on a video. It was an analog meeting not a digital one. We spent many hours walking the streets and shooting with his Nex 7 on video mode. It’s a real task for me to do video. I mean, one is required to be in the here and now but with time being fluid. I hate that. There’s the issue of continuity and shake from the camera. I don’t do good with either. Anyway, he did most of the video work and I really just made photos. There’s a feeling of being captured by the camera that I don’t care for. I don’t mean single frame, that never bothers me as I do it so it can get done to me….never an issue.The movement and continual recording makes me uneasy but Olivier handled the situation with ease.

09-13-0363Aside from doing our planned business itinerary, I managed to do some street work. I’ll process a few here and there and post them as the time passes.

09-13-0436 This really isn’t about gear but if it was and it’s not….don’t get it wrong….I’d then tell how much I really love working with the Nex6 and any lens it has attached to it. This isn’t about gear so I won’t tell you that and I won’t tell you how the GR has finally found a resting place but not with me because the camera needs medicine and I have enough problems and I’m not taking the GR to the camera shrink to get fixed. Now Olivier can do that and I’ll just keep using the 24mm 1.8 on one Nex6 and then use the Voigtlander lenses on the second body.

09-13-0345I always talk about intrusions. Maybe I was intruding on this loving French couple. They were in a deep romantic embrace as I walked over to them and make the picture.

The French have such a romantic way of telling you to F*** Off!

September 4th, 2013 … a Keeper of the Light, finds a new Keeper of Time

09-13-0087A watch is a very special thing to wear. It does a lot of stuff like keeping time, the date…oh well…..my iPhone 5 does not do these things as elegantly as my watch. Well, I’ve been loosing weight thanks to my meds and I needed to have a few links removed from the band.

So I head downtown and of course the Nex6/21 wants to go for the ride. There’s this guy at the jewelery stand. The jeweler is removing links from the band. He says it’s about $8.00 and includes a new battery and it will take 15 or so minutes. Cool beans I said….

Well, I’m standing there with the camera hung on mu shoulder. Then this guy comes over and he gets hypnotized in about 10 seconds. I mean, he’s breathing but nary a muscle moves except those associated with his head and eye movement. He’s like a statue and is lost in the magic of the watches. Of course the moment called for a photo. So I decided to do the Decisive 15 Moments.

I raised the camera and pointed it to the guy intoxicated by the shining watches. He doesn’t see me. He don’t care, he’s high as one can be from the watch high. He doesn’t see me, hear me, feel me or even care that I just made a photo.

Ok, your watch is done. I tried it on, perfect. Then I pay the jeweler and the guy says to me and the jeweler….man, those watches are great….do people really wear these things anymore. I immediately raise my left arm to show him my watch, just a ticking and a tocking away…..

The jeweler raises his arm and shows the guy his watch just a ticking and a tocking away…..we both say to the guy….yo, bro….real men wear watches because they want to and because they can.

He said, I’ll take the one with the black leather band…….. I smiled and walked away knowing another man has found the way to be an eternal keeper of time. Time keepers are right up there with the keepers of the light. Guess who they are…….

September 4th, 2013

09-13-0062Yesterday I went to town because I got a call from some photos that were lost and needed me to bring them home. So as I was wandering around, I walked into the Municipal Services Plaza and I looked right and saw this guy coming out of the passageway. I raised the Nex6 with the 21 Skopar and changed the focus distance and f/stop in way less than a second. As I took aim…he looked right at me and I clicked.

I could feel his energy but not anger. Myself, I always avoid confrontation at all cost. Well about 30 seconds later I feel a tap on my shoulder. “Yo dude, did you take my picture?”  No, I said…I made a picture, I didn’t take anything. He had a look in his face that read as …he understood what he didn’t understand. I showed him the back of the camera and he looked at the image with a sincere interest. “Can I get a copy of that man?” Sure I said and I emailed him a file ready to print.



September 1st, 2013


09-13-0001It’s the first of the month and the end of summer is near. The number of tourist will slowly dwindle to just a few here and there. The street vendors will take new positions and try to sell the same old stuff to the same old pedestrians. Alls well so far. Some things don’t change and for the Homeless, this time of year marks the hunt for a winter home, location, shelter, food, medical etc for the upcoming cold air, snow and the uncalled for cold of the more fortunate dwellers of the city.

09-13-0015Photography is multidimensional. For me, I try to get myself into my work regardless of the input or output. I need that feeling of internal connection to where I am, what I’m doing and how I’m doing it. That’s what they call the Here and Now. I call it that too so don’t get it wrong. So making photos becomes an act of something without a restricted boundary.

The idea now becomes to work and get the same level of satisfaction from your photos no matter what they are or what the original INTENT was or is. You are on the way to becoming The Complete Photographer.

09-13-0009What that means is, even if your a street shooter like me, you can find your images anywhere you find yourself with a camera. Sometimes we get into a lull and feel non-productive. Maybe that boundary needs to be stretched somewhat or even a different location, camera, lens, thought train etc. It’s all natural and it’s all good.

09-13-0012 All of the above are just thoughts racing thru my tired mind. Pay no attention to anything I say or do unless you want to because I don’t pay attention to what I say or think and I really should because supposedly it’s my mind doing all this but I ain’t really convinced it’s me anyway.

09-13-0024 If you saw the look of horror in this kids face…..well, what are grandparents for anyways?

Sometimes I think I’m invisible as a shooter. I mean, I’m the man on the streets….no one can see me even when I make a photo….

The next photo is proof of my power of invisibility……


Philadelphia … August 28, 2013

08-13-0779These photos were made yesterday. After I got home yesterday I had to wash some dishes, make the bed and a man’s favorite thing in the world to do….. change the cat litter. Oh yeah, talking about getting in to the poopie, well this is the highest form of what that means.

My cats name is Barsik. My wife Tanya tells me that it’s a good Russian name for a cat. I love my cat, he keeps me company while Tanya is away with her family. I feed him, make photos of him pet him and most of all…..clean his toilet. Oh yeah….I’m that guy. Ya know…I wouldn’t mind so much but Barsik just sits there while I scoop the litter and inspects everything I do.

See, he understands English very well. If I ask him if he wants to go out, he walks to the kitchen door and is ready. If I ask him if he wants some food, he goes right to his clean bowl that I was 3xs a day. If I ask him if hes tired, he goes and lays down and takes a nap. He’s a professional sleeper and I’m told that sleeping is a trait that all cats no matter where on the LORDS green earth live, they share that and do so very professionally.

With all this that he has going on, why does he have to sit 1 meter away from me and watch while I clean his S**T?

08-13-0777I notice that many people don’t seem real happy these days. Of course we all know the economy has improved. I mean all the politicians, doctors, lawyers are taking wonderful vacations while the majority of citizens that pay their salary are home cleaning cat shit from the litter. There’s a certain reward in that. NO! Not cleaning the shit but taking paid vacations from people that can’t afford it.

Am I being CRUDE? Maybe….Am I being sarcastic and political, maybe. What’s this got to do with photography?????????????

This attitude is the attitude on the street. That’s what is permeating the air on the street. That’s what shooters are seeing and making photos of on the street.

08-13-0761So the stuff is out there if one chooses to find it. It’s almost impossible to miss it well….unless your a politician, doctor or lawyer etc. If your just a human being, the smell and visual playground of the street is where you will find your work…..be careful…you’ll probably find yourself out there too. See, the streets are unavoidable because if your a living person, then you’ll find life out there. The street is life.

08-13-0769Well, enuff fun for me. See, Barsik wants a snack. That means I get to lay on the couch and watch Jerry Springer and throw pieces of cat treats to the dining room so that Barsik can chase them and have some goodies to eat. No, I did not train Barsik to do this….I am very open minded and he taught me well. After that I get to go to Barsik’s toilet and clean the fresh new poopie from the litter.

It’s raining out so I can’t go out and make photos so I’ll play with Barsik, think of Tanya and let’s see…hmmmm…0800…time for a Kona.

Philadelphia … August 26, 2013


From now on, I’m planning on titling the blog post on the date like above. If you have a better idea, let me know…..thanks…don

The weather was nice this morning. Uh…let me see… I’ll explain the way youse will grasp it. Slightly overcast and exposure about 1/400 f/8. Choose your own ISO. My cameras choose mine. I got off the Elevated train at 30th St Station so that I could get the tickets for New Your on the 5th of Sept.


I’m hiring that guy up front to walk around the city to entice shy shooters to make photos. I think it’s a better idea than what that other guy teaches. Anyway, this New York thing is Olivier’s idea. Well, he started the idea and then we both got it rolling the way we do. It’s a funny thing….I’ve taught workshops live on the street but never did a Video. I was reluctant at first but the kids energy just feeds me in a way that I see things his way and then we make it our way.

The Inspired Eye magazine is proof that it works. He’s the driving force behind that until we get it going. The Presets are basically my idea from concept to delivery to Oliver and then he packages it real nice and sends me a little money once in a while because they are selling….my wife likes that part the most.


08-13-0739What the hell’s all this got to do with making photos Shooter? …… Relax…..I’m getting there. Well, this about a frame of mind. See, when you get preoccupied with things they have a way of flooding into everything your doing.

See that guy over there……nope, the one behind that young lady…..yeah that’s him. He’s lucky cause he’s got the means to allocate the energy moving around his life. That lady there with the yellow dress, she’s a secretary and takes her work home all the time. Then there’s the plumber, electrician, teacher, IT person, lawyer etc.

Everyone has to serve somebody. Geeze, Dylan said that. So what that means is, when you get out there on the street, you must know how to get into the here and now and work to the most focused way that you can.

08-13-0746Variation On A Theme Part 1

08-13-0747Variation On A Theme Part 2




Some of you get me and that’s very cool. Some don’t and I hope someday they do. For the most part, I’m just a guy that’s totally involved in photography and always was and always will be. I believe the way things progress and get better is if someone has knowledge about something, that person has a responsibility to spread it around and does. That’s all I’m trying to do.

Till next time, get the hell out there and make photos……..


Streetshooter’s camera and lenses had a union meeting…….

Nex 6 ColorIt’s a great thing to think of a camera as a tool. Man o’ man, I wish I could do that. Such a shame that I can’t……so the GXR has been pardoned and saved by Nex6. Oh yeah, I think they planned it all along.

GXR 3See, I put the GXR M on eBay the other day because I wasn’t using it as much as I should because the GR was hoggin’ the limelight and the Nex6 was afraid to speak up. Well, low and behold it didn’t sell. The Nex6 told me to think about what I was doing…..hmmmm methinks I should listen to my cameras.

GXR 2So I set up a meeting with the camera crew and of course the lenses wanted to have their say also. Well of course GR got nervous because she’s a one eyed camera. Look, she tried to convince all of us that she can see like 35mm and even 21mm if I wanted to. GXR M told her that GRD4 had that covered and was even better with grit than her…….I know she was pissed but she maintained her cool….

GXR_Well, here’s what they wanted me to think about and plan on doing. It was agreed by GXR M, Nex6 and GRD4 that GR was a bitch and had a bad attitude. GRD4 said that he needed a long earned break but not retirement, just some time off with pay. We all agreed and then GR told GRD4 that he was being replaced by a classier her….hmmmmmm I wonder about that…….

Nex 6 B&W 2

Nex 6

Well, Nex6 got pissed off at me and said that it wasn’t fair that he had to do all the lens crap I like to do. He said he wanted to choose which lens and when it would be used by him. Then Nex6 stated that GXR M could cover like he could but without a finder, could make me work differently. I thought about it for a spell and agreed to spend time this weekend to try this 2 camera thing out. Ya know, it’s so crazy…it just might work.

I asked the cameras which lens they wanted to use and they agreed that Nex6 would mount the 35mm 1.4 Nokton and GXR M would mount the 21mm Skopar. GR would just sleep in the bag and come to work only in an emergency. Of course Nex6 and GXR M and myself set out to prove that we could do it all and not need the GR bitch for the weekend. She smirked and took a nap in the camera bag. That’s another story and I’ll get into it tomorrow after I get back from the days shoot.

I told the cameras and lenses and bag that I was the president of the union, the treasurer and the shop steward so I decide what, when and who do what.

They all told me to F+++++ off and that they would get both computers, the iPhone 5 and LR5 on board with them if I didn’t watch myself.

So I don’t call my gear tools, first off I’m not allowed. That’s in clause 119 section 21 of the contract we all signed. I found out why the GXR M didn’t sell…… HP Envy sabotaged the listing so that it wouldn’t. This was Nex6’s idea and it worked.

Nex 6 B&W 4

Maybe you think I’m crazy and that’s a strong possibility but I love my cameras and gear and they love me back.

I’ll do another post here tomorrow and put some shots from the day…..

Thanks all…

Nex 6 B&W 1

Just a few from the Ricoh GR and me……

08-13-0568Allrighty…it’s the duty of every street shooter to look at the boundaries set and then find a way to uh,,,ya know move them a little. Well, far be it form me to want to do anything different…..

So I got the GR in my hand,,,,rephrase needed…I got Tanya in my hand. She’s back to being called Tanya because I am keeping her and not getting a digital divorce. For youse that think I’m crazy….I name ll my cameras and the GR is Tanya.

Any wayz….I’m walking and I see this guy talking to himself, leaning against a wall. My Doctor tells me that it’s OK to talk with yourself….it’s even ok to answer yourself…as long as you know it’s you doing the talking and answering…..if you think it’s someone else in the conversation….see my Doctor right away….they have a special place for you and it’s very comfortable…..

So I can tell this guy sees the same Doc as me cause he’s having a nice conversation and I understand hime so that means he’s got a few marbles rolling around….don’t we all…..?

Tanya sends me a message to the palm of my hand…time to make a photo….so I get positioned when I need to be and I bend down. I act as if I’m tying my shoe and then CLICK!

The guy sayz to me….”What are you doing”? I replied, I’m tying my shoe….he smiles and says…but you don’t have any shoe laces on…..

I stood up and as I walked away I said…that’s a problem ain’t it……Not for me he said…….

08-13-0581The Transportation Terminal is a special place. There, people are in a state of transition in more ways than one. I shot around 15 frames in a 4 hour period. I felt satisfied that 1 would make the day. As I walked to my bus, I came out of the building and saw this chap just in a deep state of depression. I stood there for a few minutes, camera in hand. People looked at me as if I were nutz…just standing there with a camera in my hand. I felt at home as I love being on the street and love people. Then this guy walked around me on the left….Click………!

Ricoh GR … Life on Philadelphia Streets Part 2


08-13-0547There comes periods of time for me when I just feel and enjoy what I’m doing photographically. I don’t care about the camera, the processing, the … well anything but the act of making photos. I am in one of those times right now. I don’t know how long it will last but I’ll work it until it’s done.

08-13-0541Funny thing is…. I notice thru the years that these periods come around the time I’m getting ready to teach a workshop. Hmmmm?

Well Olivier, you know that Duong chap from Florida…..he informs me that we are getting ready to go to New York and do some workshop things.  Maybe that sparks some kind of energy in my brain. Maybe it gets my juices flowing…..nah! I’m ready to work anytime, never needed any inspiration or kick in the butt.




It’s times like this I don’t have to answer to anybody. I am free to just breathe my images.

One of them young bands that has all my respect sayz…….:

It’s Times Like This You Learn To Love Again……. I’m on the streets tomorrow morning and will report back with some new images…..


Ricoh GR … Life on Philadelphia Streets

08-13-0504Sometimes a man just has to man up and know when to surrender. I did. I guess it’s just the passion and commitment to my work that won’t allow me to just read what everyone thinks about a camera and so, It’s taking me more to embrace the GR than any camera before it.




There’s a vibe on the street. It’s has a changing frequency just like life. It has a sense of humor, just like life. It has a sense of immediacy and with all this going on, the dedicated human with a camera breathes his images. Images come and go just like a breath of air…just like life.


The street is life. If you look close and pay attention you will notice that every little movement that appear insignificant to the untrained eye…is the very movement that causes the finger to hit the shutter. If your not seeing life that way, it’s time to slow down and start because you’ll miss much more than you see and that means many, many photos will never be borne…..